Faye Dunaway Information about


Faye Dunaway is listed as a guest star in Spoilers Vartanho.com --
see Spoilers Info and Photos thread:

Faye Dunaway Profile link below

Best Known Bad Guy – Bonnie in Bonnie & Clyde with Warren Beatty

The Thomas Crown Affair with Steve McQueen 1968

Chinatown with Jack Nicholson (1974)

Network 1976

The Thomas Crown Affair 1999 – Remake

Faye Dunaway | Who2

Faye Dunaway – Biography Link


Faye Dunaway's Movies and other works on TV now… link below:

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Every time I see Ariana Kane, I think of Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest, yikes! she was really creepy in that, and at least she isn't crazy as Kane.

I haven't seen much of her besides Bonnie & Clyde and Supergirl, and a few bits of The Messenger, but she's always been good.
In english class we read The Cold Sassy Tree and then watched the movie and Dunaway was one of the lead roles