Camp Liberty



Title: Camp Liberty
Author: me. :smiley:
Rating: Nothing more than PG-13.
Beta: penny
Timeline: Sometime after Phase One. Except Sydney and Vaughn never kissed and aren‘t dating. And Francie isn’t dead and hasn’t been doubled.
Summary: Sydney and Vaughn are sent on an odd mission... To summer camp! They have to find three uprising terrorists who are disguised as employees in the camp, and also find information on a weapon that’s somewhere in the camp. And yes, this story has a plot! :lol:

Oh... :blush: and if you already read this at SD-1, please stick to that PM list, because its insanely confusing to switch back and forth, adding people to this list from the last... :blink: yadda yadda... :lol: Um... please read, I guess? I just wanted to see how it would do here. :thinking:

Chapter One

Across the LA Branch of the CIA, midst the crowds of groaning people, there was paperwork, bottles of Tylenol, unmet deadlines, and many angry looking people. To the agents that worked there it was just another fun day at the office.

Sydney sat at her desk quietly, with her head tilted sideways. One eye was slightly squinted shut, and the tip of her tongue was sticking out of the corner of her mouth in concentration. To anyone, it would look like she was hard at work. But, if someone were to look closer they would see that the paperwork she was supposed to be doing was carelessly thrown around on her desk, and she was doodling on a pad of paper.

She stopped and looked up to see if anyone was watching her, then put her head back down and continued to “work”. She heaved a sigh and glanced at her watch. Three more hours... She didn’t see what was so fun about working at the CIA. In her opinion, the only fun about it was seeing the odd gadgets that Marshall made for their missions.

Why couldn’t I have been a teacher like I wanted to be? Sydney thought to herself. Maybe then these stacks of paper wouldn’t be sitting here…

Sydney thought for a moment longer, then came to the conclusion that even if she was a teacher she’d still have stacks of papers on her desk. But that point still didn’t take away the fact that she’d rather be talking to a wall than working on the mounds of paperwork she had before her.

She gazed across the rotunda, staring at the many people walk by her. She wished she would have left the CIA when she had had the chance. She sighed, her eyes falling upon Vaughn. He looked like he was trying to explain something to a junior agent. He was holding a folder in front of him, pointing at it. His eyebrows were furrowed in frustration and the many wrinkles on his forehead were in full effect. His lips were pursed, and she could tell that he was trying to keep his rising anger inside. Evidently he was trying to deal with a very stupid junior agent.

Vaughn wasn’t any different than any other man she had talked to recently, other than the disgusting ones she had to handle during missions. Vaughn was kind to her, said ‘good luck’ before she left, and gave her an occasional hug. She didn’t know what it was, but something lured her to him.

She wasn’t one to act on her instinctive feelings, and she kept trying to tell herself that he didn’t care for him more than the CIA would allow, but somehow her emotions wouldn’t listen to her brain.

When she first met him, she hated him. His personality was sickening. He always wanted to ‘win’ their little squabbles, which he usually ended up winning anyway. It was new for her since she was always used to getting her way. Most people just sided with her just to make her shut up, and she had gotten quite comfortable with it.

It didn’t take her long to realize that she was actually attracted to the men who liked to “take charge” of situations.


Sydney continued to doodle on a pad of paper, not really paying any attention to her surroundings. She was humming a little tune to herself, when she felt the funny sensation that she was being watched. She quickly spun around in her chair and nearly knocked Vaughn off of his feet.

Vaughn hid his embarrassment and cleared his throat.

“What were you doing?“ she asked with a laugh.

“Watching to see how long it’d take you to notice me standing behind you.“ he snickered.

After she smiled and nodded, he grinned and straightened his tie nervously. She looked at him expectantly, as if to ask if there was another reason he was there. “There’s some important meeting we have to go to in five minutes.” he said, throwing in a little wiggle of the eyebrows and a knee-weakening grin. She knew he wasn’t entirely serious, because he made quotation marks with his fingers as he said “important”. Sydney just nodded and smiled. Vaughn nodded, and then began to walk away.

Once he was out of her sight she got up and sighed. She thought of the way he had smiled at her, and she nearly turned into a puddle of Sydney right then and there, until Weiss pretended to bump her with his elbow, knocking her out of La-La Land.

“Day dreaming about Vaughn again, eh?” he chuckled.

“What? No.” She quickly muttered, patches of red suddenly turning up in her cheeks.

Weiss gave her a friendly pat on the back. “I was only joking, Syd,” he said, and then walked on.

Sydney stood in the center of the rotunda dumbfounded. She knew Weiss was not “just joking” because she happened to know Weiss better than he thought she did. Then she also realized that Weiss knowing any secret, was probably the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. Weiss’s mouth was like a pocket with a hole torn in it.

Only God knows why he’s working for a spy agency… She scoffed to herself, then went on her way to the meeting room. When she opened the door she was faced with a room full of eager, young looking trainees. They all had apprehensive looks on their faces as if they were expecting some spectacular event to take place.

Giving them a weak smile, Sydney whisked past them and took a seat by Vaughn. Once she plopped down in the leather chair, she took the manila folder from in front of her and opened it up.

One page had a ‘fact sheet’ type thing, and then the next one had some names on it. She didn’t quite understand it at first, so she pretended to look fascinated as she read through the documents. After a few moments she looked up to see if anyone was watching her.

Luckily, only a couple of trainees were looking at her, and the rest were staring at Kendall in expectance. She had to hold back a snort of laughter when she saw them all looking so excited. It almost made her want to scream at them for wanting to work at the CIA.

She thought of it as a continuous game of “cat and mouse”. Because all they would do was chase a terrorist, catch a terrorist, then have them escape with some valuable information.

Don’t forget the meetings… She reminded herself. The meetings were possibly the most boring event at the CIA that they would have to experience. And they only happened six times a week… She really didn’t know how the trainees made it look so exciting.

Just wait two more hours, then you’ll see… She thought to herself.


“Agent Bristow,” Kendall greeted Sydney, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “How nice of you to join us.”

At first, she was prompted to think he had some evil mission planned for her, but she decided not to jump to conclusions just yet.

“As you may have noticed on this list,” Kendall said, holding up a list of names. “There are three names highlighted; Miranda Peterson, Dominique Vinci, and Alexander Hunt. They are possible threats to the CIA.”

Kendall glanced around the room, making sure that everyone was awake and paying close attention. He pressed a small button, and the face of a young man flashed up on the wall. “This man is...or was, Scott Miller.” he said, “He worked at the summer camp, Camp Liberty.

“He contacted the CIA two weeks ago, offering some information about an uprising group of terrorists. He said he was ‘one’ of them. When I met with him, he told me that all of the terrorists worked at Camp Liberty, and they were hiding a weapon somewhere within the camp’s proximity.

“He was young and inexperienced...” Kendall sighed, “He told us that his cover would be blown if he stayed here any longer, so we were forced to let him leave. But before he did, he told me to have an agent meet with him at a downtown café at a certain time so he could tell us more.

“A couple of days ago we assigned one of our agents to meet with him. He was followed... and not long after our agent was identified as CIA, Miller was shot and killed by a sniper.

“With his dying breath, Miller told us some very valuable information about the camp, including the three agents’ real names.

“Sydney, Vaughn, your job is to find Peterson, Vinci, and Hunt’s aliases within the camp, what organization they are working for, and what the weapon is, and what it’s going to be used for. And, if possible, I want the weapon itself.”

“How do we approach this?” Sydney asked. It’s not as if I can pull off being a thirteen year old.

“Actually, you and Agent Vaughn will both apply for the position of camp counselors.” he said with a slight smile.

Oh no, Sydney groaned to herself. Sydney didn’t want to act childish, but he had to be kidding her.

“But Sir, that’s the whole entire summer.” Vaughn cut in.

“--Or until the two of you find information on Peterson, Vinci, and Hunt.” Kendall corrected him. “And yes, I have gone over the possibility of it taking more than just a couple of weeks. I understand that when you’re there, you are actually counselors. You will have to act mature,” he eyed Vaughn and Sydney for a moment. “And you will have to be a role model - all while on the job.

“When your campers are sent to sleep, you two will sneak out and meet somewhere secluded. You will need to plan what to do each day. If I were you, start researching the employees that have been there for about two or three years, and probably the ‘higher ups’ of the camp group.

“You need to get close to them. Make friends, then research them. Go through their belongings when they’re busy elsewhere, go through their private computers...look for anything suspicious... And when you do, contact us. Obviously, you cannot call the CIA, so you will need to use some of the gadgets Marshall has made. He will give and explain to you the devices needed while you’re on the mission.”

No duh... Sydney scoffed. I know how to do my job...

“And, one last thing...” Kendall added. “You two will need to be insanely careful about what you say and where you say it. They will most likely be expecting an agent within the camp, and if you reveal your cover, you will be putting the lives of children in trouble.”

Sydney sighed. How do they know I don’t hate kids? Of course, Sydney was only being facetious and she did love kids. She just wasn’t very intent on giving up her entire summer. She decided she just needed a little bit of time to think about it.

She glanced over at Vaughn. He was nodding his head as if he was looking forward to the mission. Sydney looked at Kendall with a horrified expression, clearly letting him know her feelings about her whole summer going… bye bye.

“If the two of you aren’t willing to do this mission, we can get someone else to do it.” Kendall said with a sneer.

“No, we’ll do it,” Vaughn said, looking from Sydney to Kendall.

Kendall smiled in triumph, then dismissed them all.

I guess my mind has been made up for me… Sydney groaned. I had better be getting paid a lot for this...

HEY LOOKIE! You actually posted it here, Juliarr! :happydance:

I've already wead chapter one, so I will proceed to twiddle my thumbs and wait for chapter thwee... Or whatever one I'm up to.

*twiddles thumbs*


Hm... Cai guesses she will just stick to getting pee emmys from both sd-1 and AA then, to save you twoubles :smiley:

Anyway, HOMEWORK! And then you can write more... :whistle:

Oh yeah! *points to self* Pee Emmy list, please? :angelic:


ps. You rock my socks :D
Ok, I don't have an account at sd-1, so what I just read was like brand new!!

The next time I see someone writing on Alias, I'm gonna think they're doodling now. :smiley: And you're so right about Weiss!! His personality doesn't sound like one that belongs to a spy. I love him anyway.

This storyline makes me wonder if any of the counselors at my camp were... nah couldn't be. :mellow: :Ponder:

I can't wait to see them counseling kids. 😆

I really like this plot!!

PM!! Or maybe I'll hop on over to sd-1 so I don't have to wait. :hmm: <I don't get how this smiley illustrates "hmm". Maybe it represents the bad kind of "hmm"... Hmmm...
I really like the start of this story and I can't wait to see where you are going to take it so can I get a PM?
syd_kicks_serious_ass said:
ok well this is awesome...but hav i read this before????? :Ponder: it seems familiar.

anyhoo PM me pls!

:angelic: It's posted on SD-1, so you probably read it there. :smiley: Thanks so much for your lovely replies! :blush: I'll post another chapter soon! :smiley:
ohhh i have a feeling that we are in for some summer lovin'. oh and yes am aware of how dorky that was but i could not resist. Please add me to your PM list. thanks
Thanks for all the great replies. I don't know if I'll have a PM list or not... I'm hardly ever here. :lol: And I don't really see the point of it because I only about 5 people ever read my stories here. :rolleyes: I just don't see why half the people only post if they're in eachothers little... group or whatever. I'm beginning to think people hate me here, but thats just me... :smiley: Thanks for reading, you guys! :hug:

Chapter Two

Camp Liberty, a place to make friends, have fun, and go on adventures!

Sydney lay on her bed reading the Camp Liberty brochure. The cover had been decorated with the camp logo and a couple pictures of the staff from the previous year. She studied the faces on the folded pamphlet, trying to determine which of the staff members would look more like a terrorist. She sighed and rolled over onto her stomach. Looks can be deceiving. She only needed to look in the mirror to remember that.

She let out a yawn and stretched out her aching arms. She scooted over a bit and placed her head on the fluffy pillow. Her eyes gradually slipped shut, leaving the world and all her worries behind. Like any other plans she had in life, her nap was short-lived, when Francie burst through her bedroom door.


“Huh?” she asked, prying her eyes open. “What?”

“I just found out; my restaurant is making profits!” she cried out with a giddy smile. “Now I’m really glad I didn’t fire my chef.” she laughed.

Sydney smiled, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up. “That’s great, Fran,” she said, leaning over to give Francie a hug. She lay back again, watching Francie glow with happiness.

“After only a couple months, too!” Francie added.

“Yeah, you’re right!” Sydney said once she realized it had only been a few short months ago when Francie had come to her, explaining her new idea to open a restaurant.

“What’s this?” Francie asked curiously, picking up the Camp Liberty information sheet.

“What’s what?” Sydney feigned innocence.

“This,” she said, waving the piece of paper in front of Sydney’s face.

“Oh, nothing...” Sydney mumbled, swiping it out of Francie’s hands and throwing it on the pile of papers she had carelessly left sitting out.

Francie gave her a skeptical look. Oh great, Sydney thought to herself.

“Were you planning on going there or something?” she asked.

Sydney sat up again, throwing her blanket over the paperwork and files she had lying at the foot of her bed. “My boss handed those out to everyone today at work... I guess they need some help this summer with counselors.” she shrugged. "But I'm not sure if he meant--"

As soon as Francie heard the words ‘help, summer, and counselors’ her eyes lit up. “Syd!” she squealed. “This could be the chance we’ve been waiting for!”

“For... What?” Sydney asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Well, you know how you’ve been busy with the bank for the past few months and all that...” she said, rolling her eyes as she jabbered on. “I just thought it’s that big chance to make up for lost time.”

“What do you mean?” Sydney asked.

Francie threw her hair back with a flick of her hand and scoffed. “I just meant that we haven’t been as close as we were back in college... I mean, back then we did this kind of thing! Remember Camp Challenge?”

“You mean, ‘do I remember you making out with one of the other counselors?’” Sydney laughed.

“That only happened once,” Francie said, holding up her hands in defense. “And you know you wanted to kiss him too, I just took action.”

Sydney scoffed as a response, and stood up. “Francie, this is the whole entire summer; what about your restaurant?”

“Pshaw,” she waved her hand. “I don’t do much there least not anything that my assistant manager can’t do. Plus, Will can always take care of stuff.”

“Whatever,” Sydney laughed.

Beep beep beep...

“The bank?” Francie asked when Sydney found her beeper buried underneath her fluffy comforter.

She gave an apologetic nod. “Sorry,”

“Think about it, Syd...”


Francie waggled her index finger in front of Sydney’s face. “Don’t ‘Fran’ me,” she chided. “We’re going. End of story.”

“Francie, I really gotta go...” Sydney mumbled, successfully avoiding further discussion about Camp Liberty. “I need to take a shower.”


Why me? Sydney asked herself. She knew she would have had to talk to Francie about the camp eventually, but she was planning to have some sort of speech figured out so somehow Francie wouldn’t want to go with her. What is Kendall going to say about this? It wasn’t as if she could just go tell Francie about the CIA. Will already knew about her true occupation, so he wouldn’t make as big of an issue about the mission as Francie had.

After successfully passing the CIA’s security, Sydney sauntered into the rotunda, plopping down in a vacant chair next to Vaughn’s desk. “So?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest. She decided that she would discuss the Francie situation with Vaughn before she did with Kendall.

Vaughn grinned and leaned back in his leather chair. “I just called you in so we could ...discuss the mission.”

“Wow, good thing.” Sydney laughed, letting out a little breath of relief. “Francie discovered this,” she said, holding up the camp brochure.

Vaughn cringed. “And... Now, she wants to go?” he predicted with a sardonic half smile.

“Yeah,” Sydney scoffed. “I love her to pieces but I don’t want her to be dragged into this... Not like Will was.”

“I know,” Vaughn sympathized. “But you never know, we would have just as many other people paying attention to us as much as she would, so what difference would it make?”

“Are you actually encouraging me to bring Francie into this mission?” Sydney asked, her voice rising along with her temper.

Vaughn raised his eyebrows. “Well, it’s my opinion.” he shrugged. “We would just have to be a little bit more careful - and considering the situation we’re already in, I don’t think she’d be too much of a risk. Plus, we’re going to be doing most of our ‘spy’ stuff at night.”

Sydney nodded. She wasn‘t sure why, but when Vaughn said that they would be spying mostly at night, the hairs on her skin stood up. She rubbed her bare arms and looked around the rotunda. Suddenly, the whole mission was starting to sound a lot more appealing. “Anything else?” she asked.

“Yeah, actually.” he said, “We’re going in under aliases. Lucky for you, your alias is Sydney Parker, and I’m Vaughn Bennett.”

Vaughn,” she laughed.

“Yeah, I thought that it’d be smart since it would be rather difficult to explain to a bunch of children why you call me ‘Vaughn’. Plus, if we messed up even once, we‘d most likely be under suspicion.”

“Logical...” Sydney nodded. “What about Francie?"

"What about her?" he asked.

"Won't she be suspicious that my last name is different?"

"They'll only use our first names there, won't they?"

Sydney chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. "I guess so," she decided. "And we could always just joke around with it and pretend that they made a mistake with my name or something..."

Vaughn nodded in agreement. “Oh yeah,” he said, handing her another stack of forms. “Here is the staff registration form. They still need more counselors for this summer, so we’re in luck. You need to fill it in by tomorrow, and then we will go to the camp office and turn them in ourselves. We will have to submit to a drug test, and be interviewed... I hope that’s not a problem?”

“No,” Sydney said. “Just give me a call tomorrow.”

Vaughn nodded and watched as Sydney looked over the registration form. Her brown eyes were darting over the page as she quickly scanned over it. She took a deep breath and tucked a couple stray hairs behind her ear - something he learned that she did when she was nervous. She looked up and saw that he was staring at her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and glanced around. “What?” she asked, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

“Nothing,” Vaughn said quickly. He smiled and pulled himself closer to his desk so that he could begin to look over the form too.

“Oh, Vaughn?” Sydney asked, glancing up from the papers. When Vaughn nodded as a gesture that he was listening, she went on. “Do I tell Kendall about Francie?”

Vaughn thought for a second, and then shook his head a little bit. “Actually, I wouldn’t tell Kendall if I were you-”

Sydney nodded and started to stand up, right when another voice interrupted Vaughn, “Don’t tell me what, Agent Vaughn?” Kendall asked, placing a hand on Vaughn’s shoulder.

“Uh-” he stuttered. “It‘s-”

“Well?” Kendall said, tapping his foot impatiently.

Sydney and Vaughn looked at each other nervously. She decided that it was probably best that Kendall would hear about Francie tagging along in their mission from her, rather than the off chance that she’d screw up the mission. Then if that happened, I’d be in even more trouble...

“Kendall?” Sydney interjected. “It has to do with my friend Francie.

“We live together... and she found the Camp Liberty brochure and now she wants to go with me. Mr. Vaughn was just telling me--”

“Absolutely not.” Kendall said firmly, folding his arms across his chest, trying to give an air of intimidation to the two agents.

“But Sir,” Vaughn started to say, before being shut up by Kendall’s glare.

“Do I need to remind you how dangerous this mission already is?”

“No Sir,” Vaughn said obediently, bowing his head slightly.

Coward. Sydney laughed at Vaughn. He was so devoted to the CIA that it was almost sickening; it was the one thing she loathed about him.

Sydney cleared her throat a little bit and continued to tell Kendall what she was trying to say before. “I was trying to tell you a moment ago,” she paused, “that it wouldn’t be too much of a risk as it is already. I mean, we’re already surrounded by a camp full of kids, and who knows how many staff members... What would one more be? And plus, she could help me with my alias; I could say that I was going to be a counselor for the summer with my best friend Francie.”

Sydney bit her bottom lip between her teeth, eagerly waiting for his response. Kendall was a lot like Jack in many ways; the expression on his face was one that no one could understand. You couldn’t tell whether he was angry, happy, sad, or thinking about something.

“That would be very dangerous.” Kendall said uneasily, his resolve slowly deteriorating.

Sydney looked down at her feet for a moment before responding. “I know,”

“If you do this, you need to make sure you two don’t do anything that would compromise the mission, near her.” he said, “And, if she gets in the way, you will need to contact us so we can extract her.

“Other than that,” he sighed, “Unfortunately, I can only agree. I‘d rather take the chances, compared to tell her about your real occupation.”

“I suppose...” Sydney sighed, getting up from the chair she’d been sitting on.

Kendall sighed and nodded at the two. “Oh... and Marshall is waiting to show you the devices you will need on the mission.”

Sydney and Vaughn nodded simultaneously and Kendall left. Vaughn looked around and grinned. “So, what do you think?” he asked with a lighthearted smile.

“About what?” Sydney asked.

“This mission,” he said nonchalantly.

“I think that this mission is insane!” she laughed. “But it will be my first ‘vacation’ in about eight years, and I always liked summer camp when I was a kid, so I think it’ll be fun.”

“Wow,” he blinked. “Wait, how are you going to explain to Francie that you just magically got three and a half months off of work?”

Sydney thought for a moment. She bit her bottom lip and shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ll probably just say that I’m using my vacation days that I’ve had saved up for the past eight years.” she said sarcastically.

“That would work,” he laughed. “Well, we had better go talk to Marshall.”

Okay my resolution to stop reading so much fan fic has totally gone out the window. I love this story so much and you have to have a PM list here, please, please, please! I don't hate you, this is such a great story and I cannot wait to read more.
Oh yay thanks for updating. If Francie ever catches syd sneaking out syd she could just say that she is secretly with that hot counselor vaughn. Haha cant wait for an update.
Ahaha Francie is coming, that's great! I can't wait to see them at camp. I wonder if any of the campers will obtain crushes on their counselors like Francie. :lol: But they gotta get to camp first! Is that happening in the next chapter by any chance? :D
I hope that francie doesn't cause to many problems at the camp. Great update and thanks for the PM.