Recent content by QuantumWire

  1. Q

    Pros / Cons

    Back to the highjacking topic ;) I don't like compulsory crafting. With which I mean: I don't particularly like to HAVE TO perform what may just be a rather repetitive work, i.e. ( (chop wood, make planks) to the power of 1000 ) just in order to earn some money, so that my character can...
  2. Q


    Since HJ (as far as I know) is the only game currently developed, that tries to actually encourage RP, as opposed to brain-killing-lvl-your-character-dont-read-the-quest- description-as-I-dont-care-for-story-,-I-am-more-leet-than-you,-give-me- more-monsters-,-.-.-.-well-you-get-the-idea...
  3. Q

    Race Update!

    In answer to the OP: I am quite happy that HJ implements morphing. Reason being that sight plays such a mayor role in human perception. In a pen-and-paper RPGs or a text-based computer RPG, your character can look like whatever you want him to look like (limited only by your ability to invent a...
  4. Q

    Mounts? Yes, No?

    Nice signature, Cirakin...
  5. Q

    Tiered pricing has been implemented!

    Apologies, you really didn't say that, I admit. Still, I agree wholeheartedly with LearsFool
  6. Q

    Tiered pricing has been implemented!

    I don't understand. You say 1) "Playing games for me is another way to compete." 2) "I don't PvP." 3) and you basically say (on the first page) that you want to buy ingame items with real money to "level the playingfield" Since you don't compete ingame (no PvP), does this mean that...
  7. Q

    XBloods Heros Journey's Bar

    Lanath, tired from a long days walk, feeling once more every single bone he has ever learned the name of and then some, opens door with a sigh. Stepping through, he immediately turns around and closes the door firmly, double-checking that it won't swing open again (by itself, that is)...
  8. Q

    Are you a role-player?

    Wouldn't that be just reacting in the way some game-designer expected you to react? Why couldn't you, as an scheming character, regard the other factions wrong-doings as masterful moves by another player in the great game of schemes and counter-schemes you are playing. As a rogue you could...
  9. Q

    Evolution of The Machine

    I agree completely. I think it is the same way with Holywood or the music-industry. The entertainment industry tends to take tried and tested designs, change a few details (the story, mainly), launch a massive PR-campaign explaining why the new product is groundbraking and You-Must-Have/See-It...
  10. Q

    What road shall you walk upon?

    You'll face the classical dilemma, Seeria: Do you prefer to be a successfull Daax-hunter (provided you have enough skill) and put yourself out of the job or do you prefer to keep the job forever? Of course, this is assuming that there is only one Daax around. With 600-1000 posts this seems...
  11. Q

    Hero engine article.

    That question has already been discussed in this thread, I believe: HEROSHALL.COM
  12. Q

    The WindWhale

    Hm, my first character is going to be off the save-the-whale lot. I do however admire the commercial possibilities of bovine aviation, er, I mean of food which is able to fly to where it is needed. Imagine a starving town, you manage to steer the windwhale there, blow it up at the right time...
  13. Q

    What kind of player are you?

    I am looking forward to Story: This is the big one for me. I am one of those guys who keep their party waiting because they want to read the quest descriptions. I enjoyed the continous story-line in WoW (which popped up now and again throughout your entire career). These stories fill the...
  14. Q

    HJ: LUA compatible?

    I like games where I can rearrange the GUI-elements (even though I tend to stick to the default one). Similarly I like an extended ability to assign key-bindings (in WoW I used a plugin for this purpose, which allowed me to cast heals and buffs on team mates just by {shift, ctrl, alt}+{right...
  15. Q


    Given some of the new ideas Simu is trying to implement in Hero's Journey, especially the questing system, the beta testing might take a while, I suppose. After all, with a static quest system you can be more or less sure that what works for two players will probably work for the rest, too. I...