
don't do that...that would be sad! Has anyone heard the song "So You Are To Me" By East Mountain South? I love that song!! So angsty and sad...perfect for finishing Compromise with! :D I'll post the next chapter soon....there's only one left
Please can I have some more Sir! Great reading, fun too! Keep up the good work :D !
Hmmmm i donno what to name> I'm normally pretty good at naming things like my hamster's name is Muffinski and my pencil is named Weiss.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how aboutqwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm?
is there more story soon? because if there isnt anymore soon i will end up with another nameless cow
why don't u name ur cow after the personne that wrote the store, this way it actualy makes sence? well any way, i'll see u tomorow

Okay, I know everyone wants more, but there's only one chapter left...I don't know how soon I want to give i up. I don't want it to over...but I don't want there to be another nameless cow bc/of me...I'll post the last chapter tom.
you know perfectly well what we want . . . MOOOAAHHH
lol heh heh heh
Off topic:
hey r u guises getting the new hp movie? i am, my dad already ordered it!

Mel~ Ahh! LOL! :D That is great! Moossica? lol :P No more cows okay, here's the LAST chapter.
Kim~ No HP here. Not a big fan of it. I hope you enjoy that movie though and this chapter.

Thanks to everyone who's read this and posted on this. This is the LAST chapter, but there is a sequel in the works. I'm not sure when I'll start posting that though. Here it goes...have some tissues out.

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>ChApTeR 10</span>
Jack could hardly believe what he was hearing. "You want to help her? You expect me to believe that? She's sick because of you in the first place. I'm not letting you near her and risking that you'll do further damage!"

If Jack was expecting Irina to be provoked, he got another surprise. "I know you don't want me anywhere near her right now," she whispered calmly. "But she may need me, that's all I'm saying. I helped her before; I can do it again. I'll never try to see her again, you have my word. After this, I'll stay away."

"You're not going. I'm finished having this discussion, Irina. Just tell me what you did to help Sydney, then I'm leaving."

Irina knew the matter was closed, she would not be going anywhere. Still, when she spoke again, her voice was soft. Sydney needed help ... her help. There was no room for anger there.

"She'll need to be held a lot. It was the only thing that seemed to help. I talked to her constantly. Telling her I loved her, and promising I'd be with her every second until she was better. I know those kinds of things are ... difficult for you, Jack. Can you do it?"

"I'll do whatever I need to. Is there anything else I should know? Any other symptoms that might develop?"

"She needed oxygen, but I didn't have access to that then. If she needs it, I'm sure a doctor can get her some. She didn't want to eat anything, but if I kept bringing it up, she'd give in and have a few bites of something. You may need to do that too. Other than that, just that the fever went as high as 104, Though it made her restless, she was still able to talk to me. She did develop a severe cough, which only made breathing more difficult. But she was better in just a few days."

Jack only nodded in reply and turned to go. Irina only watched him, knowing better than to say anything more. She didn't dare ask or hope for it, but deep inside, she wanted to believe he'd come back again, to tell her when Sydney got well. She didn't doubt she would... Jack wouldn't let anything happen to Sydney. As jealous as she was of their affection for each other, she couldn't deny it had always existed.

Jack sighed as he stepped into the hall, very relieved to have gotten out of that room. However, as soon as he was making his way toward the exit, Kendall called out to him, saying to come to his office. Jack was annoyed at the idea of taking any more time getting home, but the last thing he needed right now was to irritate Kendall again. So he went. When he reached Kendall's office, there was a stack of papers waiting for him.

"These are the forms that officially release Sydney from my custody. As far as I'm concerned, this is all red tape, but you said it was important to you. So, once you sign these, and Sydney gives her own signature where it's needed, she'll be able to get on with things."

Jack quickly thanked him and signed each page. Then he took the two pages Sydney would need to sign and placed them in his pocket. Jack then bade Kendall good day and left for home.

Jack arrived home to find the doctor's car parked in front of his apartment. He barely remembered to bring the paperwork with him, such was his haste to get inside.

He went directly to Sydney's bedside. The doctor was hovering over her, carefully adjusting an oxygen mask so it fit snugly. Jack was dismayed, but not surprised, to see that's what the problem was. Jack watched silently as the doctor whispered gently to Sydney while he worked.

"There, you'll be more comfortable now. Breathing much better already, aren't you?" Sydney made no reply, but the doctor didn't seem to expect one. For the first time, he acknowledged Jack's arrival, then nodded toward Michael, who was watching nervously from a corner.

"Michael did the smart thing, called me at the first sign of trouble. Sydney should be much better now, but if she needs anything else, and I mean anything, I want you to call me."

"We will, thank you." Jack showed the doctor out, then returned immediately to his daughter. She was indeed breathing easier now. Though she said nothing, Jack could tell Sydney was alert, watching him. Jack turned to Michael, worry taking over his features.

"What happened? I wasn't gone very long ... I should have stayed here."

"Jack, you couldn't have known anything was going to happen, Her fever went up, and all of a sudden she couldn't breathe. I just held her and talked to her until the doctor came."

"Thank you for taking care of her. I'm very grateful."

Michael looked away, not sure what to say, because he was very unaccustomed to this kind of talk from Jack. Still, he did manage a reply. "You're welcome. I'm happy to help, but I only did the same thing you would have done. She was asking for you, when she was able to talk."

Sydney reached out to take her father's hand. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but was unable to form the words. Just seconds later, she began to cough, Michael was alarmed, but Jack knew what was happening, and explained it to him. Then, Jack took Sydney into his arms and held her as tightly as he could until the coughing stopped. He could hear the harsh wheezing in Sydney's chest, and was now afraid to let go of her. So he started talking to her instead.

"Sydney, can you open your eyes and look at me for just a minute? I know you must be tired, but this is important, honey."

Michael watched silently. He'd never heard Jack talk this way before. It made him realize for the first time how afraid he must be. Then, all of Michael's attention was riveted on Sydney. She had opened her eyes, and was now trying once more to talk.


It was the only word Sydney could manage, and also the only one Jack needed to hear. It made it clear that she was still lucid, despite the rise in her fever. So far, everything Irina had said was right. Jack was counting on things staying that way, so he'd know just what to do to help.

"Yes, it's me. You haven't eaten anything in three days, Sydney. You need to have something. What would you like?"

She shook her head. "Too hot. Just let me sleep..."

"Not yet. I mean it, Sydney. You have to eat something, keep your strength up."

Sydney's eyes were closed now, and Jack thought for a second that she had already fallen asleep. Then, she nodded.

"Just a little, I can try."

Jack sighed, closing his own eyes out of relief. Then he kissed Sydney on the forehead and gently placed her in Michael's arms. "I'll be right back."

Just moments later, Jack returned with a small plate filled with a bit of several things from the kitchen, since he wasn't sure what Sydney may be able to eat at the moment. She ate most of it, though it was slow going between her need for oxygen and the overwhelming coughing fits. When she finally finished, she closed her eyes and slept.


Sydney slept for over twelve hours. Jack hoped she was recovering as she slept, but as soon as she awakened that hope left him. Her eyes were clouded by fever, and it seemed worse than before. Michael brought the thermometer, and when it beeped both he and Jack looked anxiously at the digital readout: 106.

Jack frowned, and felt fear rise inside of him. This had gone beyond what he'd expected to happen, and he was now afraid Sydney might not recover. It certainly didn't seem like her fever was ever going to break. He and Michael were both exhausted, but neither of them dared to leave Sydney for more than a minute or two at a time.

They had been doing everything hey could think of to help her. And she was still getting worse. She couldn't speak, even when she tried as hard as she could. By the evening, her fever remained at 106. Sydney suddenly began to struggle in her father's arms. At first, Jack thought it was some sort of delirium, and she was just restless. But she wasn't. Her violent shaking seemed endless to Jack and Michael, but it was over in mere moments. All Jack knew to do was hold her close and whisper reassuring words in her ear.

Michael had rushed to the phone in panic and quickly dialed the number Dr. Myers had left for them to call when they needed him for any reason. After explaining the situation at hand, Dr. Myers agreed to come as quickly as he could return. He informed Michael that Sydney was most likely having seizures, but he wouldn't know for certain until he could look at her. So that more damage wouldn't be done, he gave him proper procedures in making her as comfortable as possible. Michael thanked him, replaced the phone on its receiver and returned to Sydney's side where he had been constantly for the past few days.

“I don't know what to do,” Jack confessed. “Irina said she wanted to help, but I can't trust her with Sydney, not after what she's already done. But, she seemed so sincere, and now that all this is happening…”

“Jack, listen to me,” Michael began. “You did the right thing. Irina Derevko doesn't want to help Sydney. She's only brought more pain to her—and you. That is beside the point that even if she wanted to help fix this problem she's made, she can't. Everything that could be done for her is being done.”

He couldn't stand to see Jack Bristow broken. Normally so strong, reserved. If he could break down, then there was no hope for anyone else.

The shaking had subsided and there was no evidence of it ever happening. Sydney's muffled-yet loud-shallow breaths still filled the room even through the obstacle of the oxygen mask. As she slept, she looked helpless, pitiful. Helplessness was a mutual feeling rampantly running through the room, being shown by all its occupants. There were no ideas as to what to do.

Fatigue was a large occupant in the room, controlling most of the people in it, evident from the bloodshot eyes that were blurry and causing focusing on anything difficult. Some things were better not focused on, however. Such as the shallow breaths that were becoming more weak, Sydney's pale skin, her rising fever. Maybe if they weren't focused on, they would disappear completely.

The doorbell rang and automatically Michael stood, answered the door, and let Dr. Myers in.

“She's where she was earlier, we haven't moved her.”

“All right,” he replied with a sympathetic look. “Michael, she'll be okay. You and Jack are doing a great job taking care of her. All you can do.”

“It just doesn't feel like enough. You better go and check on her. Whatever it was that happened scared Jack and I pretty bad. I think Jack's more worried though.”

“Understandable. Are you coming?” He gestured to the door. With Michael's nod he proceeded into the room and over to where Jack was holding Sydney, still whispering to her trying to get some sort of response.

“Jack, Dr. Myers is back.”

“Mr. Bristow, I believe that Sydney experienced a seizure. I brought some meds with me that should keep another one from happening, or at least lessen the severity of the next one. I believe that it will help her significantly.” Dr. Myers gave his prognostication.

“Anything that you think will help her,” was Jack's reply, almost pleading for anything to help her.

The medicine was administered, Dr. Myers began to pack his equipment back into his bag and was preparing to give the two men further instructions. Jack and Michael walked the man to the door, when they heard Sydney call out for Jack, who rushed back to her room.

“If you need me again, please call,” Dr. Myers implored.

“We will. Thanks for coming so quickly,” Michael replied.

Michael began to open the front door when the urgent cry came loudly from the other room. “Vaughn! Dr. Myers! Come in here. NOW!”

Bag forgotten, a mad dash was made for Sydney's room. Michael arrived first, and was shocked at what he saw. Sydney was having another seizure. The medicines hadn't helped at all and Dr. Myers automatically rushed to her side to see what he could do. This one lasted longer then the first, and seemed more severe. When it finally ended, Sydney opened up her semi-glazed eyes and looked up at the man whose arms she occupied.

“Daddy,” she whispered.

“Shh, Sydney, it's all right.”

“No, it's not. Michael…”

“I’m right here, Syd. What do you need?” He was simply hoping there was something he could do to help, to make anything easier for her.

“I'm sorry.”

That took him by surprise. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.”

“Yes…I do too. It's…all my fault.”

Michael looked bewilderedly at Jack. “What is, sweetie?” he asked.

“Your dad. He died because of me…I'm sorry.” Those silent tears were making small streams down her face once again. They broke Michael's heart.

“It's not your fault. Do not blame your mom's actions on yourself. Don't focus on me right now, you just need to think about you getting better. For you dad and I.”

“Just…promise me…”

“Promise what, Syd?”

“That you…forgive me.”

As he closed his eyes, Michael gave a sigh. He knew that he should just go along with her, although he truly never had blamed her, and knew it wasn't her fault. “Of course I do, Syd.”

With a weak smile, she replied with a simple ‘thank you’ and closed her eyes.

“I love you, Daddy.”

Jack smiled softly, “I love you too, Sydney. Now, just rest and get better for me, okay?”

“I…don't know if I can. I don't feel so good, Daddy.”

“I know you don't, honey, but it's okay. You'll get better. You just need to rest a little bit.”

“I know…I'm so…tired. But, Daddy…” she opened her eyes and glanced up at him.

Jack was beginning to look worried, as Sydney's words came slowly and without the ease that she had before. “What, honey? What's wrong?”

“I…don't know. I…just don't feel good,” her eyes closed again and her breaths became more shallow.

“Jack, let me take her temperature again,” Dr. Myers requested as he rummaged through his bag for a thermometer.

When it finally beeped, giving a signal that it was done, the digital reading was still dangerously high. That didn't seem to be a good sign, and it increased the worried look in Jack's eyes. Just by looking at him, anyone could see how hard this was on him. Nothing since he had lost his baby girl for the first time had been easy for him.


“I'm still here Sydney. What do you need?”

“I need to tell you something.”

“Okay, but honey, you need to get some rest.”

“I can't…” the tears were coming again, streaming full force.

“Shh, Sydney, it's okay. What do you need to tell me?”

“I love you.”

“I know, I love you, too. Why did you need to say it again?”

“Because… I needed you to know that now.”

Jack realized what she was doing. “Sydney, you will be okay.”

“Just remember that I love you Daddy…okay?”

“No, Sydney. No.”

“Daddy… you just said everything would… be okay. Always believe that. Promise me.”

“Okay,” Jack whispered, “I promise. But it won't be the same.”

“I’ll always love you, Daddy. I promise that,” she said with a small smile as she closed her eyes and let out one last, contented breath.


Michael Vaughn took a deep breath in preparation to face one of his greatest fear…his father's killer. The wife and mother that betrayed her own family and tore them apart. The woman who he blamed for causing so many problems in the lives of so many people. All he could see as the bars went up was Sydney's face begging him to forgive her. The victim was asking him to forgive her…because she thought something she had nothing to do with was her fault.

He reached the glass…the only thing that separated them. It was for the best that it was between them.

“Do you know what you have done? How many people you have hurt? Lives you have ruined?”

Irina spun around and gave him a superior glance. “So, are you some random person they let in here to share your opinion about a woman you've never known, never even heard anything but the stories they share around the office? Who do you think you are to come waltzing in here and saying whatever you feel like to me?”

“You've ruined my life twice now. I believe that gives me a reason to have an opinion, does it not?”

A flicker of realization was shown in her eyes that was quickly stripped of any emotion at all. “Oh, yes. I see it now.”

“See what?”

“You're William's son. You look just like him. Poor man. If he would have just minded his own business, he would still be here today, and may have saved his family a lot of pain.”

“Don't you dare try to blame your actions on him!” Michael yelled. Having her bring his father up just flamed his anger toward her even more.

“You said I ruined your life twice…your father, I can understand, but when was the second time? I'm curious now.”

His eyes narrowed as he replied, “Sydney.”

“Yes, I know she's sick. She did that before. It only takes a few days for it to all…” she noticed the look on his face. “…pass. What's wrong with her?”

“She’s…gone. And it's your fault. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you. You know she died thinking--believing--that my father's death was her fault. She apologized to me. She made me forgive her for something she had no control over. Just because of the lies she believed about you. I don't care if she could forgive you for that. I never will. You don't deserve to be forgiven. It makes me sick just talking to you.”

“You're right,” Irina whispered. “I don't deserve to be forgiven. But no matter what you think, what you believe, I loved Sydney. I still do.”

“You should have let her know that. You should have shown her. It's too late for that now.”

He turned and walked away from her, never noticing the tears that had begun their way down her cheeks. For the first time in her life, Irina Derevko felt sorry for everything she had done. But he was right. It was too late. She could never change what she had done. No matter how much she wished she could.

Mel, that is an awesome name! If I ever have a cow, chicken, or any other barn yard animal, than I'll have you name it! LOL! :lol:

Jessica.....:( It's over now. :( How "terribly sad" ;) That is still a great chapter and you and Angel did an excellant job on the entire story! Good job, "Starch Muffin" LOL *runs and hides so is not smacked*
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa snifle snifle that was so sad waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
mel and Ems :rip: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Good fan fic, kinda sad. Write more, you could bring her back!