Music What Are You Listening To?

I'm currently listening to

Sublime - April 29th 1992.

What about you!? Post as much as you'd like, but make sure their are at least 3 posts between the one you previously posted.
Nothing at the moment...I'm not allowed to listen to my iPod at work anymore, which sucks, b/c I used the music to de-stress myself. If I could be listening to anything, it'd probably be Jack Johnson, Frankenreiter, Matt Costa, or Marley.
Originally posted by Diem@Apr 7 2006, 02:23 PM
Nothing at the moment...I'm not allowed to listen to my iPod at work anymore, which sucks, b/c I used the music to de-stress myself. If I could be listening to anything, it'd probably be Jack Johnson, Frankenreiter, Matt Costa, or Marley.
Where do you work at? I remember at the theatre we were allowed to listen to our ipods as long as we only had one earphone in so we could still listen to the customer. Also we had to be able to pay attention, and not sing outloud ;)
I work in an office. It's not very much fun...but hopefully I won't be here much longer. I was getting used to the iPod at work, then all of the sudden...Not Allowed!