Merry Christmas AA

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These days

I wish I

could build

a beautiful

Christmas tree.

And instead of gifts,

Hang the names

Of all my friends. Of those

Near and of those distant.

Those of always and those of


Those that I see every day, and those

I rarely meet, Those I always remember,

and those that I sometimes forget. Those I

am always with and those I meet occasionally.

Those of

Difficult times, and those of better times. To those that I


have hurt, and those that without wanting hurt me. Those I know

very well, and those I just knew. Those that owe me, and those that I

owe much.

My humble friends and my important ones. Because of this I name you all,

all the friends who in my life I've met. Those that receive this message and

those that won't . A tree with deep roots so that your names cannot be removed.

A tree that when blooming next year will brings hope, health, love and peace

to all. Hopefully during Christmas, we can meet and share best wishes of Hope and

give a little


to those

that lost it.

no Sabella, I did not write it myself ... received it thru e-mail thing ... ;)

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY ...</span>