What personality did you give Lee?


You can basically choose what kind of guy Lee is by your decisions... was he caring? Secretive? Reckless? Were the decisions for the good of the group or selfish reasons, etc?
On my first playthrough I choose options based on how I think I'd react in the given situation - telling the truth, rescuing kids and chicks before others and taking care of my friends. However I'd prefer if we'd be able to make Lee be a more of a background character as well, instead of being forced to be pretty much the leader of the group.
You can be indifferent to decisions or say Kenny or Lily is the leader. But he does kind of step it up regardless xD

We were working on three files. Mine, my husbands and one I randomly decided to to.
He sided with Kenny, I sided with Lily, and in the third I was basically the asshole (didn't care, instigated fights, made bad decisions, etc). I based most of my decisions around Clementine (for example, not killing the brothers).
I know that you can choose to side with Kenny or Lilly when they have their argument. However all decisions always end up on you, with exception (SPOILER AHEAD) of Lilly killing one of the people in the group.

I know it's a game and that all decisions are supposed to end up on you, but I can't help but feel that other characters depend on you too much sometimes.
Maybe they did it that way just so it feels more like he's the main character, and that it revolves around you more.

Forgot to mention, all of those files were lost before we started chapter 4 because of an error so we didn't get to see how our decisions affected things later on. When we finally played through again we mainly sided with Kenny.
Yeah, that's why it was made that way. Still feels a bit too forced on you, some other games let you choose a bit more and have several different endings to each decision, but in this game we usually only had two, maximum of tree, but the third option was always neutral xD