When Does Your School Start?

mystery_chick said:
You know you will! you'll wanna stay when the year's gonna end. :P
--mandy :angelic:

speaking from experiecne: no you really wont
the hatred and bitterness just increases and increases until in the first week of may you break down and go DEAR SWEET MOTHER OF GOD IS IT OVER YET!!?!? :cry: :o_O: :thud:

its so true

anyway i start in 2 weeks *bitter*
September 5th , well I think it's
Will have to check the date just to be sure :lol:
I so want to go back to school that I know the date of my return to school :P
September 8th, is when classes actually start for me, but i register on the 7th. I know a thursday, why would my school make us go for school for two days and it's over. Well, their defence is: "it's so you can get to know people and teachers."