
Oh, she didn't tell him! I want her too, soon.
I'm curious to see how this will work. I'm surprised Michael didn't ask questions yet, it's his prerogative, she's living with him.
Oh Boy :blush: Now they're going to actually live together, they can fall for each other :lol:

please... it would make your cookie waaaaaay happy :woot: <- happy cookie face

:angelic: cookums
Chapter 11

Michael rolled his eyes and Sydney wondered what he was thinking.

“What?” She asked nervously, hoping he wasn’t reconsidering his offer or just playing with her.

“I was just about to ask you when you wanted to move your stuff in here.” He explained, smacking his forehead for being stupid.

“You want my box that bad?” Sydney teased. “And here I thought you liked me.” She knew he was probably feeling bad for bringing it up and just wanted to make him laugh. “I know, don’t worry.” She added when he still looked sheepish.

“I’m sorry.” He replied, worried he had offended her.

“It’s ok.”

“I just… I’m just nervous.” He admitted.

“It’s kinda cute.” She flirted, winking at him and grabbing her bowl and walking into the livingroom to avoid saying more. She had finally admitted to herself that she liked him, but she wasn’t sure whether it was because he was being nice or if she really liked him.


Michael walked into the livingroom moments later with his own bowl of cereal. Sydney was sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating her cereal.

“Hey.” She said softly when he sat down next to her.

“Hey.” He noticed she was watching MTV and commented on it. “MTV?”

“I haven’t seen it in a long time. It’s so different; they used to always play music… Now it’s a bunch of shows.” Sydney answered, turning back to watching Parental Control. Seeing her laughing and having a good time made him feel like he had made a difference in her life. He compared her now to what she had looked like back in the alley. She had been scared and unhappy and now she was giggling and making herself comfortable in his home.

It definitely felt good to change someone’s life and he enjoyed her company. Now he understood why humanitarians did what they did. It was a good feeling to do something good for someone else. She was fun to talk to and made him want to be at home all the time.

He was worried with their situation about what she might think if she knew he liked her. She was smart, pretty, determined, and friendly. If he was right that she had just flirted with him in the kitchen, he wondered if she liked him in return. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to ruin whatever relationship they had now to try and be something more than friends.

Great update. I think he needs to give Syd a little more time to get used to living with him before letting her in on his growing feelings for her.

Can't wait for more

Thanks for the PM