Recent content by Goonigoogoo

  1. G

    Season 4 I was going crazy!

    hehe no problem.
  2. G

    Season 4 I was going crazy!

    Something was bothering me for about 5 minutes, i couldn't concentrate on the show anymore till i figured it out .... one of the bodyguards guarding the hotel room, i had seen him before, couldn't remember where, then it hit me .... Season 1 episode 1 or 2, he was the guy following Syd in the...
  3. G

    Politics War with Iraq

    I would say a good 5 to 10 years with a mdoerate sized military force. I don't know which idiot came up with the timelines in the oval office but they set unrealistic deadlines, Afghanistan was a smaller undertaking and they gave that longer deadlines. This s*** won't end, excuse my language.
  4. G

    Politics Animal rights

    No, i'm just sick and tired of people saying human life is more important than animal life. A life is a life no matter big or small, humans have no more or no less respect from me compared to animals. You want to test drugs on animals ... go right ahead, but i'd better see the same amount of...
  5. G

    Politics Animal rights

    So you wouldn't mind me saying this: why don't we induce cancer cells in homeless and poor children of africa and asia instead of animals. After all we are trying to cure cancer in humans so why don't we just use human test subjects. It's not like anyone would miss these people, after all...
  6. G

    Politics Abortion

    i am for it plain and simple. If it was morally wrong we would have had a utter chaos in society by now, which we don't .... so i guess deep down inside all the nay sayers aren't really bothered by it.
  7. G

    Politics USA: Politics, the Government, etc.

    Seems like a lot of people are resigning from the Bush administration, Powell ... was the only one that democrats actually had a shred of respect for is now leaving. This does not look good for Bush and the gang, his team is slowly leaving him for "unknown" reasons. Too bad 60 million...
  8. G

    Politics Yasser Arafat

    Maybe what i said was harsh, so ill re-phrase, your leader is no angel himself. Until he is tried by an international court he will never get my respect.
  9. G

    Politics Yasser Arafat

    I find solace in the fact that your leader Sharon is going to hell too, he is a war criminal who is now the leader of a country. Kudos.
  10. G

    Politics What is the most serious problem in the world?

    Birth control? How about will power? sheesh I think people can hold off sex if it means their child is gonna be born in poverty and/or have no means to be fed.
  11. G

    Politics What's wrong with Religion these days?

    You might not like what i have to say but here goes: I think religion today is extremly unhealthy for society, i can't emphasize this enough. Today, religion breeds racism and intolerance of other cultures. Religion is the #1 cause of wars throughout history. Religion in its purest form...
  12. G

    Politics What is the most serious problem in the world?

    I voted for environmental issues, people and governments just brush them off as if it was nothing. Future generations are gonna suffer from these ill effects, it boggles my mind that more people don't care about nature. As for starving people, well i have pitty for the children but hatred...
  13. G

    Politics Yasser Arafat

    Etre juif ne veut pas dire etre Israelien, il y a plein de juifs autour du monde. Cela est le probleme des Israeliens et des Palestiniens. C'est la media autour du monde, specifiquement aux Etats-Unis qui grossisse le probleme et nous dit que c'est une probleme de juif vs. musulmant. Il n'y a...
  14. G

    Politics Yasser Arafat

    [ Nice .... good job, i'd figure you say as much. My point of view is anti-Sharon where did i ever mention my supposed discrimination towards israel.
  15. G

    Politics Yasser Arafat

    There's no statute of limitations on murder anywhere in the world.