Tutorial Adobe Logo


Did this ages ago - not the best tut in the world :O

Fonts: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EVL97JUN
Script: http://registry.gimp.org/node/186

Are you referring to these:

If you are then.. ..You've not quite got there just yet. I mean for one the tutorial wouldn't be finished, because you'd have to add a black border, but the lighting you've added is too harsh to mimic these logos, and the font is completely wrong.

You need to blend the lighting into the shadow more, so that it looks softer. It has too much of a hard line separating them at the moment.

I hate to be over-critical but if you're doing a tutorial to mimic another image, you have to mimic that image perfectly. By that I mean you probably should have used Blue, and "Ps" instead of "YT", a similar font, the same border.

Good attempt, and it at least taught people how to create that effect, but I wouldn't name it after the Adobe logo, because it's not really.. that much like it.