You know you're (blank) when (blank)

feeling_like_a_spy said:
you know you're asian when your mom or dad wants you to play a musical instrument
(preferably piano.. or violin.. or cello)

i don't know, in my case, that is
thats troo!!!!
lol! mine too freelancer1... :rolleyes:

Here's another:
You know it's time to do laundry when, after a frantic search causing you to be late for school, you grab a pair of your little sisters Power Puff girls underwear! :lol: :blink:

No this isn't me, I don't have a little sister, and I do my laundry. My friend on the other hand doesn't and it's a good thing she doesn't like ALIAS, or she'd probably kill me if she saw this! :P
erghhhhhhhhh! Grodie dude! lol. :lol:

Here's one:
You know it's time to buy a new book when strangers who go out to lunch everday at the same time and place as you start to notice that you're still re-reading Harry Potter 5!
its okay.. we take them as jokes... okay.. please no one get offended.. please. dont take any of it seriosuly.. i mean i de=issed my own kind.. im a blonde... im mean

u know ur blonde whne tons of people start telling you blonde jokes that dont amke sense.