
Interesting. Very interesting. Thanks for the PM. I can't wait to see where this goes. Wonder how they will interact. How serious is Syd about her job, and Vaughn too. Hmmm...
Identity can be defined as who or what a person is. It is the one thing that separates people, making one person different from any other person in this world. A person’s identity is unique, it belongs solely to them. But despite this fact people still want to hide who they really are, using an alias to become somebody else. They can try to conceal who they really are, but there is one thing that can break through the façade that they create and make them remember who they truly are. This one thing is love.
:love: Great beginning. I can't wait to see how this ties in with the story. :smiley:

Please pm me when you update. Thanks!!
I really like this. Can I get a Pm when u update (ya, I know that is a really crapy reply, but I really have to do my homework now, lol)

~Andrea :angelic: