How to Find Your "Porno Name"

Okay, using my first pet's name and the first street i lived on, my name would be:

Sunburst Kuahelani


The second way, I would be

Yumi Aberdeen... which isn't very porno at all.
mine's Charlie Langley. The one, out of all my pets and places I've lived, that would be my favorite combo is Whiskers Wessington. hehe.

And yeah, I've heard this on the morning show of my local radio station. ;)
Let's see....besides the fact they didn't exactly have streets when I lived in Japan....we'll go with my first Ohio street....;)

Sasha Clubside (realll interesting...
a kitty! long haired one and she was really fluffy as a kitten, looked like a ball of hair! hehe, so we called her fluffy! more like a rabbit name but, she was great!