Recent content by lady_rieja

  1. lady_rieja

    Beta Fever (zOMg!!1!!2 I WaNt in BETa!!!1!!2)

    I'm gonna start throwing a temper tantrum if I dont get to beta test soon!!! Ok not, but I still want to. Until then I'll be puttering around in Dragonrealms.
  2. lady_rieja


    Alt-a-holic ... hehe that made me giggle. I'm kinda a one woman show, get to max lvl and hate the thought of doing it again, maybe one alt tops for me.
  3. lady_rieja


    Welcome and Happy Birthday :)
  4. lady_rieja

    Hero's Hall new staff member.

    Very nice indeed, grats !!!
  5. lady_rieja

    Something's coming....

    Whatever it is, I want in!
  6. lady_rieja

    Happy 16th Birthday Xblood

    I got kids his age.... Now I want to go cry
  7. lady_rieja

    Introducing: Evran!

    Yay for old people!
  8. lady_rieja

    Hello Im Elswer

    Hello and welcome :)
  9. lady_rieja

    Elanthian Cities, Geography, Cartography

    I miss the swamp trolls of riverhaven :(
  10. lady_rieja

    The WindWhale

    wait, thats been done? ;)
  11. lady_rieja

    The WindWhale

    So what happens if you kill it and then in the future its mother ship comes to communicate with it and threatens to destroy the planet unless it gets an answer... you ever think of that?
  12. lady_rieja

    Tiered pricing *will not work*

    I paid tiered pricing for DR and I'd really hate to have to do that again. Basically this time around it could be me, hubby and my son. 3 standard accounts plus tiered pricing can get costly and I hope not to get caught in that trap again.
  13. lady_rieja

    BIG GROUPS or little grps?

    I would like to see scalable instances that correlate to how many people are in it. Blizzard did it with Diablo… when someone joined your game you got the message “Diablo’s minions just grew stronger”…
  14. lady_rieja

    Weirdest Places

    Now thats awesome :)
  15. lady_rieja

    What road shall you walk upon?

    I will make a healer type first and a lone adventure second. I like to play a healer for my friends and when its just me, I can go play a stealthy type.