You're Joking, Right?

Michael needs to tell her he is not gay, i wanna see what she does

hehe this is funny, i couldnt picture Nadia as the older sister, its just strange

update soon :D

-luv Em 💘
janet, roughly how many more chapters till syd finds out? like 5-10? it's kinda funny that nadia is reading into this all wrong though. great update!
“Sydney, I know you. You’re going to get a crush on him, delude yourself into thinking you can turn him straight, and then get your heart crushed when he rides off into the sunset with a gay cowboy.”
BAHAHAHAHA :D funniest mental image EVER lol hahahahaha

Loved it

hehe michael is going to ride off into the sunset with a gay cowboy :lol:
*laughs histerically* i dunno, but for some reason that made me thing of brokeback mountain
that was great
i hope he tells her the truth soon
another reminder - there will be no more PMs for this fic or any other fic -- thats what the links on the first page are for

janet, roughly how many more chapters till syd finds out? like 5-10?

more than ten ;) just sit back, relax and watch michael dig himself further into the crater-sized hole he's in ;)

Chapter 6
Friday night, Michael arrived at the restaurant where the Sydney’s sister’s party was being held. His hands were trembling as he opened the door, so he crammed them down in his pockets. His nerves stemmed from two main factors. The first thing causing him anxiety was the uncertain social situation he was about to enter. He was never very comfortable in large parties; he preferred hanging out in small groups. To make matters even worse, he was going to a party where the only person he knew was Sydney, which meant he had a very long evening of being a wallflower ahead of him. The second thing causing him anxiety was the fact that he knew he had to tell Sydney about his non-gay status that evening, or things would just go too far. He couldn’t let that happen, so telling her was imperative, but her reaction was what worried him.

Cautiously, he entered the back room where there were already more than twenty-five people gathered, chatting loudly and laughing while sipping their mixed drinks. He quickly scanned the crowd, but didn’t see Sydney right away, so he walked to the bar and grabbed a beer before continuing his search for her. After a few minutes, he saw her seated at a table towards the back of the room next to a girl whose face he couldn’t see.


“Oh, oh look there’s Michael,” Sydney whispered to her sister when she saw him walk into the restaurant.

“Where?” Nadia asked as she sat up straight and craned her neck to get a better view.

“By the door, in the black leather jacket,” Sydney exclaimed.

Nadia’s jaw crashed open when she saw the sandy-haired, sexy looking man. “That’s the gay guy?” she asked. Sydney nodded. “Well felgercarb.”

“What?” Sydney laughed.

“He’s freakin’ hot, that’s what,” Nadia sighed. “Why do the hot ones have to be taken or gay?” she pouted as she rested her chin on her hand while propping her elbow up on the table.

“Not sure I could answer that,” Sydney laughed softly. “Oh, here he comes… Michael, hi!” she waved towards him.

“Hey Sydney,” he smiled when he was about a foot away from the table.

“I’m so glad you could come! This is my sister Nadia,” Sydney introduced him to the black haired girl sitting beside her.

When Nadia turned towards him, Michael immediately noticed the family resemblance between them. “Nice to meet you and happy birthday,” Michael said with a smile.

“Yeah, thanks… I’m gonna go get another drink,” Nadia said before sliding out of her chair and walking towards the bar with her empty glass in hand.

“Ignore her; she’s bitter,” Sydney said quietly to Michael as she ushered him into the vacated seat beside her.

Michael sat and shrugged off his jacket. “Why is she bitter?”

“She’s disappointed you’re gay,” Sydney told him rather bluntly.

“O-oh?” Michael croaked.

“Yeah, but just ignore her,” Sydney said with a wave of her hand.

“Well, actually I wanted to talk to you about-”

“OH!” Sydney cut him off with a loud gasp. “Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet!” she said excitedly. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat, dragging him along with her. She pulled him across the room towards someone Michael was shocked to recognize.

“Michael this is Nadia’s friend Greg, Greg this is Michael,” Sydney introduced them.

“Uh, we’ve met,” Greg said cautiously as he gave his boss a semi-awkward smile.

“Oh no, oh god, he’s not your ex, is he?” Sydney asked Michael in a not very quiet voice.

Michael shut his eyes and wished for death to save him from mortification. “No,” he croaked.

“Oh good… I’ll be back in a few,” Sydney said while patting his arm. Then, she slipped away.

Cringing, Michael slowly opened one eye to look at Greg, who quite unfortunately, happened to be one of the nurses that worked at his pediatric practice. “Hi...,” he said awkwardly to the chuckling man.

“Gee, Dr. Vaughn, I didn’t realize you were-”

“I’m not,” Michael corrected quickly. “It’s a very long story and a rather large misunderstanding.”

“Uh huh,” Greg nodded with amusement while folding his arms over his chest.

“I’m not gay,” Michael insisted.

“Oh, I know you’re not,” Greg said firmly. “So, why does she think you are?”

“I kinda sorta might have possibly told her that I was – but it was a bet!” he added quickly. Greg laughed but tried to hold it in. “This isn’t funny. I can’t fix it,” he said rather helplessly.

“You mean, you can’t say ‘Sydney, I’m not gay’?” Greg asked slowly.

Michael grumbled and looked down at his feet. “I can… but see, she… she doesn’t really want a boyfriend right now,” he told Greg quietly.

“Ah,” Greg nodded, a smile creeping across his face. “You like her?” Michael nodded. “Well… if you’re going to keep up this gay façade we have to have a talk.”

“Why?” Michael asked with a furrowed brow.

“The look,” Greg said, gesturing between Michael’s head and feet. Then he brought his hand to his chin and rubbed it in a pondering manner. “The hair’s good… clothes are alright, but the nails are a disaster and you need to learn how to shave better.”

“Shave better?!” Michael asked curiously.

“Well, no. Just shave, period. The five o’clock shadow thing isn’t goin’ well,” Greg said.

Michael grumbled. “I don’t really need grooming lessons, thanks.”

Greg raised his hands in defeat. “I was just trying to help.”

“Uh huh,” he sighed. He went to walk away, but stopped and turned back to Greg, who was laughing once more. “You’re going to tell everyone at work about this on Monday, aren’t you?”

“Yep,” Greg nodded with a grin.

“Fantastic,” he sighed before walking off to find Sydney. When he found her chatting with a few women, he pulled her aside cautiously. “Can I have a second?”

“Sure, what’s up?” she asked with a grin.

“Well… see um, Greg is a nurse where I work… and people don’t-”

“Oh god!” Sydney gasped in horror as her hands shot to her face. “They don’t know you’re gay?! Oh my god. I am so, so, so, so sorry!”

“No, it’s okay,” he said quickly.

“No, I feel just awful,” she moaned as she covered her pink cheeks with her hands.

“Sydney,” he began, but she cut him off.

“Wait, so does no one know you’re gay?” she asked.

“No, but-”

“No one knows?!” she gasped. “Michael, you shouldn’t hide something like that. Be you,” she encouraged.

“Well, see the thing is,” he began with a heavy sigh. “I’m not really, um, gay, I’m-”

“Oh, are you bi? Because that’s totally okay, too, I mean, whatever,” she said with a shrug.

“No,” he said with a slight laugh. “You’re not list-” But he was cut off once more by Sydney’s sister calling her name from across the room.

“It’s cool, Michael. I won’t tell anyone else, I promise,” she smiled at him before rushing off to her sister.

Michael hung his head in defeat. He wasn’t sure whether he should cry or put his fist through the nearest wall. Breaking the truth to Sydney was harder than he had expected, mostly because she wouldn’t even let him say what he needed to say. Only one hopeful thought kept him from giving up entirely. The party definitely was not the ideal place to reveal such tender information. It needed to be done delicately in private. Until then, it would just have to wait.
That hole is just getting deeper and deeper.
Now she thinks he is bi-. lol

The people in his office are really going to enjoy his problem.
hihi.. watching mike trying to break the truth is worthless !!
great chapter and great fic !! i cant wait for more !!
and i really like the new way, like not PMs but a link.. way more simple !! (y)
Sydney really put Michael in a bad place telling Greg that he's gay. I hope Greg has common sense and doesn't spread the story about Michael's 'gay' bet.

Even though Michael still couldn't get Sydney to listen to his confession that he's not gay, at least she now thinks he's bisexual. There's hope for them as a couple.

i hate it when people keep cutting me off. especially when its really important. nothing that big, i assure you, but still, it's annoying.