your most embarrassing moments

Hee hee! Just the other day, I was walking down the hall wearing VERY long jeans and flip-flops. I was kind of in a hurry trying not to be late for class and I TRIPPED and fell FLAT ON MY FACE!! My books and loose papers went EVERYWHERE and not to mention that people stoped their conversations to STARE at me!!!!!!!!! And of course to top it all off, my crush just had to be standing RIGHT there!!!!!!!!!! For some ODD reason, I just CRACKED UP! I don't know why it was funny, it just was! (yeah, I was pretty late for class friday...)
I just read that again. I noticed one thing: I sure do laugh a lot. Now that I think about it, it's kinda strange. The other week was begining of exams. listen to this, its not only that I walked into the wrong class about a million times, it's the fact that by lunch time I had cracked-up about it. I laughed till people stared. Amazing that some people have some kind of laughing disorder! I know I'm on that list! Oh yeah, that time I told you I got stuck in a chair, yeah that cracked me up tooo. You must have one heck of an impression of me now... *blushes and then laughs*
Existentialist said:
today i hit my head in some guys croth when i was standing up after picking up my calculator!!!

AHH! Oh no! :lol: Did you guys say anything to eachother?
LMAO!! ya he was my friend...he thought it was pretty funny lol...he was a good sport about it lol!!
Oh okay... LoL It would have been weird if it was just some random guy's crotch! :lol:

After class today, I was getting into my car... and I somehow knocked my head on the roof. There's a small bruise on my forehead now! It was embarrassing, 'cause the person who parked next to me was getting into his car at the same time, and he saw me. But I just said "F*ing OWW" really loud and laughed.
when i was in year 6 the whole skool was in assembly and we all had to get up to sing sum stupid song and halfway through i started feelin faint and dizzy and it all went blurry and i cudnt hear anything so of course wen the song ended and every1 sat down i was still standing with my eyes rely wide and kind of swaying (this was what my friends told me i was doing aftawards) anyway, the teacher kept saying my name and eventually i snapped out of it and had to go sit down outside. everone was doing impressions of me 4 the rest of the day and my teacher asked me if i had sinus problems! sooo embarrassing

anotha embarrassing moment happened yestaday! me and my friend were out shoppin and were just goin through the door into WHSmiths(my friend was ahead of me) and there was this woman waitin at the side of the door that i hadnt seen (im kind of in a dreamworld most of the time) and this old lady grabbed my arm and goes "you dont just walk past, say thank you to the lady, go on then...!" all these ppl coming out went silent and stopped i just kind of mumbled thank you and ran. my friend had just kept on walking and was laughing at me! i was so embarrassed every time i saw
an old lady i jumped and hid!