What is your plan for when the zombie apocalypse happens?

I'm just wondering what everyone's plan would be on how to survive and things like that. Oh, and how you would plan for it.

I will post my plan when I get home later :3
No body has a plan? ?? Mine might not be because of walkers ..... but if something bad happens I know a cabin way outta town in the Montana mountains. I will head there. Hot springs , set up for solar power and a hand pump well. I would love it. Even a place for the horses.
Well, No Plans right now but if it does happen, My House is on a concrete slab so I will bust a hole in the floor and create a living space under the house,lol
There is a Costco warehouse store within walking distance of the house. I think securing the building with a few others would ensure supplies for several months while longer plans could be worked out.