What can I say about what Wikileaks has published? I'm not surprised, in war everything is possible, I don't think that the US should be the only ones to blame because no country is innocent of war crimes.
The only problem with the US having their war crimes exposed is that they were considered in the past as the policemen of the world, bringing down dictatorships and defending the innocent. That no longer seems the case.
What people forget is that when you send men and women to war they tend to become more aggressive (which is the only way they have to survive what they are going through) and will probably shoot anything they consider a threat (even when they are not a threat).
The soldiers who commit these crimes should not be condemned, the situation they are in causes them to commit these crimes however when their military leaders and their political leaders give the order to commit the crimes then it should be these leaders that are condemned because they do it not have the excuse that it was in the heat of a battle or in the middle of a war but from behind a desk with some thought behind it.
"When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty."
Arthur Ponsonby
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead."
Ernest Hemingway