Winter Wonderland

You've got me Hook Line and Sinker!!!!
Must know whats going to happen now!!
MICHEAL!! BAD BAD MICHEAL!! and who was the woman he cheated with!! MUST KNOW!!!!
Update and a Pm STAT!!! Keep me on the list!!
you got me, i love it.

cant wait for you to add more...

vaughnie is a bad bad boy!! i better punish him!! :P

pm me when you update...great start...keep it up

omg. hahha.. Mary's letting me Update!!! ahhaha.
we managed to pump out about 6 chapters in the past three days... so yay!!! I get to update!!

And Always Remember: We :love: quotes.

-Chapter 2-

She lied awake that night, thinking about her options and how exactly to tell Michael. It wouldn’t be easy, but she had to, he had a right to know. Right?

It would be wrong to have this baby and not tell him, after all, he would find out eventually. It’d be kind of hard to walk around campus being seven months pregnant, and not have anyone notice.

But she wasn’t that far yet, she still had other options. She could have an abortion, and no one would ever find out about the baby. She could make Kate swear never to tell. It would be the easy way out. But that’s just it, it would be the easy way out. She was never known to take the easy way out.

She could put it up for adoption, but then, what if one day, the child came back into her life. What if, when it was old enough, it found her, and wanted to stay with her. She wouldn’t know what to do. How could she explain to some little kid why she didn’t want it? It would be heartbreaking.

What about Michael? Did he really have a right to know? He cheated on her. Cheated. But she loved him. They had taken that step together. He had been her first, and maybe last. He was sweet and kind, gentle and caring. He would do everything he could to help her, wouldn’t he?

She was just a fool. She had promised herself to wait for marriage, but then when Michael entered her life, she thought he was the one. He had convinced her that it would be alright, that she would be fine. He had broken down her defenses. She believed that it would be ok, that he wasn’t only after sex, he was different, and he would be there with her forever. What a fool she had been.

He used her, he betrayed her. He loved her. That’s what he had told her. But was it true? She loved him, at least she had. At the moment she didn’t know how she felt about him.

As far as she was concerned, it didn’t matter who the father was, it was her baby. No one else’s. She would be the one who ultimately decided what to do with it.


After a restless night, Sydney woke in the morning to the bright light faintly coming through the window of her dorm room. She heard the door squeak open and someone slowly paddle over to the bedside.

“Sydney?” Kate asked. “You alright?”

“No.” She answered sadly, tossing around in bed so that she didn’t have to look Kate, she didn’t want Kate to see her red eyes.

“It’ll be ok.” Kate tried to reassure her, sitting on the bed. Sydney sat up and Kate could see the redness in her eyes. She hadn’t gotten much sleep, if any. “Sweetie, you know it’s not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up for it.”

“Kate, how can it not be my fault! I slept with him! I trusted him!” Sydney’s eyes started to water again, tears following the same path down her cheeks as they had the night before.

“Men are scum, always remember that.” She tried a different approach to calm Sydney. Kate wrapped her arms around her and let her cry as long as she wanted. “Sweetie, we have to go now… Class starts in fifteen minutes.” She reminded sweetly.

“Do I hafta?” Sydney asked, rolling her eyes and pulling her covers over her head. Just what she needed, class. Michael would be there.

“Yes, if you don’t, you’ll get behind.” Kate pushed back the covers, walked over to Sydney’s dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt that said ‘your boyfriend says hi’. She noticed her mistake and decided against giving it to Sydney, it wouldn’t be a good thing to do. In the meantime Sydney grabbed her covers and pulled them over her again.

She grabbed a black scull and crossbones t-shirt instead and set them on the edge of the bed for her. “I’ll go make us some breakfast.” She offered and left the room, leaving Sydney to get up and get dressed.


She rolled over in bed, feeling too comfortable to get out. She didn’t feel like getting up, but Kate was right. She couldn’t get behind on school, she would never catch up. She slowly slipped out from the soft warmth of the comforter and grabbed the clothes on the end of the bed, heading for the bathroom.

She looked at her face in the mirror. It wasn’t Sydney, it was some other person looking back. She didn’t know who she was anymore. She wasn’t confident, wasn’t kind, wasn’t happy, and certainly wasn’t enjoying life.

Sydney splashed some water on her face to clear up some of the redness on her face from a night full of crying. She’d be damned if she let him see her pain.

She brushed her teeth and slipped on the black t-shirt and jeans Kate had chosen for her, savoring the rough fabric on her skin. Jeans sure as hell weren’t maternity clothes.

Applying enough makeup to make it look like she was normal, she looked again upon her reflection, clearly seeing how good she was at making it look like she wasn’t hurt. She would make a good spy, she thought dryly.

She sighed and walked out into the kitchen, ready to get this day over with.

Review please... TBC>>>

Pm List:
Lily Ella
Crazy for Alias
Nancy O
Syd_ Vaughn

shelley g.

great chapter!!! i just wish syd would told vaughn about the baby, he surely needs to know..
but i can't understand why vaughn cheat on syd.... :(
thanks for the Pm, i liked this chapter! :D

She rolled her eyes and then grabbed a strawberry, gently dipping it into the chocolate sauce. She licked it lightly, teasing him. He rolled his eyes. “Want one?” She asked temptingly.

someone's getting frisky... hehe. but with who??
Here's my two cents on Sydney's dilemma. She isn't sure if she should tell Michael that she's pregnant. Sydney, if you tell him, it's a surefire way to get him to feel even more guilty about cheating on you. I say go for it girl! The knife is aready in his stomach...give it a good twist.

Thanks for the PM.

syd has to tell michael it is not far even though he cheated she needs to be fair.
he messed up but he realized it was ending it with that girl. its college for heaven's sake...
great update by the way
thanks for the pm
I think she should tell him...she didn't get pregnant by herself and she should not have to deal with it by herself...Thanks for the pm.
Update again soon.