Why do people back into parking spaces?


I can understand some of the merits of backing into parking spaces. When you're in a tight squeeze, or when a quick exit might be in order -- band robbers and rock concert attendees and what-not -- I can see taking the time to back your car into a parking space. But what about those people who habitually back into parking spaces? What's up with them?

My theory is that they were all breach babies, but I could be mistaken. Other ideas???
Because if you reverse onto a main road and cause an accident, you are immediately to blame and the punishments are higher as a result. A parking space could be taken the same way too, after all you end up reversing out of a cul de sac onto a thoroughfare :)

But forget the legal side of things for a minute and think how you will feel if you reverse out with limited visibility and run a child over in the car park? You'd never forgive yourself, so some of us choose to do a 3 point turn type manoeuvre to reverse into a spot so we can drive forwards out of it later with improved visibility :)
No, because you were already moving in the open and you have a good look at the parking space and around it, before you drive into it! Always the better option as compared to starting your engine, struggling to turn round and view behind you with your seatbelt on and advancing years making your neck movement limited.
No, because you were already moving in the open and you have a good look at the parking space and around it, before you drive into it! Always the better option as compared to starting your engine, struggling to turn round and view behind you with your seatbelt on and advancing years making your neck movement limited.
Actually, if I was driving in my car, facing forward, and then suddenly had to stop, crane my neck around and back into a space, I would think it would hurt more, and I would be more inclined to rush. I was already moving, see, so I'd want to maintain a constant motion. Whereas if I am backing out of a parking space, I'm already at rest, and I am more conscious of checking my mirrors and making sure I have a clear, unobstructed view.
More accidents occur at the start and end of journeys than mid journey. I presume that having already been driving, my own instincts and reactions are in use, rather than 'starting from cold'.
The main street of town here actually requires you to pull in backwards. A few years ago they redid all of the downtown parking to make a special bike lane. Besides the bike lane they wanted to purposely hinder traffic so that drivers have to go slower. Their solution was to replace the parallel curb parking with angled parking that you must reverse into. The bike lane was then put in-between the angled parking spaces and the actual driving area.

The end result (crudely drawn) is like this.....

********** <-- Store Fronts
////////// <-- Angled parking
---------- <-- Bike Lane
- - - - - <-- Vehicle Traffic
<-- Bike Lane
<-- Angled parking
********** <-- Store Fronts

... and, yes, it is as big of a mess as you can imagine it might be. The bike lanes are hardly used since it is quite dangerous on the road to be riding, literally, squeezed between moving traffic & parked cars. Drivers trying to park have to stop & then reverse into the angled spots while hoping that the car behind them not only stops but also stops far enough behind them that the person parking can actually go in reverse to park.

Throughout the year there are several big events, like the 4th of July festival, that attract thousands of visitors to the town. Watching them figuring out the parking is always fun.
Tim, your crows are so soothing. Luckily I ignore the possibility of them circling over my future prone battered body after a cycle accident.

I rarely drive but when I do I always back in. Next door's cat is horrible, and I'm always in hope of flattening it accidentally. No excuse if I was driving forward at the time.

The only problem reversing into a parking spot was when I drove a minibus and forgot I was towing a low trailer. Amazing how much noise they make when being ground into a brick wall...

I heard a crunch backing out of my driveway the other day. One of my kids friends threw their bike down behind my car and I was running late for work...crunch WTF...stupid kid
No damage to my car but his back wheel is going to be a lesson to him.