you guys are lucky

Serenity said:
But what about what channel 7 is doing to us now?  I mean it's fantastic that it's now on twice a week, but on the flip side, it means that it'll finish sooner.  grrrrr.

And i'm failing miserably with trying to stay spoiler free too, so your not the only one Katie.

And it's also nice to know there is an Aussie contingent here!  hey guys!

:P  Lauren.

P.S - i would like to point out in this moment in time that it totally sucks having that COW's name!  She's giving all the chicks out there who are also named Lauren a bad rep!

Not only the name, but she gives us Aussie's a bad name! I don't care if she's from England, Melissa's still Aussie! And I agree 100% about the spoilers ... like when you read fanfiction and that type of stuff America's always ahead of us. But ... I was in NZ recently and they're only on season 2!!! Either its repeats or they're REALLY far behind (I'd say repeats ... but it makes me feel better! :rolleyes: )

Love Jess
Just popped by to say I'm an Aussie too, and completely obsessed with Alias! Ask anyone who knows me and they will agree! Waiting for Season 4 is impossible, so I have been watching season 3 tapes over and over...really know everything there is to know about S3 now... Roll on 2005, probably Feb to March for us Aussies for S4, but can't wait for the S/V fluffiness!! ;) Was gonna stay spoiler free, but has anyone else noticed how completely impossible that is?
