What They Didn't Know

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A/N: I know this storyline is kinda beat or over used but i wanted to give my take on it.

Summary: Sydney comes back after her kidnapping two years later and discovers the child she never remembered untill now. Does she tell Vaughn or keep it to herself? How else will find out? Also Nadia came in while Sydney was gone so Sydney will be living with her and she (Nadia) is dating Eric (Weiss).

Chapter One
Michael Vaughn let out a heavy sigh as he heard his alarm go off. He sincerely was not looking forward to the day ahead of him. She’d been home or what she now calls home for two days, and for those two days she was on his mind all the time. She’s all she ever thought of and he’d figure by now all he’ll ever think of, but fate would have its way and prove Michael Vaughn wrong again.

Sydney Bristow rolled out of bed and took a deep breath as her feet touched the cold wooden floor. Rolling her eyes she stood, also figuring that this would be a perpetual day. Making her way to her bathroom, she looked in the mirror and shook her head she still had bags under her eyes. She dropped her pajamas and got into the shower relaxing herself or doing the best she could at least.

Stepping out of her sister’s car Sydney and Nadia walked into the Central Intelligence Agency with fake smiles plastered all over their faces which didn’t go unnoticed by Eric Weiss who met them at the entrance with a real smile and hug. Heading towards the elevator as fast as they could trying to avoid all the people, who were dumbfounded at Sydney Bristow’s return , Sydney ran smack into a snotty blonde knocking all her stuff out of her slimly hands.

“Watch where you’re going.” Lauren said angrily with a voice that made Sydney, Eric, and Nadia want to scream.

“Watch where you’re breathing, and have a mint.” Eric said as he walked past her with the ladies towards the elevator.

“Hold it please.” Someone yelled. All of them realized who had spoken and looked at each other and Sydney gave an eye roll towards the man heading towards the elevator.

‘Hm…and I thought my day would start to suck when I actually reached my desk.” Sydney thought to herself as she moved out of the way so Vaughn could enter with his wife.

“Thank you Eric.” Lauren said as she stepped next to Sydney trying to separate her and her husband as much as possible. Eric nodded not wanting to provoke Lauren to talk anymore.

The ride to the eighth floor was suppose to be short but soon turned into eternity with all the awkward silence and avoiding each others gazes or death stares. Taking repetitive deep breaths Sydney tried to keep calm and not explode at Vaughn for making him and his wife stand within to feet of her. Finally the elevator doors opened and Sydney couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

“Sydney glad to see you’re back alive and well.” Someone said as the continued to walk right by the elevator.

“Let’s got find your father.” Nadia said as she left Eric to beat on Vaughn.

“What the hell man?” Eric asked as he grabbed Vaughn’s arm.

“What are you talking about?” Vaughn asked quietly trying to calm Eric down.

“You’re trying to make her day even worse aren’t you?” Eric asked as he clenched his fist and jaw.

“No, I’m not I had no idea she was even there.” Vaughn said totally lying to Eric he really just wanted to as close to her as he could with an excuse that Lauren couldn’t question.

“Whatever.” Eric said and walked off with his fist and jaw still clenched towards his desk.

~Elsewhere in the building~

“Sydney, how nice to see you back at work.” Dixon said as he motioned for her to sit down next to Marshall. “Now you know we the CIA have been trying to discover what has happened in your past two years and well Marshal came up with this.”

Sydney looked up at the screen from her laptop. “That’s a baby sir.”

“Yes we know, a baby that they want us to find, he has your last name on what seems to be a birth certificate.” Dixon said as he hit the clicker and flipped to and enlarged picture of the piece of paper. He watched as Sydney just stared at the screen remembering something from her dark two years.


“Ms. Bristow, is there anyone we can contact for you?” The nurse asked kindly as she checked her vitals.

“No, but thank you anyway.” She said returning the kindness then glaring at the women that sat beside her. Her face was shady, but she could make out that her hair was blonde.

“Good.” She said knowing Sydney could’ve just screwed up the whole plan right there. “I assure the baby will be sent to his father.”

“If he doesn’t I swear to God, I will kill you.” Sydney threatened heartlessly with a stare stair towards the blonde’s way.

“Have you thought of any names?” she asked as another nurse entered.
“Yes.” Sydney said plainly not really in the mood to talk with the pains that were shooting through out her body.

“Well.” She asked “What names have you chosen?”

“Michael.” Sydney said blandly hiding her emotions very well.

“Very original.” The blonde said sarcastically as he eyes widened in fake shook.

“Thank you.” Sydney said returning the cruel sarcasm.

“Michael what?” the nurse asked.

“James.” Sydney said with a more sweetly toned voice then she had towards the blonde. “I’ll call him Jamie for short.”

“I like it.” The blonde said.

“Great since it’s your kid and everything.” Sydney said sarcastically with a fake smile.

“Why don’t you take a nap?” she asked rudely.

“Well being I’m having labor pains it would make it hard.” Sydney said glaring at the women trying to hide her pain but failing.

“Ok Ms. Bristow we’re ready to begin pushing.” The doctor said. Sydney was so busy bickering with the women next to her she hadn’t realized the doctor even came in.

~A few hours later~

Sydney smiled down at her son as she gazed into his bright green eyes that he inherited from his father among many things. He had his father’s jaw, mouth, ears, and chin but he had Sydney’s nose ‘thank god’ she thought as she kissed his forehead. She watched him for awhile memorizing everything she could knowing she would be forced to forget.

The nurse had arrived for the information she would need for the birth certificate. She sighed knowing that dumb blonde was going to show up to take her baby boy away from her. “Your daddy will take care of you.” She said and kissed his little cheek and looked up and saw of course the dumb blonde.

“I don’t want to bicker.” She said as she came over and stood next to Sydney.

“I love you Michael James Bristow-Vaughn.” She whispered in his ear and kissed him once again and handed him to the blonde knowing that if he stayed with her he would be killed. “Take him to his father.”

“I will.” She said and left with the screaming baby in her arms and tear streaming down Sydney’s face that never stopped; they only became invisible because no one cared enough to look.

~End Flashback~

“Sydney?” Jack asked as he touched her shoulder.

“Hm?” Sydney asked coming out of her trance looking at the screen still.

“Remember anything?” he asked and watched as Sydney looked past him at Vaughn.

“Nope.” She said sweetly and got up and headed towards her desk.

“That was weird.” Marshall said and received glares from Dixon and Jack as they left the room. He sat there for awhile and stared at the pictures he had of James Bristow but couldn’t place where he had gotten his blonde hair from.

“Marshall?” Sydney asked as she re-entered the room.

“Yeah?” he asked as he looked up at her.

“Where is James at?” she asked as she sat next to him looking at the screen.

“Boulogne-Billancourt, France.” Marshall said as he watched her get up.

“Where exactly?” she asked as Marshall headed over to the printer.

“Here, exactly.” Marshall said and handed her the paper of James’s location.

“Thank you.” She said sweetly and started to walk away. “O and his father’s hair was blonde when he was younger, so that’s why his hair is blonde.”

“How did you know?” Marshall asked.

“Because I couldn’t figure it out either.” Sydney said while she was not looking where she was walking and ran straight into Vaughn dropping her paper. “Sorry.” She said as she bent down to pick it up, but he got to it first and continued to stare at it.
Interesting start :D
I'd love to read more ^_^
I want to know if Sydney is going to tell to Vaughn the truth about the baby :Ponder:
I don't her to because it could be an interesting development :P
But Vaughn will discover it later, he has :lol:

Please PM me when you post more.

Chapter Two

She was not looking where she was walking and ran straight into Vaughn dropping her paper. “Sorry.” She said as she bent down to pick it up, but he got to it first and continued to stare at it.
“What’s this?” Vaughn asked as he looked up from the paper and met Sydney’s saddened gaze with his.
“Nothing.” Sydney said as she took the paper he was motioning for her to take. “Just part of an old file I forgot about.”
“Ok, see you around.” Vaughn said as he continued to gaze into her brown eyes.
“Have a good day.” Sydney said as she turned and walked past him towards her desk. She could feel his intense gaze on her for about a minute and then ignored it and got to work on finding out who had her baby boy and why they were making him so easy to find. After about 15 minutes of searching she saw Nadia coming her way and clicked out of the box.
“Hey.” Nadia said as she reached Sydney’s desk. “How are you?”
“Okay, I guess.” Sydney said as she looked up at Nadia.
“That’s good.” Nadia said “So have you seen your father yet?”
“No, he’s next on my list.” Sydney said as she closed her eyes in frustration ‘How am I going to explain this?’ she asked herself.
“Have fun with that.” Nadia said with a little laugh.
“Yeah, he really doesn’t think I should be back at work yet.” Sydney said with a smile.
“Sydney, a word please?” Dixon asked from his office. Sydney nodded towards Nadia to go meet up with Eric.
“Yes sir.” Sydney said as she got out of her comfortable chair and headed towards Dixon’s office.
“Please sit.” Dixon said as he motioned towards the chair and sat at his own desk. “Marshall is a very bad liar.”
“I know sir.” Sydney said hoping and praying to herself that this wasn’t about Jamie.
“James Bristow.” Dixon said “But you and I both know that, that’s not his real name. That birth certificate was a fake this is the real one, but you already signed it.” He said as he slipped Sydney the piece of paper across the desk and watched for a moment as she read over it. “Michael James Bristow-Vaughn.”
“I don’t know what to say.” Sydney said as she read over the birth certificate. “This is a fake.”
“What do you mean?” Dixon asked positive that the certificate was authentic.
“He wasn’t born in November, he born in early October.” Sydney said as she put the paper down on the table and pointed to birth date.
“That doesn’t concern me as much as his last name does and how Agent Vaughn has no idea.” Dixon said as he leaned back in his chair. “I’m assuming Agent Vaughn is the father.”
Sydney rolled her eyes. “Yeah.” Sydney said mellow toned. Then it hit her. ‘Jamie’s suppose to be with Vaughn, o did Vaughn not believe that blonde women and put him up for adoption.’ She thought to herself. ‘He wouldn’t do that, would he?’

“Sydney?” Dixon asked as he brought her out of her thoughts. “Something you want to share?”
“No.” Sydney said
“Okay, see you are also bad at lying to me, but not as bad a Marshall.” Dixon said. “I could always ask Agent Vaughn about him.”
“No!” Sydney said almost screaming. “Don’t do that.”
“Then tell me what the hell is going on why the fact the Agent Vaughn is a father is being kept from him.” Dixon said matching her tone. “And Lauren doesn’t count as an excuse, only a mistake on his part.”
‘To say the least.’ Sydney thought again to herself. “He’s supposed to be taking care of him. Jamie was taken from me because they were going to kill him and she promised me that she would give him to Vaughn. I’m guessing that was another lie in my abnormal life.”
“What happened then?” Dixon asked as he started to fondle with his pen.
“I don’t know all I remember is giving birth and kissing him goodbye.” Sydney said. “Just let me go the where Marshall says he is and see if he’s there.”
“You’re not going alone.” Dixon said. “Never especially in an emotionally charged case like this. How many people know?”
“Two, excluding myself.” Sydney said reading Dixon mind she answered his next question. “Marshall?”
“No, how do you feel about Eric?” Dixon asked.
“Vaughn’s best friend?” Sydney asked shocked.
“Well, they’re not really best friends anymore.” Dixon said. “A lot of bickering has gone on between the two of them, and it’s quite annoying actually.”
“Yeah I’d think he’d understand.” Sydney said as she stood up. “Is that all for today?”
“Yes, but I have one more question.” Dixon said and picked up a picture of Jamie and pointed to his blonde hair.
“His father’s hair was blonde when he was younger too, it’ll get darker.” Sydney said with a smile and headed towards where Eric and Nadia were standing. “Eric can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure.” Eric said as he turned around and kissed Nadia goodbye and headed towards Sydney’s desk with her.
“I need your help more then I ever thought possible.” Sydney said as she stood in front of him.
“Killing Lauren might be fun but it would also be illegal.” Eric joked with her causing her to laugh.
“I know.” Sydney said with a smile still on her face. “I need your help to get my son back.”
“Hm?” Eric asked wide eyed and his jaw dropped.
“Just come with me.” Sydney said as she headed towards the elevator with Eric close behind her.

~On a plane to France~

“Wait let me get this straight.” Eric said as he took a drink of water. “You gave birth to a baby boy Jamie, and you knew that who ever had you was going to kill you and your baby and someone from whoever took you told you she would take the baby to his father and you believed her because she felt she was telling the truth and now you come back and Vaughn is baby less and Jamie is in France, not to mention Vaughn’s home town.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Sydney said with a nod.
“And you didn’t tell Vaughn that we were leaving to find his son, or tell Nadia that we were leaving to find her nephew. This will not go over well.” Eric said as he looked out the window. “Let’s go find your boy.”
“Let’s.” Sydney said as she looked out the window taking in the view of France from above.

~France: Vaughn’s former home~
Sydney and Eric walked up to the door and knocked and their jaws dropped when they saw who had answered the door.
“Mrs. Vaughn.” Eric said ‘I thought she moved’ Eric said to himself and looked over at Sydney who was still shocked.
“How nice to see you again Eric and you too Sydney.” She said as she allowed them into her home which had toddler toys scattered around all over the place.
“These toys are for?” Eric started the sentence hoping she would finish it.
“Jamie.” She said as she walked around the corner and motioned for them to follow. She led them to where the playpen was with the sleeping 15 month old inside of hit. His green eyes hidden and his blonde hair messed up.