World of Lies

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>World of Lies</span>
Summary: This is basically the story behind the crazy ending to season four, who is Michael Vaughn and what was he doing before he met Sydney. Sorry about the grammer and spelling mistakes, I am kind of a sloppy typer.

Disclaimer: As usual, I own nothing. Please don't sue.

Rating: Um...Pg-13 to be on the safe side.


Sydney had always relied on numbers. Dates, facts, figures. They were safe, clean, perfect. Numbers couldn’t hurt you, couldn’t exclude you, couldn’t promise, really this time, to come to your birthday, and then call from the road to tell you they couldn’t make it. Everything in her life had a date, a number labeled on it. Number of birthdays her father had missed since her mother died, 21, number of birthdays Sydney had since her mother died, 22. But now there was Danny, and suddenly missed birthdays didn’t seem to matter. God, how she loved him. He was sweet, caring, funny and could make her laugh so hard. Francie loved him to, she thought he was perfect for her.

“I mean,” she always said, “You guys met in a LIBRARY, how much more perfect could it be?”

Sydney could agree more, and as they strode across the campus together, and she stared at the rugged curve of his cheek she thought she had to be the luckiest girl in the world. She had spent 986 days with this man, and every single one of them had been absolutely perfect. Suddenly Danny dropped to her knees and started looking through his bag.

Sydney dropped next to him, “Did you get those tickets?”

“Would you stand up?” he asked.

Confused, Sydney rose.

“Do you remember our first date? The man at the bowling ally?”

Sydney’s mouth began to drop, but before she could say anything, he began to sing, “Why do you build me up, buttercup, just to bring me down…”

Sydney was in shock, “Oh my…” Bells began to ring, Danny shouted at them, which made her laugh.

“Sydney, I hope you will agree to marry me, in spite of what I just did.”

She pulled him to his feet and they shared a passionate kiss.

As he stroked her cheek, Sydney knew this was the best day of her life.


Michael Vaughn sat at his desk in CIA headquarters twirling pens. That wasn’t what he was supposed to be doing of course, but when he was nervous, upset or anxious, he twirled pens and that kept him calm. His best friend Eric Weiss was sitting across from him, trying to make a card disappear. As he sat there watching his friend, a great sadness fell over him.

“He doesn’t know,” Vaughn said to himself, “none of them do.”

Everyone in this office worked for the CIA, followed them blindly, even though they killed their own agents. He thought back to that time five years ago when he first met Arvin Sloane.
It had started with a phone call, a simply call direct to him through an untraceable number. The caller promised the identity of a man the CIA has assigned Vaughn to find, so Vaughn went to meet him. But the elderly, dignified man who looked like a wealthy banker was the last person Vaughn had expected to meet here today.

“Hello,” the older man extended his hand, “My name is Arvin Sloane.”

“Hello,” Vaughn looked around his surroundings, “Interesting place for a meet.”

Mr. Sloane laughed, “Well for my work, we need confidentiality and anonymity. But you will come to learn that.”

“Oh? And why is that?”

“I would like you to come work for me, Mr. Vaughn.”

“I already have a job,” Vaughn pointed out, though he expected the man already knew that, “I’m an analyst with the CIA, and it pays very well.”

“They killed you father.” It was simple and direct, with no preamble, but it sent Vaughn reeling.


“I think you know.”

“He was a CIA agent, the CIA doesn’t kill their own agents.”

“I was there when he died,” Sloane said. “They had taken a little girl hostage, and he left his team to rescue her. The mission was complete, and everyone was safe, but the CIA didn’t like their orders disobeyed, and they killed him. I watched as the rest of the members of the team gunned him down, they tried to kill me too, but I escaped.”

Vaughn placed his knuckled on his face, trembling, he had never known how his father died, only that he was killed in the field.

Sloane placed a cell phone in his hand, “At nine o’clock tonight this phone will ring. I will need you answer by then, Mr. Vaughn.”

Vaughn shoved the phone and his pocket, but Sloane called out to him and he turned around.

“I can help you take revenge on the organization that took your father’s life and tried to take mine. I can help.”

Vaughn was back at his office within a half a hour and sat at his desk the rest of the afternoon into the evening. Suddenly a box appeared on his computer screen, he had an e-mail. Opening it, he found that it contained files, files that proved what the strange Mr. Sloane had told him today. Hate welled up in his throat and he wanted scream and cry at the same time. The CIA, the same group he had pledged to dedicate his life to helping had murdered his father. When the cell phone rang Vaughn picked it up on the first ring.

“So?” Sloane asked.

“I’m in,” Vaughn said without hesitation.

“Good, we can use you as a double agent. Keep this phone with you at all times, that is how we will contact you.”

“I understand, but, Mr. Sloane, what is the name of the group you represent?”


***End Flashback***

Ever since then Vaughn had been working to hurt the CIA in any way he could. But there were days, like today, when he hated himself, hated the bitter, evil, twisted person he had become, bent solely on revenge. Days like today were the worst days of his life.

Please tell me what you think. And replys are welcome.
I can't believe Vaughn worked with Sloane all along!!
Sloane is evil telling Vaughn that taht that was how his daddy died!
I loved the bit when Danny proposed to Syd. It was so great - but we all know what is going to happen next.
Is there more?? Please??
If there is can I get a pm?
Humm Vaughn is a double agent working as a handler for another double agents. Will this mean Sloane knew Syd and Jack were doubles from the start and Vaughn will be good and stop working for them right????

I would love a PM.

Vaughn sat at his desk twirling pens, again. He almost wished the CIA would fire him, then he could go to Sloane, laugh in his face.

“Guess what?” He could imagine himself saying, “They fired me and I quit, I’m going to move to Santa Barbra and surf and play hockey all day long. I quit.”

It would give himself such satisfaction to see the look of shock and that dirty bastard’s face. The strength of his dislike for the man surprised even him.

“I hate him,” Vaughn thought, but a similar, more disturbing thought ran parallel to this one. “I hate him because of what I have become, I hate him because I hate myself. If only Dad could see me now,” he thought bitterly.
His father, the reason that he had teamed up with Arvin Sloane in the first place. “Even if I wanted to quit,” he knew, “even if revenge stopped mattering to me, I could never get out now.” He had seen what Arvin Sloane had done to those he betrayed, even taken part in some of the punishments, and right now, selfishly, staying alive meant more to him than doing the right thing.

“Mike, Mike, MIKE!”

Vaughn looked up to see Eric Weiss standing in the doorway.

“Your cell’s ringing, man.”

Vaughn looked on his desk and, indeed, his SD-6 cell phone was ringing, deep in his thoughts he hadn’t noticed, “Thanks man.”

Eric backed out the door, chuckling, “What would you do without me?”

Once Eric was out the door, Vaughn picked up the phone, “Hello?”

“Where the hell have you been?” Sloane’s voice crackled angrily over the other end.


“We have just received some intel from one of my associates, who has some people in the CIA. One of my agents is going to the CIA, and she has information that could cripple our organization. It is imperative that you handle her case, make sure none of our information falls into the wrong hands and then dispose of her.”

“I understand.”

“Can you do this?”

“It will be done.”

“Good.” Sloane hung up.

Vaughn hacked into the server and changed the name of the agent who was supposed to handle this persons case to his.

The director sat in his office reviewing assignments for that next day when a message popped up on his screen. That was a defector from SD-6, a branch of the alliance in the front office. He sent it on to his superiors, asking them who they wanted to handle the case. In a moment it was returned, but before he sent it one, a name caught his eye.

“Michael Vaughn?” He asked himself, “Michael Vaughn is supposed to handle the case of a SD-6 defector?” He didn’t know the young man personally, but from what others told him, the boy was bad-tempered, lazy and selfish. Nothing like the great man his father had been. Then he shrugged, he was tired and wanted to go home, and wasn’t about to argue with a direct order from his superiors. He hit send, but not before he looked at the name of person defecting.


Please tell me what you think.
This just gets more interesting!
Poor Vaughn.
Sloane is pure evil. I hate him!
Can't wait for more!
Thanx for the pm
Udate soon.
Vaughn was walking towards the room where the defector was being held when Eric caught his sleeve, holding him back.

“Devlin wants to see you,” Eric said.

“I’m supposed to take care of the defector,” Vaughn protested.

“I’m going to be there when she writes the report. You can talk to here after that.”

Vaughn sighed, if this girl said anything to Eric, SD-6 could have some real problems, then he shrugged, “Screw Sloane,” he thought, “I did what I could.”

“Fine,” Vaughn said and handed to folder over Eric. He would still have to dispose of the woman of course, but he doubted there was anything truly damaging she could say until then.

It was over two hours later that Vaughn went in to check on the woman, bringing coffee and some food. She was terse and refused the food, Vaughn could already see the woman had wrote pages and pages.

“Great,” Vaughn thought, “this isn’t some lower level idiot, I will have to get rid of this woman and quick.”

It was almost another hour later before that woman was sitting in Vaughn’s office. As he walked in, he noticed she was staring at the picture of him and Alice on his desk. For some reason that irked him, that this woman was scrutinizing something so private, and he turned the picture away from her. She averted her eyes, embarrassed, and that’s when Vaughn got his first good look at the woman’s face.

“Jesus,” Vaughn thought, this wasn’t a woman, this was a girl. She was probably in her mid-to-late twenties, but with her eye make-up half washed off from her tears, her swollen mouth and the dried blood that outlined the edge she looked about sixteen. Immediately any thought of Sloane went out of his mind, all he cared about know was helping this girl.

He sighed deeply as he sat down, “Well, this could be very interesting.”

“Does that mean I’m in?”
“No,” he gave her half a smile, “not yet, they’re reviewing your statement. It’s… you wrote a lot.”

She looked at her feet, “I know.”

“It’s like Tolstoy long,” he joked, but her face remained stony, Vaughn looked down at his desk, something about this woman set him on edge, “Devlin says it could takes weeks to verify, but I know we could use another double agent in SD-6.” He checked the clock on his desk, “I’m going to get a ride out of here, keep you concealed. Why are you shaking you head?”

The woman gave a bitter smile, “Because you said another.”


“So if you really had one already you most likely wouldn’t tell me until I was authenticated.”

Vaughn smiled, “Gee,” he thought, “this young lady is smart. They didn’t have another double agent in SD-6, Vaughn himself had made sure of that long ago. But he wanted this woman to think someone was watching and monitoring her every move. This would make her less likely to blurt out something to someone one at the CIA that she shouldn’t, thus protecting his cover.

All these thoughts rushed through his head in less than a second, and instead, he focused on the beautiful young woman sitting across from him. He flashed her a sincere smile, “Unless I had an instinct about you.”

“My guess is you don’t,” he could tell that his gaze was making her nervous, “have another double.”

“We might-”

“But you want me to believe that you do so on the off chance that I’m actually looking to be a triple agent I’ll report back that there is an existing mole to upset the balance of my agency.”

Vaughn smiled again, he would love to see this woman go up against Sloane, he could bet she had some things to say to that man, “I’m not trying to play you.”

“We’ll see.”

Vaughn looked down at his fathers watch, fiddling with it, as he always did when he was anxious or stressed, “I have an instinct.”

He looked back up at the woman, her eyes were growing wet around the edges, as if it was taking all her strength to keep from crying. Then she smiled at him, and winced, as the muscles pulled tight around the side of her mouth.

“You need a dentist. Do you have one? ‘Cause I can get you a name.”

She smiled bravely, “I’m all right.”

“I’ll be right back.” He got up and went to talk to Eric about arranging covert transport out of here.

When he came back the woman was standing.

“All right, we’ll be in touch.”

And awkward pause drifted between them, then Vaughn held out his hand, “I’m Vaughn, Michael Vaughn.”

She extended her hand, “Sydney Bristow.”

After she left, Vaughn sat at his desk, deep in thought. After reading Sydney’s folder, how her fiancée had been murdered by SD-6, he knew there was no way that he could ever kill her. He knew he had to find a way to convince Sloane to keep her alive, or, if not, get her into Witness Protection. Vaughn rubbed the edge of his watch and glanced down at the wide face. Confused, he tapped it once, then again. This amazing watch that his father had loved, that one could “set your heart by” as his dad used to say, had stopped.

“Well,” Vaughn shrugged, “It had already been a weird day.” He glanced at he calendar on his way.

It was October 1st.

I know everyone has a ton of questions, and I promise that they will all be answered (eventually, mwha-ha-ha :devil: ) Seriously, please tell me what you think. Also, get ready for some S/V fluff in a chapter or two. :wub:
He was going to kill her!!!! He cant do that, OH six years in the future SYdney is not going to be happy when she gets out of that car accident!!!

Luckly he cant kill her, because he is in love.

Great UPdate
This is so great so far!!... could i get a PM when you update please?... i cant believe vaughn is working for sloane :jawdrop:... this is reaslly good though... update soon... :D
I would like to apologize to my readers, I know it has been forever since I have updated, but I had major writer's block. Luckily, I am writing again, and I have a new update.

He called Sloane next, called a meeting with him. When Sloane go there, he looked annoyed.

“Mr. Vaughn, the defector showed up to work today.”

“I know.” I said.


“Because people at the CIA are starting to suspect me, and if I killed off their only mole in SD-6, then there would be a full blown investigation and I would be found out.”

“We could get you out in time.”

I knew Sloane didn’t care what happened to me, “So far, I have managed to keep the CIA from putting a double inside SD-6, but these people aren’t stupid, if they continued to fail, they would start to believe something was up. But if you leave this young girl in here, and me as her handler, I can make sure no damaging information on SD-6 reaches the CIA and give the CIA the “mole” they need.”

Sloane thought for a minute, then nodded, “Fine, but you can’t come to Credit Dauphine unless specifically told to.”

“I know.”

We shook hands and he left, leaving me to gaze out across the docks. For the past day all I had thought about was getting up to this moment, but now that this moment was come and gone, I wasn’t sure where to go from here. Should I continue to work for Sloane? Did I have a choice? The obvious answer was no, but the more I thought about it, the more sure in my decision I became. I pulled out my CIA issued phone and called Eric, telling him to get down here immediately.

Once Eric got here, I told him everything. From the first time I met Arvin Sloane, working as a double agent for SD-6, my orders to kill Sydney Bristow, and my wanting to play Arvin Sloane in the process.

“We can take down SD-6 in a year, two years tops. If you try to go on Sydney Bristow working inside alone, if will be years and years. So I want to approach Devlin on being a triple, but I need you to vouch for me.”

It wasn’t that easy, of course. It took me talking a lot more, and Eric asking a lot more questions before he would agree to go to Devlin with me.

We presented our plan that we drew up over nights of Chinese take-out, how in two years we could take down SD-6. Devlin didn’t trust me (could you blame him?), and I had to undergo a number of state of the art lie-detectors before he agreed to our plan. He appointed Eric my official partner, and he was in charge of making sure I stuck to the plan. Only the three of us knew about this, Devlin, Eric and I.

Eric and I were having a celebratory dinner, our excuse for hamburgers and getting drunk, when I proposed a toast.

“To Eric Weiss, my greatest friend, who has always believed in me and to the CIA, who now have two double agents in SD-6.”

“Three,” said Eric.


“Devlin wanted me to tell you. They already had a double agent inside SD-6.”

“What? Who?”

“Jack Bristow.”

I tried to place the name. It conjured up an image of an older man, with straight lines and a direct glare, then the name hit me.

“Hold on, Bristow, as in Sydney Bristow?”

“He’s her dad.”

“Wow, that means,” I was quiet for a long while, contemplating what that meant, "Does he know about me?"

Eric shook his head, "Nope. Devlin doesn't trust him, he keeping it within the three of us."

I had a feeling Jack not knowing about my affiliation with SD-6 was a good thing.

“Pass me another beer, Eric,” I said.

Eric laughed, “This is going to be an interesting year.”

I hope this answers some of the questions everyone has been asking, and I am sorry again about taking so long to update. :hide:

:hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:
Great update.
That all works out really well.
I'm glad Sloane didn't kill Vaughn.
It's good that Vaughn is a triple and isn't really a bad guy.
Thanx for the pm
Update soon
Humm What is making Vaughn change his mind so quickly, and why is Sloane still letting Sydney go on missions for him if she knows she is a double. V. Intersting. Great Update.