Favourite Jack quote

So,whats everyones favourite Jack quotes?
I love his opening in Truth be told...

JACK: Danny, let me ask you a question.
DANNY: Sure.
JACK: How well do you know my daughter?
DANNY: Um, we've been dating for two years...
JACK: Because if you feel the need to ask me about this scenario, I have a sense you don't know Sydney at all.
DANNY: Sir, I love your daughter and I want to marry her. That's why I'm calling.
JACK: First of all, Danny, the truth is this is just a courtesy call. Like when you say to your neighbor, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night if that's all right with you." What you really mean is, "We're having a loud party on Saturday night."
DANNY: Mr. Bristow--
JACK: Sydney doesn't give a damn what my opinion is. What interests me is that you do.
DANNY: It's just a custom to call the father, that's all this is--
JACK: Well, then, I'll tell you what. I may become your father-in-law, that's just fine. But I will not be used as part of a charming little anecdote you tell your friends at cocktail parties so they can see what a quaint, old-fashioned guy Danny really is. Are we clear?
DANNY: Yes, sir...
JACK: Good. Then welcome to the family.

BAHAHA! too funny:D and such a great introduction to a character.
So,whats your favs?
Just saw "The Two" the other night.

Jack: Sweetheart, you look so beautiful.
Jack: You probably know this, but I love you.

:collaspes into blubbering heap:
Frogboy_Lives said:
Just saw "The Two" the other night.

Jack: Sweetheart, you look so beautiful.
Jack: You probably know this, but I love you.

:collaspes into blubbering heap:
I don't remember that one. :confused: Did he start crying? With who?
SydneyFan said:
Frogboy_Lives said:
Just saw "The Two" the other night.

Jack: Sweetheart, you look so beautiful.
Jack: You probably know this, but I love you.

:collaspes into blubbering heap:
I don't remember that one. :confused: Did he start crying? With who?
I meant I collapsed into a blubbering heap.
Jack: "just because you've gotten comfortable with my daughter doesn't mean you can be comfortable with me"


Jack: "Vaughn is just a boy who was never worthy of you"
RICHTER: Derevko is a great woman.
JACK: Morphine's not bad, either.

JACK: I want to make something very clear to you. There are people here who believe you can repay the debt you owe this country through your continued cooperation. I am not one of them. And if Sydney in any way becomes victim to your endgame, I will kill you. She spent most of her life believing you were dead, she'll get used to it again. No matter what bond you try to forge with her.

JACK: Sydney Bristow, my daughter... has come to believe that when I look at her, I see the embodiment of all my flaws. And this afternoon when I learned that she may have been exposed to a life-threatening disease, I realized that she might die believing that. But nothing could be further from the truth. When I look at her, when I look at the little girl who raised herself to become one of the most extraordinary human beings and one of the finest agents I've ever had the privilege of knowing, I see only the promise of my own redemption. Turning myself in was the only way I could think of to make that clear to her, to prove that despite... my limited abilities as a father, I love her more than I could ever say.

Those are my favorites ^_^ :D
Here's another one of my favourites:

Kane goes on to ask with whom Jack has had intimate contact over the past 10 years, explaining that more secrets are revealed through pillow talk than torture.

Jack: There is one way for you to verify if my nocturnal activities are a security risk, Miss Kane, but somehow I think we’d both prefer the torture.
...RICHTER: Derevko is a great woman.
JACK: Morphine's not bad, either.

It's one of my favorite too.
Victor Garber / Jack Bristow.... this man is impressive. I love him !!! :blush:
I'm impatient to see him in action any time. His relation ship with Irina ... I would like to see and know more about that. Jack bring back Irina !
AliasFanSweden said:
Here's another one of my favourites:

Kane goes on to ask with whom Jack has had intimate contact over the past 10 years, explaining that more secrets are revealed through pillow talk than torture.

Jack: There is one way for you to verify if my nocturnal activities are a security risk, Miss Kane, but somehow I think we’d both prefer the torture.
love that one :D