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  • Chewchilla, ludicrious speed, and step on it, Artie deco, plug in to the main frame and get the plans.....
    Beware of hackers, I haven been hacked in here by a lousy troll......
    OK, I'll ask... what exactly was "hacked" here?
    First off, I apreicate you putting up with my crankiness, old dude stuff you know, I visited here a couple of times, and my lap top was scanned. Then a couple of days ago I got a virous warning and it locked up my screen. dunno who or what did it, but I'm just laying it out there. Just a warning for other users and you to keep your heads up.
    2 sides to an argument, both sides are right or wrong, but like rams locking horns, neither will win unless there is a mature compromise, Sci-fi dude!
    I liked the original alien soup, I could easily down load images and gif's, now its impossible.......
    Huh? You can still do everything that you did before.
    Mid aged Englishman and his wife were at the docks, the gift shop was closed and the restaurant was closed too, I had some water bottles, he asked for 3, I gave him 3, and did a good deed for the day!
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