Who likes Irina?

In the begining of the 2nd season i liked Irina but then i slowly stopped...sorta i still like her because of her mystec (sp?) but in the episode where syd has her baby and she tells her how she doesnt want a kid i was whats up with that?
soooo what do y'all think?
I love her... and I think her telling Sydney she never wanted a child was a sign of her being evil - and yet she didn't abandon Sydney but instead delivered her baby - so theres still some good in her.
Irina's one of my favorite characters!!! I especially love her towards the end of season 2 and in the season 5 finale where she's at her baddest!! :angelic:
I loved Irina she was superb how u would think is she good is she bad, in season 2 she was superb and how she kept coming back it was gr8 one things for sure I am glad she is not my mum lol
I really love Irina!!!
She says everything so calm, it gives me the chills.
She's an evil mastermind but at the same time she can show emotions, and I love the fact that you can never tell with her whether she's being true or false. The woman is amazing!