Recent content by Trekkan

  1. Trekkan

    Comment System

    Been there myself man. My mom was already diagnosed with cancer, fell and broke her hip (due to the chemo) just before Xmas. Died 10 years ago on the 24'th of this month. It's never easy and will be hard again at times, but... keep on keep'n on. =)
  2. Trekkan

    Confirmed "ALL" games tab only returns 25 games.

    Yes, you can do that. It won't give you any pagination or whatever of course, but it'll show however many games you ask it to.
  3. Trekkan

    Confirmed "ALL" games tab only returns 25 games.

    On line 231 of Game.php you can see that there is a function call to get the limits of how many rows (games in this case) to return, it's called "prepareLimitFetchOptions", however, I can't find any other references in any of the code to this function. Which would probably explain why it's only...
  4. Trekkan

    Fixed SQL Error

    You can see there's a GROUP BY missing in the /Model/Game.php function "buildPlayCount", in the first query. You could probably make it work by changing that query to: $results = $db->fetchAll(" SELECT game_id, COUNT(*) AS play_count FROM `xf_arcade_session`...
  5. Trekkan

    Game Installation

    I know this is an early version of the mod, but I wanted to say that the game installation is an area that could use a lot of work. Not to put your work down at all! Just that installing games, isn't easy. Would be great to see a more automated installation of grabbing say the .RAR/.ZIP...
  6. Trekkan

    XF Arcade -- Looking for some testers!

    Thanks much for opening this up Kevin!
  7. Trekkan

    XF Arcade -- Looking for some testers!

    Today, today?! ;) Just excited to try it out. =)
  8. Trekkan

    XF Arcade -- Looking for some testers!

    Can't wait!
  9. Trekkan

    How to get XFArcade

    It's in beta, and currently only a select amount of people have it.
  10. Trekkan

    XF Arcade -- Looking for some testers!

    If this is still open, I'd like to test as well.
  11. Trekkan

    XFArcade - What would you like to see?

    Haha yeah, but I just found out about this today. =) Most of the threads are old, but like I said, looks like things are starting back up now, which is very good news indeed. I'd really like to have an arcade on my new site when it goes live. =)
  12. Trekkan

    XFArcade - What would you like to see?

    Just found this site actually.. hopefully things are still being worked on. Looks like they might be starting back up from the looks of things though and I sure hope so! Anyway, Tournaments and Leaderboards.