
Vaughn and Jack really have bonded. Vaughn was eating with Jack when Sydney stopped by.
I wonder if Sydney knew Vaughn was there.

Vaughn gets to "kill" his wife.

They are getting a house.

15 million - wow. At least Vaughn knows Sydney doesn't love him for his money.
And now Jack knows about the money.
Jack is worse than a woman :lol: , he is curious than me :P
I can't wait for Vaughn and Jack to extract Sydney so they can live as husband and wife ^_^

A vineyard for 50 millions? I'm going to move to the south and buy one :lol: .
Chapter 15
The next week was very tense for both Jack and Vaughn. Both of them were dreading the night of the Covenant raid on the CIA, which was drawing closer by the day. They had decided it was best to keep the details of the Covenant’s impending raid to themselves. Actually, Jack decided. He said that since they were raiding the office late at night, hardly anyone would be there, meaning casualties would be minimal. Also, their priority for that event was to extract Sydney and if they involved the CIA, her extraction might have been more difficult, in addition to potentially life endangering.

Vaughn agreed that Sydney was their priority, but suggested that they at least tip the CIA off about something, mostly because he feared Kendall’s backlash if he ever found out Vaughn and Jack knew about the raid before it happened. Agreeing to this point, Jack warned Kendall that the CIA should step up its security. The only other problem they had was finding an excuse to make themselves present at the eleven pm raid. In the end they decided that, unfortunately, both of them being there would draw too much attention. Kendall was already suspicious enough of them as it was, and he didn’t need any more of a reason to question them. Keeping this in mind, they agreed that only Vaughn would be at the CIA that night, but Jack would be close by just in case.

On Thursday, the night of the raid, Vaughn was beside himself was nerves. He could barely focus on the mounds of paper on his desk that he was supposed to be analyzing. Not only was he nervous thinking about how many things could go wrong with Sydney’s extraction, but he was nervous about Kendall finding him there at eleven and sending him home before the Covenant had a chance to raid the offices. Vaughn had made sure to ‘borrow’ a gun, though, even if he technically wasn’t allowed to have one. Luckily for him, he still had connections within the office who didn’t ask questions.

Starting at ten thirty, Vaughn stopped paying attention to his work and honed all his attention on listening for sounds of a potential break-in in the CIA offices. The half hour passed by painfully slowly, but, finally, at eleven, the power to their office building was cut, and pandemonium set in. Slowly, Vaughn emerged from his office, making sure to stay in the shadows. He didn’t want to get shot before he had a chance to get to Sydney. He knew she wouldn’t be in the first wave of Covenant operatives who filtered in the CIA office all dressed in black. He watched closely for her though, and finally, he saw her. She was easy to spot since he could recognize the way she so stealthily slipped around corners from a mile away. Only when he saw her did he emerge from the corner where he’d been hiding, gun at the ready.

He did not want to stray too far from his office, which was his designated safe zone, but yet, he needed to walk far enough away for Sydney to spot him. Finally, she did, or at least, he thought she did, because she began to approach slowly. When she reached him, she took him completely off guard by attempting to hit him in the head with a trashcan. Luckily, his reflexes were quick and he ducked, wondering what on earth she was doing. Just as soon as he stood up straight, Sydney took another swing at him, that time hitting him on the side of the head with the trashcan and sending him to the ground as he moaned, “Jesus Christ!”

He staggered to his feet only to be power kicked in the stomach by her. Moaning, he stood once more, thinking all the while that they were going to have a very serious talk about her spousal abuse when they got home. Seeing an opportunity and taking it (not wanting any more abuse), he said a silent prayer and fired a shot into Sydney’s abdomen, where he knew a bullet proof vest would be covering. Much to his utter horror, when Sydney landed on the ground a red trickle of liquid appeared out from underneath her shirt.

Panicking at the thought that he may have just killed his wife, he grabbed her arms and dragged her out of the war zone that formerly was the CIA main office. Once safely behind his locked office door, Vaughn threw himself down on the ground and began ripping at Sydney’s clothing. His hands covered in a thick, red, sticky substance, he fumbled with the snaps on her vest. When he’d finally exposed her skin, he found that while it was covered in the red substance, there was no visible hole, especially not one made from a bullet.

Confused, he looked at her, which was, in fact, a bullet proof vest. There, he saw the tiny silver fragment that was his bullet, safely lodged in a place where it could not harm her. Relieved, Vaughn lowered his lips to the flesh on her belly and pressed a soft kiss onto it. In doing this, he discovered that the red substance covering her and his hands was none other than ketchup. Laughing with relief he said, “Jesus Sydney you scared the hell outta me.”

She grunted and moaned. “Hurts,” she managed.

Vaughn leaned over and removed the mask from her face so that he could see her properly. “Yeah, I know I’ve been shot before too. I know the feeling. In fact, I really know it since I was just hit in the face with a garbage can and, oh yeah, kicked so hard I can barely stand up.”

With this, the corners of her mouth tugged upwards slightly, “Sorry. But I didn’t kick you that hard.”

“Yeah, suuuure,” he rolled his eyes at her. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up… honestly… ketchup…” he grumbled as he half dragged, half carried her behind his desk, where there was more room. Using a handful of tissues, he wiped the ketchup from her skin, though it was completely soaked through her vest and the other clothes she’d been wearing.

After a few minutes, Sydney came around and pulled off the top half of her clothes, leaving her sitting against the wall in just her bra (plus her pants and shoes, of course). “You think they’ll believe I’m dead?” she asked Vaughn softly.

“Dunno,” he sighed, pulling her into his arms. “At least we’re together though, right?”

“Definitely,” she sighed kissing his neck gently.

“Syd,” Michael groaned painfully. “Can’t do that… it’s been two months… and you’re in a bra…”

Sydney giggled softly. “That horny huh?”

“Puh-leeze like you’re not,” he rolled his eyes remembering their last encounter at that Santa Monica hotel. “And it’s not that I’m horny… I just happen to find my very, very sexy wife irresistible, especially when she’s wearing black lace.”

“I though you’d like this,” she smiled at him. Before they could continue with their tender moment of peace, though, someone rattled the handle on Vaughn’s office door. Sydney dove for the space under his desk while Vaughn readied his gun and crouched behind the desk to use it for protection. The protection was unnecessary, though, because when the door burst open, they found that it was only Weiss.

“Vaughn are you okay?! There’s blood out here!” Weiss said, panicked.

“I’m fine Eric,” Vaughn groaned as he poked his head out from behind the desk. “What are you doing here?”

“Heard about the ambush, came as fast as I could. Everyone’s gone though… place is felgercarb… hey wait, what’s that?” Weiss asked, pointing to the floor in front of Vaughn’s desk where three manicured fingers were sticking out from underneath the desk. At Weiss’s mention, the fingers disappeared and he gasped, “Oh my god! You’re having sex with one of the attackers!”

“No I’m not you idiot,” Vaughn groaned at his friend’s absurdity.

Slowly, Sydney moved from her position under the desk and raised herself up enough so that her entire face was visible above the desk. “Hi Eric,” she said softly.

“HOLY felgercarb!” Weiss shouted at the sight of his once dead friend. “Syd?! Holy felgercarb Syd we thought you were dead! Dude you son of a bitch,” he said to Vaughn. “You’ve been keeping this from me! This is what you and Jack were up to!”

“More or less,” Vaughn admitted with a slight laugh.

“Sorry Eric, I made them keep it a secret,” Sydney told him.

“That’s okay I guess. Come on girl come give me some sugar!” Weiss encouraged with his arms outstretched.

“Well, um,” Sydney cringed, knowing her minimal attire. Luckily Vaughn, sensing this dilemma was already unbuttoning his light blue oxford shirt while Weiss gave him a strange look. Vaughn quickly untucked it before passing it over to Sydney, who quickly slipped it on as Weiss laughed.

“You guys are the best, you know that?” he laughed.

“We weren’t doing anything,” Sydney defended as she buttoned up Vaughn’s shirt before going over to hug her friend for the first time in over a year.

“Suuuuuure,” Weiss said in an obviously disbelieving tone.
We can't blame Weiss for thinking they were going at it in Vaughn's office :lol: . I'm really relieved to see that everything went well, in fact it went too well, are you planning something? :lol:
LOL Weiss nearly caught them! :P Poor Vaughn getting hurt by Sydney reminds me of how Vartan used to complain that Garner had a mean kick when they were shooting scenes! :lol:
LMAO ketchup?!?!
she couldn't get that cornsyrupy stuff they use in horror movies and on halloween? LOL.


ew. i was once covered in ketchup. it wasn't pleasant and it smelled terrible. a stupid bottle exploded on me when i tried to use it. ugh ugh.