When Does Your School Start?

I moved into my dorm on Sunday (finally!) and started classes on Thursday.
I should really find out when I go and move in...but I can't figure anything out on the schools website. but I know I have to go back sometime in september...after labour day. soo I think around the 4th or 5th
I should really find out when I go and move in...but I can't figure anything out on the schools website. but I know I have to go back sometime in september...after labour day. soo I think around the 4th or 5th

I'm moving in Sept 3rd or 4th, depending on which rez I get, which I still don't know yet because Western is stupid. :whip: but hopefully I'll find out in a day or two. :D Summer's already half over! :eek:

McMaster probably has a housing website Jonathan

--Mandy :angelic:
Wow... thats early. And I thought Aug 28th was bad! Oh... and you're a freshman! Man, you're gonna have a blast. I love high school (well except for the actual work/study/test part :P )
September 11th, my college couldn't have found a better date than this one even if they had tried :rolleyes:
OMV! I'm gonna be a freshman even if I'm girl :P