2006 Preview

Alias News

Official News Poster
Yesterday, we looked back at the events of 2005 with our 2005 Year in Review, and today we are looking ahead to the year that has just begun.

Here are the top 5 things the AllAlias.com Team is looking forward to in 2006:
  1. End of Alias – of course, we’re not really looking forward to this. But we are excited for the direction that spoilers are hinting Alias may take in its final episodes. We hope Alias goes out with a bang, and it’s looking like it might do just that.
  2. Tying up Loose Ends – with the end of the series, we hope that some loose ends are tied up with some of the series' overarching plotlines (like Rambaldi). We don’t expect everything to be wrapped up tightly, but we hope to get some answers.
  3. Catch and Release – a movie about a young woman, played by Jennifer Garner, who must deal with the untimely death of her husband and the revelation of secrets he kept from her. Check out the trailer here.
  4. Sydney’s baby – it will be interesting to learn how Sydney’s pregnancy will play out on the show
  5. New projects for the cast and crew, and a new era for the Alias community – after Alias ends, the Alias cast and crew will move on to other projects. We as a community will have a chance to go back and analyze the show that we’ve loved for so long; there are more than three full days worth of episodes to watch! We'll also be able to follow the Alias cast and crew on to their new projects.
Happy New Year everyone!

(2005 Preview, 2004 Preview, 2003 Preview)