A bit of a touchy subject for many but I've always enjoyed a good debate around the subject. Although I've only just (two years ago) reached the voting age, and have yet to vote yet (damn these elections only running every four years...), I've always loved to debate around the subject.
My Standing: So, if I am to go by the Swedish system I would be seen as a socialist (social-democrat) which would mean that I lean towards left ("red green"). Although I don't really find my political views that easily categorized.. Anyway..
So basically.. For me I feel that the best thing about this country (Sweden) is our welfare system. We have free healthcare (There's a cap at around £100 / year, after which all healthcare is free), and we have free dental-care until we're 20 years old. As well as with other mechanics that are put into place to make sure that you can turn to something/someone to get help if you're having problems. Economical problems or any other. You can get help without having to ruin yourself. Also school is free.
The "downside" of this is that we have slightly higher taxes. The standard income-tax (lowest rate) is ~30%. But I don't mind really. Because we have all these perks that help people in our society, trying to make sure nobody is left on the outside without a roof over their head.
I am not and never will be against the free market. Competition between companies is a great thing as long as it's somewhat regulated, so that the playing field is somewhat equal. I'm also not against having companies run retirement homes, hospitals etc.. I don't even mind them taking out the profits As long as they're not turning profits by cutting down on necessities.
So, I'm a "lefty" but not a full blown Socialist/Marxist...
So where do you stand?
#politics #left #right #socialist #liberal #conservative #anarchist #enviromentalist #elections #government #healthcare #welfare
My Standing: So, if I am to go by the Swedish system I would be seen as a socialist (social-democrat) which would mean that I lean towards left ("red green"). Although I don't really find my political views that easily categorized.. Anyway..
So basically.. For me I feel that the best thing about this country (Sweden) is our welfare system. We have free healthcare (There's a cap at around £100 / year, after which all healthcare is free), and we have free dental-care until we're 20 years old. As well as with other mechanics that are put into place to make sure that you can turn to something/someone to get help if you're having problems. Economical problems or any other. You can get help without having to ruin yourself. Also school is free.
The "downside" of this is that we have slightly higher taxes. The standard income-tax (lowest rate) is ~30%. But I don't mind really. Because we have all these perks that help people in our society, trying to make sure nobody is left on the outside without a roof over their head.
I am not and never will be against the free market. Competition between companies is a great thing as long as it's somewhat regulated, so that the playing field is somewhat equal. I'm also not against having companies run retirement homes, hospitals etc.. I don't even mind them taking out the profits As long as they're not turning profits by cutting down on necessities.
So, I'm a "lefty" but not a full blown Socialist/Marxist...
So where do you stand?
#politics #left #right #socialist #liberal #conservative #anarchist #enviromentalist #elections #government #healthcare #welfare