Wii still got it

So....I waited in line for a total of 15 hours to get the Wii from a local Walmart.
....And it was worth it!
Zelda is freakin sweet, Wii Sports is freakin sweet, and doing the hand motions for shooting a Kamahaha wave in DBZ is freakin sweet.

Anybody else get a Wii as well?
My friend got one. I played with it for a few hours yesterday. It's damn cool. What a lot of people fail to see is that the 360 and PS3 are going to be outdated in 2 weeks by a new graphics card and a new processor for PC. However, the Wiimote will last for years to come.
Yeah, I can't wait to play more games on the Wii.
What I love is the fact there's a speaker in the controller. The others can do their sex toy tilty thing, but man when the ghost giggles whenever Link gets hit.. I love it.
Wii want to play.