YouTube RSS feeds?

Hi Kevin,

Just wondering what you intend to do with this or if you've made any progress.

I'd like to set up an RSS feed on my site that posts youtube content as an RSS feed but WITH the video (in other words without the user having to click through to youtube itself to see the content).

This current BBcode hack is pretty handy whereby users can post youtube videos whch appear on your forum

(Im deliberately addingthe underscores above so this forum doesnt process the tags)

but this requires forum users to pick out the code themselves from the link

Basically my problem is that the incoming link on the RSS feed is formatted like this:

but it needs to be written like
or just jC5gg3OOIHc

in order to get the [youtube_] tags around it to work and make the video appear.
I don't know of any simple way of stripping away the excess code to get what I want.

Any thoughts?

Would be a cool hack!
cronbjob78, welcome to vBUsers!

My original intention was in creating a 'Random YouTube Video' module for vBa CMPS (and vBPortal if requested) but I really like the idea of importing the RSS feeds directly into the forums via the vB RSS Feed Manager!

When I hack out the code I'll see what I can do. :smiley: