Writing Fool
It's quite possible...not knowing what sort of preservatives they put in. But one would think that the can would be sealed well enough to not allow any of it to interact with outside air.Wouldn't some of the components start breaking down after all that time? In his picture, for example, the color is no shade of soda that I ever recall seeing for a Coke product.
I'd have to look next time I'm there, but I thought it was made in the US. Normally you'll see a marking on the bottles for the Mexican bottles. I figure that these would be similar to the "throwback" Pepsi, which at least to me, taste different than the regular Pepsi.US Pepsi or Mexican Pepsi? My wife is a big Pepsi fan and could not taste a difference between the Mexican Pepsi in the glass bottles versus normal US Pepsi in a can.