Words That Have Made You Think Of Alias....

on tv when channel seven does a news update they sometimes start with the weather and because i live in sydney australia they say something like "sydney tomorrow will be fine and sunny 32" etc and i always stop what i'm doing and run to the tv because i think its alias......anyway...moving on!

other words like intel or covert always remind me as well
yea, all what the other ppl said but u will think Im crz but when I say "seriously" or somone says it I allways think of will saying seriously????!!!! in S2, after they (j&s) him their real life! :jump:
sacromere (just learned it in bio) if you say it a lol differently, it sounds like sark-o-mere, there's also sacroplastic reticulum... :D
Just hearing the word "alias" now gets me thinking (fleetingly) about the show - as do spork and Tuesday (both from "Tuesday"), and of course two cities called Sydney (in Australia and in Nova Scotia, Canada). :lol:
47, duh ... i see 47 everywhere! like right now my clock is incorrect but telling me it is 2:47!!!!!!!

Kooky, dude.

Lets see. I'm always thinking about Alias. i try to use quotes from it as much as i can! i freaked out my mom the other day by saying 'you are not my mother'.

of course, its great that my sisters name is Laura! (Laura Bristow)

And i live in Australia, and we have a city called Sydney!

Words like Alliance, union, cia, getaway,

oh stuff it.


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There is someone at school who looks like a miniture Syd and her name is Julia and it gets freaky when she has an identical twin called Lauren and a brother named Michael!
ok ams4alias thats just WEIRD! Awesome and i wish i was part of the family lol but WEIRD! I had to come on here cos yesterday i was washing my stepdads car for him and he has a bumber sticker that said ALLIANCE MEMBER!
I literally squealed and yelled at my sis (she luvs ALIAS to) to come and see it!
We were like so excited! Ok so the sticker means he is part of a construction company and can special parking but hey I DONT CARE!!
We have an ALLIANCE MEMBER sticker on our car lol!! Soz i got a bit carried away
There is this girl named Sydney, who sits next to me in my World Geography 2 class.

I think it's a little weird. There aren't that many Sydneys in the world.
anything and i mean ANYthing anyone ever says i can relate to alias

my schoolyearbook actually has my most said quotes as:

'oh that happened/was in alias'
in social studies we are learning about ancient civilaziations and one of our key terms was covenant i almost screamed but then i probably would have gotten a session
omg, i have had this happen to me so many times!!! one of my friends said alien food and i go "Alias" and adhessieve i heard it all the time and i love the blopper from season 3 w/ G.G. n the other day my mom told me i was chosen for something and thougtht of Syd in being the Chosen one.lol

i guess im just really obssesed.
ummm....i guess CIA and KGB because they are in my World Studies book. And we have a street maned Slone, a town called Alliance, so thats pretty sweet. OH! and how could i forget the number 47? its everywhere!
yea so i have these vocab word i have to memorize for class and i connect them to alias in order to remember them ex. the definition is a deep hatred; bitter....i was like sydney has deep hatred toward sloane..
so i guess that was more like i use alias in my every day life....
but i also have the normaly things that make me think of alias....47,KGB, alliance...and such
but expecially songs that were in it....like i made myself an alias CD with some of the good songs from each season...and ill hear them on the radio...instantly think of the episode they were in and i will know all the words and my friends think im weird
Definately any song lyrics make me think of episodes....like yesterday, i was reading a friend's myspace page, and she had a quote saying "i spend all my time waiting for that second chance..." and i was thinking...i know that quote....then it hit me! Angel, by Sara McLaughlin...

things like that...always think Alias!!
Definitely 47's... they're everywhere!!! So are the phrases "The Chosen One" and "The Man"...

Any mention of covenants makes me cringe... It was especially bad in history last year.
I work at a super-market, and a brand of baby formula is S-26. Always think SD-6. Makes me think Alias, then i want to watch it. Who would think a baby formula could do that?
I was restocking some CD's yesterday at work and came across one entitled Through the Looking Glass . . . I stoped for a minute to make sure I wasn't in a phone booth in Hong Kong and that I could clearly recall the last two years of my life . . . there's no scar, so I think I'm safe!