A Real-Life Double Agent..


Azy in Wonderland
I got this from Newsweek. I thought it was cool...It should sound very familiar to Alias fans. But it's real life! Weird....

April 15, 2003

An accused Chinese double agent who was having long-term sexual affairs with two veteran FBI counterintelligence agents was a key source for a special Justice Department campaign-finance task force, NEWSWEEK has learned. Set up six years ago in part to investiage an alleged Chinese plot to influence U.S. lawmakers, the task force has since disbanded: it was never able to prove the Chinese government was behind millions of dollars in suspect campaign contributions to former president Bill Clinton and members of Congress during the 1990s. But last week's arrest of Los Angeles businesswoman Katrina Leung - an accused spy whose code name was Parlor Maid - has prompted an intense FBI review to determine if she compromised highly sensitive counterintelligence investigations, including the campaign-finance probe.

Leung, sources say, was the task force's chief source on prime target Ted Sioeng, a suspected Chince "agent of influence" whose family and businesses contributed $250,000 to the Democratic Party in 1996 and an additional $100,000 to a California GOP Senate candidate. Leung and Sioeng were "close friends" one source says.

Task force prosecutors hoped to use Leung to lure Sioeng back into the United States in the spring of 1997. But the ruse failed - apparentely because Sioeng got suspicious - and the case collapsed. Now FBI officials want to know if Leung sabotaged the mission and was actually protecting Sioeng.

If so, it was one only one of many embarrasments flowing from the Leung affair. She is already being touted as the "Mata Hari" of Chinese espionage. A highly compensated FBI "asset", Leung stands accused of purloining classified documents from the briefcase of her bureau "handler", L.A. agent J.J. Smith, with whom she was having a long-term affair, and turning them over to the Chinese.

Leung was simultaneously having sexual relations with another FBI agent, William Cleveland, who resigned last week as a top security official at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. Sources tell Newsweek that the FBI first suspected Leung in 1991, when she tipped off her Chinese handler to a sensitive FBI "security survey" of US dipolmatic missions in China. But her U.S. handler Smith vouched for her, and the FBI kept Leung on the payroll. "I'm absolutely astounded they kept her as a source," says ex-agent I.C. Smith, who headed the 1991 survey. Lawyers for Smith and Leung say they will contest the charges and argue that her real loyalties were to the United States, not China, making her in effect a triple agent.
Good grief! They ought to have women evaluate these cases, for goodness sake!
LOL i was reading my newsweek while on this site and i was planing on posting this too how funny every1 keeps beating me to it
you know what's creepy? i bet this kind of stuff happens all the time and we just don't know about it because they cover it up. :blink:

yes, i'm paranoid. :Paranoid: :shocked: but alias made me this way so it's not my fault.
wow how aliasy!!!!!! how evil of china...wouldnt the us be more than a bit made at them for sending in a spy!!!!!!!! evil evil evil!!1!! alias!!!!!!! SORRY MOMENTARY ALIAS HYPERNESS
wow....sorta creepy how close Alias is to real life..LMAO! Ugh, that's so depressing though...I can't believe people would actually do stuff like that...gross...