Vaughns Little Angel

Ok, well this takes place abut ten months after Sydney (apperently) died. Vaughn hasnt met Lauren, and WONT.
Disclaimer: I own nothing…wish I did, but I don’t!
Rating PG13 for Language and Suggestiveness

And so ill begin



He had mourned her death. He had mourned the death of Sydney Anne Bristow, his one and only, true love. Not just that he mourned the death of someone he had yet to know. Now he'll never get the chance to meet his son or daughter. With Sydney he lost one thing that could have been left behind to remember her. He had gone to the funeral seen the tears rolling down there faces. They all mourned for one, he for two. Yet he didnt shed a sigle tear. He had to stay strong on the outside, but on the inside he was crumbling. Every day a little bit more of him died with her. He went to work hiding the loss he was sufering with a broken smile. Noone knew what he was going through but from the looks of him he was fine, on the outside.
He had given up all hope that she was still out there somewhere so thats when he turned to his new best friend. Alcohol.
At night he stayed up talking to her. Like she was right there next to him. Like she was telling him everything was going to be fine, and that there child was somewhere, and that she was watching her grow. One thing that struck him as odd was that when he tlaked to her she always brought up the subject of their child and tlaked about a her not an it she had specifically called there child her and she on many an occasion. He listened to her intently hanging on every word she had to say. In all truth he was jsut drunk tlaking to his dead girlfriend that meant more than the world to him. Discussing there child that was also lost to this world and to him, but he didnt care. He was always thinking about her. Thats why he drank. She tlaked to him then. He didnt really care if it was an illusion, all that mattered was seeing her face.
He had remembered when he first found out about his child. He was about to tell her he had booked two tickets to Santa Barbra.


"Syd, i did it..." He had started to say.
"Vaughn listen, i need to tlak to you about something." Sydney had said.
"Anything sweetheart what is it?" he asked seeing the worried look that was appearing on her face.
"Well, Micheal, you see, the thing is, well, im pregnant." She said stairing at the floor of the car.
"WHAT?!?" he had asked thinking he miss understood.
" I knew you would be upset, i shouldnt have told you maybe it just wasnt meant to.." she got interupted.
"Whoa, Syd, wait. I never siad i was upset. I love you. And a child is an even bigger symbol of that. I love you so much." he pulled a black box out of his coat pocket "This has been burning a hole in my pocket for about a week. I was going to wait a little longer, but.." now it was his turn to be interupted by Sydney who was extadic.
"OH MY GOD!" Sydney siad looking at the box.
"I love you Sydney Bristow will you do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked hoping he knew the answer.
"Yes of Course Michael. I love you too." he saw a not so pleasent look spread acroos her face. It took him a second to figure it out and then it hit him. "Were going to be a perfectly happy family."
"How is it that you always know exactly what to say?" she asked leaning in to kiss him. They kissed passiontly for about a minute and then Syd broke it apart.
"I just thought of something." she said
"What would that be?" Vaughn asked a little worried.
"In about a month im going to get FAT!" she got a look on her face as if she were in utter disgust.
Vaughn couldnt help but laugh. "I promise ill still love you anyways, and i will ALWAYS love you." then he kissed her.


He wiped a tear that had fallen from his eye off of his cheek. If anyone ever saw him like this it would be the end of him. "What am i saying my life is over. It was over the day he took her form me." he thought to himself. With that thought he just let go off all self control. He started to cry uncontrolably. The door bell rang and he pulled himself together.
After washing his face with cold water to erease any evidence of the current event he oppened the door. It was pouring out. The rain looked as if it would flood the streets.
There was a man standing in the door with an arm full of blankets. The man was Director of the CIA, Kendall. He recognised him fairly quickly seeing as how he saw him every day at work.
Kendall just stood there for a second, not saying a word.
"Do you.." Vaungn started and stopped as Kendall shoved the blankets into his arms. It wasnt just blankets there was a baby inside those blankets. PINK blankets. The baby started to stir slightly and opened what must have been a her eyes.
Vaughn looked up to see Kendall almost all the way to his car."Wait he yelled, who is.." he stopped as the car bakced out of the drive way.
He looked back down at the small child that lay in his arms. Then he noticed her beautiful brown eyes. Thats when he relized he shouldnt have given up so easily, because he knew just by looking in that innocent angels eyes that Sydney was out there, still just alive as there child was. There child, the one that was now Vaughns to take care of and to protect.
"Maybe i wanst as drunk as i thought i was." he said to himself. He relized Sydney was the one in his mind, but she was right. She was watching her daughter grow. Not up but inside of her. And now she would watch over both of them until she came home.

that depends on what you all thought of it.
please continue this is a great story im totally interested in what happens. please add me to your om list i cant wait until the next chapter


Vaughn was still staring at this beautiful little girl in his arms. His beautiful little girl. She was looking right bakc at him smiling.
"Hi there." he said to her as if it wouldnt have been right to bring her inside without introducing himself first. "You're and Angel i can tell, so i guess that would make me an Angels father." he smiled back at her and walked in out off the rain.
He didnt know how he was going to raise a girl. All he knew were women, he thought he knew everything about women. Well at least he knew everything about ONE woman. "Thank God that womans your mother, i hope your just like her." he said holding her close to his chest.
He looked at the blankets trying to search for a name. He succeded after he laid her down on the couch. She had been layered in four blankets, and the very bottom one had a name. It said " Lyndsey Madeline Vaughn ".
"So thats your name Angel. I thought it would be something like Michael Jr." he laughed at the joke he made and HIS little girl just smiled.
"I still dont know how im going to do this." he thought to himself. HE knew noting about kids except that they tended to cry alot and ate alot too. He wished Sydney were there with him then more than ever. And the whole fact that he had no furnishings for a child either. No diapers, formula, crib, baby swing, changing table, a monitor, car seat, or clothes. He also knew that his knew habbit was going to have to be dropped instintly. "Sydney would kill me if i got drunk tlaking to her every night with our daughter in the room upstairs." he said to himself.
Talking to himself had become a farmiliar habbit as well. Now though he had someone to tlak to. "I actually hope your not too much like your mother." Vaughn stated to his Daughter who was looking at him intently. "Because then ill have to beat up any guy who tries to go out on a date with you, and if your anything liek your mother theyll fall in line for you." he ran his hand over his childs head. Her hair was perfect, so were her eyes, so were..well just everything about her was perfect to him. It had to be with half of her being from Sydney. "Youre one lucky little lady." he stated to Lyndsey who was now asleep in his arms.
"Where am i going to put her? Shes a baby and shes sleeping. I hope she doesnt get hungry or ill be screwed." he thought.
He settled for taking the four pillows off of his bed and laying her on a blanket on the floor and then put the pillows all the way around her. "that way she wont go anywere." he thought outloud. This meant since she had all of the pillows he would have to go pillowless for a night, but to him it was a small price to pay for the miricle that just appeared into his life.

Sorry its short but i couldnt really think of anything else..the next chapter should be longer..hope you enjoyed it
FIRST! :D And I beat the PM! HA! :Ph34r:

Aww... Vaughn's such a great daddy :smiley: Is Vaughn going to have to explain Lyndsey to Jack cause that will be an interesting conversation... :P

Great Chapter
I Loved It
Cant wait for more

I loved the last two chapters so please add me to your PM list. And post more soon, I really want to read more about Vaughn and his relation with his daughter.