Modern version of "As easy as taking candy from a baby!"


Code Monkey
Staff member
There is an old saying that when something is really easy that it is "As easy as taking candy from a baby!".

It looks like times have changed.

With the advent of technology creeping into our daily lives at younger ages then past generations, the new saying looks like it may be "As easy as taking a tablet from a baby!".

Being a member of Generation X, I am part of the generation that grew up with technology but not into it. Generation Y, and whatever generation their kids are being called, have known technology since the day they were born. The story of thieves robbing gadgets from toddlers makes me saddened but I don't know if it because an adult would steal from a baby or because a baby is being pacified with a tablet. Perhaps the reason lies somewhere between.


Some like to believe that thievery carries with it a touch of honor. When it comes to stealing gadgets, however, it seems no one is safe.

On Thursday evening, a man was driving in San Francisco, trying to park his car. As PC World reports, two men came over to him.

One told him he couldn't park in that particular part of the city's Mission District. The other, police say, opened the back door and took a tablet out of a passenger's hands.

The passenger was 2 years old.

San Francisco Police Department spokesman Officer Albie Esparza told PC World: "It's not very common for children to be victims of robbery."

Some might say it's not very common for children to be sitting in the back of a car playing on a tablet.

Still, the driver tried to take on the two men, suffering cuts. The child wasn't hurt.

This isn't even the first time that evidence has been offered of a gadget being taken from a small child.
In 2012, footage from a UK clothing store revealed a 72-year-old man taking an iPhone from a toddler in a stroller, while the toddler's mom shopped.

That man, gambling addict Kenneth Fletcher, was jailed for 42 weeks. The iPhone theft was not his lone offense.

The debate over mandatory kill switches in devices -- a measure resisted by device manufacturers -- is intensifying.

Would it deter people from stealing gadgets? Perhaps.

Or perhaps thieves who would steal a tablet from a 2-year-old would find some other way around it.