Recent content by Stebsis

  1. S

    Sci-Fi Revolution (NBC)

    After watching 4 episodes of this bull****... I can only say that's what it is. For one and most importantly, characters are ****ing ******ed! No one acts like a normal human being would, they would've gotten the brother back if no one was so idiotic. No ones motives make really any sense etc...
  2. S

    What really would happen if aliens came to this planet

    So, there're are probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of sci-fi stories where aliens come to this planet, be they hostile or not. Or that we've already made contact with them. But the big question here is, what would really happen? This isn't about if the aliens are hostile or not, that...
  3. S

    why there no story (movie,TV,novle..) about good Future

    To answer the why, I'd say because good future isn't interesting future in format such as movies or games. It's not what we want, it's what we don't want that fascinates us so.