When discovering a planets weather becomes a stereotype

As we gather more accurate observations of extrasolar planets we will revise our classification types to more and more accurate desriptions using Earthlike weather as =1.
With Earth at 1.0
Some planets will be .9990986
Some might be 1.000986
A 2.0 atmosphere might be twice that of Earth.

I would be curious to know if a classification like that is adopted. First tho, I think we need to find more Earthlike atmospheres. Since the search is just beginning I think it may be sometime before we have enough observations to make such comparisons.
Technically, We are a Nitorgen Breathing lifeform. People think we are oxygen breathers because we need oxygen to survive but what we actually breathe is nitrogen with a mix of oxygen added in. We respire 3 times the amount of nitrogen as we do oxygen.