check out my sf blog

What hasn't been made public was who our almost president lost to. Her name is Bluish James, the first president on welfare while holding office. Oh yes. Yes

All presidents should be on welfare
[ Multiple threads merged ]

As you may have noticed threads posted in certain forums show up automatically on the front page and if a new visitor to the site came to front page and saw a message that is just a link to another site, they are likely to just interpret it as 'spam' and move on.

Perhaps a signature link would be a tad better? To encourage discussion about your short story, perhaps posting an excerpt from it here at this site instead of just a blind link?
yes. i'll almost certainly put an excerpt here but im sort of preoccupied now. i don't want you thinking i just sign up to forums to pump my blog or anything like that. (just kidding)
thanks for the suggestion