Easter Eggs for Season 4 DVD


Has anyone seen the easter eggs that are supposedly on S4, disk #6? I've heard there are clips of a cast/crew holiday party and another behind the scenes clip.

I followed the instructions listed on this site: http://www.gamewinners.com/dvd/AliasTheCom...ourthSeason.htm

However, I couldn't get it to work. I don't know if there is a different edition of the DVD b/c the instructions say to highlight "Features", but my disk says, "Bonus". FYI, the instructions for S3 did work.
Yeah I've seen it. The site makes it out like they're two separate things but its just one extra. It takes a while to work so keep trying - its worth it!

Go to the Special Features Menu and go to the bottom of the first page then press left. It should come up.
I've just this minute done it.

Go to extras section, go to the bottom of te list and press down one more time, then press left. It will underline the 'ALIAS Season 4' part. (y)
Or better. You go to BONUS FEATURES and move mouse pointer just under ALIAS Season Four and text will be underlined.