Xyphien Here


Hello everyone, I am Xyphien. Currently 19 years old I do not watch tv, or ever plan on it. But there is one thing I do turn on the TV for every Sunday at 9PM EST (I like to watch last weeks episode, and then the new episode) and that's the walking dead. I've been a huge fan of the walking dead, and was even thinking about trying to buy Woodbury domain to open up my own forum until I saw this site.

I am a webmaster, and graphic designer. I've been them both for about ten years now, and I do not plan on changing that either. I've also been obsessed with zombies since I was young, I ran my own zombie website for a while there until the inactivity forced me to shut down.

The reason I joined: The domain mame AWalkerBit.Me was original, and awesome which brought me here, but once I saw everything the owner did to the XenForo I absolutely loved it.

Sorry for the long introduction, just thought I'd share some things lol, any way, glad to be here :smiley:
Hello and welcome to awalkerbit.me Xyphien. Stewart has done a great deal of work bringing the site to where it is today and I agree it's an excellent domain and very original. Hope you enjoy your time here. :smiley:

Ps. Just checked out your site, very nice site you have. (y)
Appreciate the intro Xyphien

It's slowly coming together, lots of work etc, but I am sure you have done the same yourself, so you can understand the position we are in. Anywho, we are looking to pretty much gain some members, activity, etc. If you look in the help section, there are tons of FAQ's explaining what all customizations you can do to your profile, what the site offers, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I am almost always on, with the exception of sleep. Haha.

Hope to see you around.