Green Eyes

I finally decided on a title. Hope you like it. This is all of Untitled in one shot. Well, all of it so far. I hope you like it and I will be posting on this topic from now on. Thanks for all your support!


I looked at the two running after a small girl. Chasing her around the picnic table, under the birthday banner, around the lamppost. I walked over to Sarah and put my arm around her shoulder. My eye caught a glint off of her ring. We had come to LA for a much deserve vacation and visit.
"They look so happy," she said dreamily, "How did they meet?"
"Well... It all started about 10 years ago, when I was working in the LA office..."
Chapter One

Something was different today. I didn't know exactly what, but something was difentitely up here. Maybe the fact that Mike came in whistling.
"I didn't know you could whistle." I stated.
"What?" He said, looking at me confused.
"You're whistling. You know? That thing with air and sound? Really annoying?" I replied.
"Oh sorry. I didn't realize." He turned to his filing cabinet. He seemed really far off today.
"Why are you whistling? Your date with Alice last night go really well, or something?"
"Who?" He asked confused. "Oh, Alice. No. But I'll stop."
"Ok..." I trailed off. Something was definitely up. He had never whistled before. In fact, he seemed really happy about something. I hadn't seen him this happy since, well... never. Then it clicked. "Is this about your meeting with Devlin this morning?"
"Is what about that meeting?"
"Your whistling!"I was getting annoyed here. Mike was never this spacey.
"Oh, maybe. I don't know. Like I said, I didn't realize I was whistling." He sat down at his desk and started to write on some form. I took my yo-yo out.
"You can't fool me, you know." I said, thrusting the green orb towars the ground. "What happened in this meeting?"
"What meeting?" Ok, he was really preoccupied.
"The meeting with Devlin!"
"Oh, I'm being premoted." He said nonchalantly.
"Yeah Mike! Good for you! I knew you wouldn't stay at this deck job forever!" I went for a high-five, but he was really, really not paying any attention to anything. Oh well. "To what?" I asked.
"Case officer." he replied. I got it. This is what he was happy about.
"For whom?" I asked slyly, knowing that this was not the end of the story.
"Sydney Bristow." Something in the way he said it was awkward. And he looking straight down when he said it.
"The crazy girl?!?" I asked in stupor. "With the red wig? Looked like a clown?" Mike was happy about being HER handler? My boy had issues.
"She's not crazy. She had just come off a mission where she had been tortured." He defended her.
"Ok, whatever you say." I figured it out. Mikey had a little crushy-wushy on Sydney Bristow. I had never seen him like this before. He obviously had it bad. Figures, he picks the crazy psycho daughter of Jack Bristow. All the luck to him. But you know, looking back at it now, from that day on, Mikey was never the same. That day, he... he... changed.

Extra Part One

“Whatcha talkin’ about?”
“Oh, just ‘The Story’”
“Ahhh, are you at the very beginning?”
“Yes, I was just saying how Mike was really jumpy about being Syd’s handler.”
“Oh….Have they met yet?”
“No, I was just getting to that.”
“Too bad. My turn.” He sat down on a lawn chair hear the two that Sarah and I had placed our selves in.
“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. “What would this story be with out your input?” I asked sarcastically.
“Someone finally gets it!” he said, totally oblivious to the tone in my voice. “Well, anyway, Francie and I….”

Chapter Two

Francie and I were both sitting at the apartment that she and Sydney shared. We were just sitting on the couch, talking, when all of a sudden we hear the door open and close with a slam! It was crazy! Sydney was MAD!
"What's wrong?" Francie asked.
"Are you ok?" I asked. She didn't look ok. Her cheek was huge and swollen and very sore looking.
"I'm fine." She said coldly. "I'm going to bed." It was 2 in the afternoon, but she looked like she had been run over by a tractor trailer, so we let her go.
"What was that all about?" Francie asked.
"I don't know." I replied. But I was suspicious. Something was up here.

Extra Part Two

"Hey." Francie said, sidling over and placing herself on Will's lap. "What are you guys talking about?" she asked with one of her trademark smiles.
"The Story." We all replied in unison.
"Of course, what else?" She rolled her eyes. "It always has to be about those two."
"Not always." Will said and kissed Francie lightly.
"Well, don't think you're going to tell this story with out me." she said.
"We aren't. We are just at the place where Sydney had her tooth pulled out."
"Ok. So, the next morning..."

Chapter Three

So the next morning, Sydney got up and she still looked like she got run over.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Oh, I was on my trip, and there was one of those revolving doors, right? Well, I was trying to walk through one, and I ran right into it. It was so embarrassing!" She laughed.
I knew that wasn't right. No one gets that big a bruise walking into a door, but I accepted her answer.
"Oh, I gotta go." she said, grabbing a piece of toast and her briefcase.
"You work way too hard." I said for the millionth time.
"I know." She smiled and walked out the door. She seemed different today. Pleasantly happier, even with her bruise. Oh well, I hadn't seen her like this since before Danny died, and even then...