
hell yh

protest with me ppl *hands other addicts brd, gather in a circle and yell WE WANT AN UPDATE*

You want get it!
Enjoy the biiiig update and don't forget to post a biiiig review ;)

Love, Danuta

Chapter 22 – We are not predictable
Five steps forward. Turning to her left. Walking a few steps back and forth. Turning around again. Glancing at the clock. Standing still for a moment full of anticipation. And then striding past the small kitchen, before she repeated the whole ordeal all over again.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock was running slower than before. Sitting down on the old and torn couch, Sydney sipped a bit of her cold fruit tea and waited. Probably a martini would help her more, she thought while glancing around the little flat that would be her home for the next few....what? Days, weeks, months, or probably years?
“Well, in that case, I hope they would be a bit more generous.”, she murmured to herself, observing a little cockroach which came out from a small hole in the wall and crawled with a enormous speed under the safety of the stove.

“That’s gross.”, Sydney whined. Her knees were instantly lifted up against her chest, her arms holding them tight up to her body and her head hiding in the small nest she had created. This wasn’t a home. This was a big rubbish-heap. The flat was tiny, only two rooms and a bathroom. The living room, joined with the kitchenette, was painted in a mug-green – a remarkable contrast to the deep red carpet with big stains of dirt. It had felt greasy under her bare feet, moist and filthy. But she didn’t deserve anything better. A woman who had worked for the enemy. Who had killed innocent people. Collateral damage, Sloane had called it. And now she would fall a victim to her own stupid behavior.
Moving restless on the worn out fabric of the cream-colored couch, Sydney noticed how her new little friend, the cockroach, decided to continue his journey and crept to the rusty, loud humming fridge.

“Don’t you dare to do that.”, Sydney yelled loudly and rushed quickly to the little animal, but the clever bug had gotten away and was hiding under one of the few cupboards.

“Good for you.” Setting the kettle on the stove, Sydney waited for the flame to flicker constantly, before she returned to her favorite place on the couch. She preferred it, because of the little view of a normal life. Behind the couch was the only window that wasn’t completely painted in black. A small spot had been forgotten when the hasty workman had secured this flat. It was part of an old auto-mechanic store that had been closed for almost eight months. The flat had been property of the owner of the shop, who had been thankful to sell this rusty place near a junkyard to an interested firm. The CIA hadn’t done much to make this safe-house very comfortable. Instead, everything was in the same place the owner had left it, including the rotten food Sydney had to throw away after coming here.
Most of her personal things Francie had given to her grieving father, who wanted at least to have a few pieces of remembrances of his dead daughter. Now there were two big suitcases that stood in the bedroom, waiting to be unpacked and placed in the drawer. But this would mean that she had to accept this situation. That she had to accept the fact that everyone she cared for was thinking that she lay in a grave six feet under the earth. Devlin had been completely right. She was just a phantom. The memories of her friends would fade away. A memory called Sydney Bristow. And after a few months, probably a year, they would have forgotten the sound of her voice, of her laughter, the way she smiled and cried, how her eyes shone when Francie and she had a girl’s night. Sooner or later she would be a phantom living in the sphere of the Forgotten. A destiny that just didn’t feel right to Sydney. There must be something she could do about this twisted situation and the case ‘Ambassador Fellon’ would help her to find the direction of her own way to freedom and liberty. If SD-6 would be destroyed and Arvin Sloane made a prisoner of the United States, she could go back. There was a slim chance that after a few months of work, she could live her life on. Going out with Francie every Saturday night, running with Will every Thursday morning and listening to her best friend rambling something about a boy named Danny, who she must meet. And paying Noah back for the lies and the deception. Now breathing was her only way of surviving until she could continue her old life. But for that, she would need help.

After an hour of talking about all the details of her new life, Devlin gave Sydney a thick folder full of information and stood up quietly.

“You will need a handler and partner. Someone who will care for your requests and other formal stuff. A kind of connecting link between the CIA and you.” Switching his computer on, he waited for the CIA-logo to appear, before he entered his password.

“We will search through the databases for the ideal handler. We would need an Agent with a lot of experience – in field and as handler – and it would be better if the Agent has no family.” Editing his requests into the predestined fields, he didn’t see Sydney shaking her head.

“Ahem, Director Devlin.”, she interrupted him.
Looking up, surprised, Devlin noticed how nervous she seemed. Something he had never experienced before from a Bristow.

“Yes, Agent Bristow?”

“I know an Agent that would be perfect for this job.”

The sound of a key being turned in the lock snapped Sydney out of her thoughts. Looking up, she saw Agent Vaughn entering the small flat, a sport-bag in one hand, a box with files tucked under his arm. His grey coat was, like his hair, wet and after a few seconds a puddle of water was forming under his feet, growing bigger and bigger every passing moment. She hadn’t even realized that it was raining. This flat shielded her from the external world. And she wasn’t quite sure if this was really what she wanted.

Clearing his throat, Vaughn stepped inside and placed his baggage next to the door. Shedding his coat, he greeted her with a friendly: “Good morning Agent Bristow.”

“Agent Vaughn. Hello.” Standing up, Sydney hesitated before adding: “You’re late.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, but the weather is horrible and there was an accident on the highway.” Taking Sydney’s outstretched hand; he noticed the fine layer of sweat that covered her palm. But instead of shaking her hand, they just stood there and their eyes remained locked for a few moments.
Swallowing hard, Vaughn noticed how his heart began to race, something that no woman had ever before caused. If he didn’t know it better, he would have said that they had met before. But that wasn’t possible. Sydney Bristow was a new addition to his life and surely a very exciting one.

Letting her hand go, he gestured to his bag and asked politely “Where can I put my stuff?”

“Oh, well, we have a little problem with the space here. You can have a drawer in my bedroom.”

“Thanks.” And with these words, Vaughn grabbed his few belongings and strode past her into the bedroom. It wasn’t very nice, he had to admit. And if even a man thought that, well, he was sure that Sydney wasn’t very happy about her new home.

“The middle drawer is free.” Sydney interrupted his thoughts and he realized that he has stood motionless in front of the drawer for the last few minutes. Nodding, slightly embarrassed, he noticed Sydney observing every move he made.

“For a man you’re very tidy. Has your girlfriend packed your bag?”

A few shirts in his hand, Vaughn stopped for a moment. Looking up, he saw the questioning look of Sydney Bristow and smirked. “For a woman you’re very curious.”
Laying his pieces of clothing neatly inside the drawer he added: “But I guess that’s pretty normal for women.”

Insulted, Sydney crossed her arms over her chest and went back to the kitchen.
“Do you want a tea?”, she yelled, but in this small rat-hole she could have whispered the question and Vaughn would have understood her perfectly.

“Yes, thanks.”

Pouring a bit of the hot, steaming liquid in two mugs Sydney realized that the fun would only begin now.


Storming inside Devlin’s office, Jack Bristow didn’t even think of knocking. His mind was far too busy dealing with the newest information he had gotten a few hours ago.
Leaning back in his chair, Devlin breathed out: he had known that this would come. Jack had understood that Sydney wanted to fight against the people who had brought her in this situation. He had even understood that an Agent would become her handler and would accompany her through this mission that could last her whole life. But he and Sydney had neglected to tell him the name of the young Agent that would undertake this job. Well, after all, they had just bought time, but not the eternity and they both had been aware of this.

“Yes Jack?”

“How could you do this?”, Jack asked, his usually calm voice sounding like thunder following the lightning. And suddenly Devlin saw the one thing that Jack Bristow was a master of hiding. He was a father after all.

Swallowing hard to regain some of his composure, Jack added in a whispered tone: “You have seen the prophecy. You know what will happen, what should have happened years ago.”

“Jack “, Devlin began, his voice soothing like he was talking with a small child. “Yes, I have read this prophecy. But after all these years, do you really think that it’s true? You yourself have told me that you don’t believe in it. How have you defined it so suitable?” His folded hands on the table in front of him, Devlin seemed as if he wanted to remember the exact wording. “Rambaldi is only a myth and nothing more. You have convinced me that Sydney and Michael are no danger for the United States or other people.”

“Maybe I have said this, but...” He couldn’t end his sentence, because Devlin stopped him with a raised hand.

“Jack. I understand that you are apprehensive of the attraction between the two of them, but I have faith in both Agent Bristow and Vaughn. They are good Agents and do you really think that your daughter, after all the pain she had endured, is in search for a new boyfriend? I doubt that. Her first aim is to destroy SD-6 and nothing else will be on her mind for the next few years.”

“But why him? Why Michael Vaughn? He is too young and has no references or experience. Sure, I have read that he is a good interrogator, but Sydney will need more. Now Michael is even living with her. All these years I have tried to keep him away from her.”

“It’s your fault that Vaughn never had a chance to prove himself.” Standing up to face the angry Agent, Devlin beat his fist on the smooth surface of the polished desk. “You have enlisted him, you have sent him all over the world, and you have planed his life beforehand. Maybe this had been a mistake. Are you aware of the problems this caused? Ambassador Fellon himself asked me why I’ve declined Vaughn’s request for being transferred and Agent Harting, Vaughn’s senior officer, told me that a certain Agent Bristow had told him to make it hard for Michael.”

“I won’t excuse myself for my actions. They were only in behalf of my daughter.”

“Your daughter isn’t our most important priority. You should begin to understand this now.”
Knowing that Jack had crossed the line between work and privacy once again, he added in a more calming voice:
“And you should over think your attitude towards Agent Vaughn. I heard what happened in the hospital.”

“Sir, I understand that you are furious, but please let me explain.” The same desperation in his eyes he had witnessed all these years ago. They had been his father’s biggest weakness too.
“I am furious Agent Vaughn”, Jack spat out, pronouncing each word. “And I will tell you this only once more. Stay away from my daughter. If I come to know that you have visited her again, I swear that you’ll wish you were dead.” With these words, Jack’s fist met his eye. Knuckles on skin. And the worst was, he didn't even fight back.

“Get over it Jack”, Devlin pleaded him sighing. “They can’t remember each other and Irina Derevko’s group hasn’t made a move since this has all happened. Possibly, they have realized that Rambaldi’s prophecy was just a joke.”

“Not possibly Devlin. Hopefully.” Jack said, worried, while thinking of his daughter and Vaughn’s boy. Together. Living together. He would need a scotch to be able to deal with it. Hopefully this would turn out good and neither of them would remember what they once shared. Hopefully. Too bad that Jack had never believed in hope.


“Stop, stop, stop”, Vaughn screamed over Sydney’s endless rambling, but without any success. Apparently she didn’t care for his opinion. Instead, she sat in front of him on the worn-out couch and babbled something about bringing down SD-6 in two months top. Thinking about a way to get her attention, Sydney noticed that she clearly hadn’t his anymore. Stopping mid sentence, she grabbed a cushion and threw it in Vaughn’s direction. Before the fluffy, but dusty, pillow could hit the Agent’s head, he caught it with one hand, his eyes sparkling at her.

“Why aren’t you listening to me?”, Sydney demanded to know, her voice full of anger.

“Ah, you don’t like it? It sucks when you talk and talk and the other one isn’t considering your arguments, right?”, he told her calmly while standing up, showing Sydney his point of view. But there was no realization in her eyes, not even the slightest sign of blame. Instead, she stood up too, hands on her hips, mouth only a thin line.
‘Oh please no.’, Vaughn thought with rolling eyes, when he realized that this would be Sydney Bristow’s assault. And damn he was sure she was good at fighting, not the physical, but her verbal capability frightened him.

“Don’t you dare talking to me like that” she spat out.

“Excuse me? What is your problem?”

“Right at the moment? You!”

“You wanted me to be here. You asked me to come here and to help you. Why? Because you hoped that you would have an easy game with me? Don’t think that I’m that predictable. I am here to do my job. And that includes telling you what the truth is. Your little fantasies won’t help us. They will only hinder you.”

“You have no experience in field. You’ve got no job in Los Angeles. You are a no-name-agent. You are young and that’s all Agent Vaughn.”, she retorted icily, her words stinging him like acid. He wanted to leave, but there were a few things that needed to be said. After a moment, he took some deep breaths and tried to regain some clarity. There was no chance he would win this fight with overheated emotions. Looking her directly in the eye, he raised his hands palms upwards in a gesture of surrender.

“Okay, then tell me. Why did you want me? Why not a little friend of your father’s?”
The cynical undertone and the trace of sarcasm weren’t lost on Sydney. And she wouldn’t give up, but the question disturbed her. Why hasn’t she taken one of her father’s colleagues? They would have been far better than this little jerk. And this was the first time Sydney asked herself why she had so much trust in him. Why he seemed to be her only ally, even if she didn’t know him.

Interpreting her troubled thoughts as signs of blame, Vaughn nodded fiercely while telling her his conclusion. “Ah that’s it. You wanted to play rebellious? Stand up against your father. You know that he hates me.” Swallowing hard, he approached Sydney until only a few centimeters separated them. “You know why I came too late?”, he whispered, and she didn’t dare to look in his eyes. “It was because of your father. He kidnapped me from my plane and threatened me. That I would be dead if something happens to his little princess” he spat out angry and hateful. He turned around; wanting to go, but a hand on his wrist hindered him. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed the helpless look on Sydney’s face.

“He didn’t do that.” Voice laced with wonder, big innocent eyes questioning him, investigating the truthfulness of his declaration.

“Well, I’m pretty sure he did.” He didn’t like to have the role of telling her the plain truths, but apparently there weren’t any others. But he had enough. Enough of her split personality, her overprotective father and her twisted mind. Now he wanted a few truths.

“So tell me Sydney Bristow, why me? Why me, the too young and too silly Agent that has no chance of a career. You don’t trust me, you don’t listen to me, and you don’t want me here. How can we work together?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s bad”, Vaughn hissed and added “I should probably go. It would be better for both of us.”

Walking towards the door, Vaughn laid his hand on the knob. He had tried and God knew he had really wanted to be here. Stopping dead in his motions and without turning around he whispered,
“And you know what’s a pity? I really wanted to help you.”
Before he could open the door, he felt her presence behind him, the heat radiating in waves from her body.
Sydney wanted to lay her hand on his shoulder but stopped, only a few millimeters from his skin.

“Wait”, she pleaded.

“What is it?”

“Please stay.”

After a moment, he brought one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Why should I? Me, the insignificant Agent?” There was vibration of laughter in his voice, but she knew that he was confused right now. Facing his back, her breath touching the skin of his neck, Sydney stood in front of her greatest fear and enemy. The trust.

“You are the only one I trust.” She hesitated a moment before adding, “I remember.”
Sighing, confused, Vaughn turned around, nearly stumbling over Sydney. They were so close, only a breath separated them. And his body betrayed him once again. Made him feel things that were long forgotten. That he shouldn’t feel right now and for this woman. Closing his eyes to regain some clarity, he asked a simple, “What?”

“The hospital.”
Tears in her eyes, understanding written in his face, they stood still and came without any words to a conclusion.

“Will you stay?”


Brushing the tears from her eyes, hands shaking a bit, a bright smile appeared on her face. And Vaughn could do nothing, but smile back, his lips curved in a lopsided grin. They stood still for an eternity, but it took only a second to understand that something had happened. And that this something could turn into so much more.
“So she was right”, Sydney breathed, before walking back to the couch. “You are my guardian angel.”


Part b : "We are not predictable"

“You want to do what?” Jack Bristow asked, near the edge of hitting the young Agent in front of him.
The tension in the small conference-room was unbearable. Half an hour ago Vaughn had brought Sydney to the CIA-headquarters so that she could attend the meeting and they both could present the results of their investigations. Besides them, only Jack, Devlin, and Eric Weiss were present. Nobody else could know that Sydney Bristow was alive and a member of the CIA. Outside of this room, she was just a ghost and nothing more.
“It wasn’t my idea. Sydney wants to do it. And I really tried to change her mind, but I think you know how stubborn your daughter can be”, Vaughn answered, shifting to his left. The farther away from Sydney’s father, the better.
With much worry in his eyes, Jack turned towards his daughter and was met by the fierce look of a fighter. “Sydney, please tell me that you don’t want to do this.”
“Dad, this is the only way. I believe that Sloane told me the truth about the group “Der Widerstand”.”

***“It’s a German-Austrian group which trades defense technology. They describe themselves as impartial and not politically interested. That means that the group buys and sells the information from and to everyone. That includes terrorist organizations and government institutions.”***

“The only question was if David Fellon was really a member of this group.”

***“Fellon had quit his membership one year before he took up his duty in Washington. But we have intel that the connection between him and “Der Widerstand” never broke. They supplied each other with information. Everything for his benefit. But Senator Fellon senior found out that his son worked hand in hand with the enemy. He seemed to have loved him too much, so he never reported him. Suddenly David Fellon resigned because of illness and wanted to retire. Only one month later, his father had been murdered. We believe that Fellon killed him. After two months of grieving, he entered upon his employment as American Ambassador in India. His work connection with the German-Austrian group is renewed too. One of our Agents reported that Fellon and Boris Mench, the leader of “Der Widerstand” had several meetings.”***

Standing up, Vaughn pushed a button on a small remote control and the face of Ambassador Fellon appeared on the big monitor in front of the others. “I investigated, but couldn’t find any proof that would accuse Ambassador Fellon of having illegal contacts with this group. He even agrees to do an test with the lie detector” he explained, while distributing folders with all the outcomes of his investigations and the signed document of Fellon. “Besides, the Ambassador’s father had died because of a heart attack, a natural death. There had been an official autopsy and even if Fellon had corrupted the medical jurisprudence staff, he would have no chance. The police and the FBI did two separate investigations. And both came to the conclusion that Fellon senior died a natural death. You can find the accompanying documents on page 21.” Glancing at Sydney, he saw her nodding with a smile in his direction and mouthing silently ‘Do it’. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Devlin, not wanting Jack’s look of disapproval to discourage him. “Sir, I know that it isn’t very professional, but I want to say that I’ve known Ambassador Fellon and his family for nearly a year and I seriously doubt that he has connections to a terrorist organization. He resigned not out of illness; he told me that war and murder aren’t his world. The illness was only an excuse to depart with full dignity.”
“So we believe that the Ambassador is innocent? Then why did Sloane raise information about the whereabouts of all American undercover-agents in Poland?”, the Director asked him with a raised eyebrow, thinking back to the report of Sydney.

***“In one of them, Fellon made a deal with his friend. If he gives Mench the names and whereabouts of all American undercover-agents in Poland, he will get the Russian high-classified plans of a new weapon.”***

Instead of Vaughn, Sydney stood up and joined him at the end of the table before answering the question. “We asked the Ambassador about this list and he admitted to have it in his possession. Fellon told us that the minister of defense, a good friend of his, came to visit him in India and requested his help. Told him that he should keep the list under closure until the annual visit from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. And that on this occasion, he should give the Secretary the list with the undercover Agents. Apparently, four of their best Agents had been killed. And the problem is that they hadn’t been killed in the field, they were murdered at home.”

“Ahem, that means that there is a mole inside the Department of defense, or inside the CIA?”, asked a frowning Weiss while he skimmed through the pictures of the dead Agents in his folder.

“Correct, and apparently there’s a big investigation in this case. That’s why the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs wanted to keep this under lock. The real list had been exchanged with a faked list. Until the capture of the mole, the Secretary of defense wanted his colleague to be in receipt of the list.”

Understanding the sensibility of this topic, Devlin sighed while thinking of the phone calls he would have to make. The CIA had a major problem now. The mole seemed to have good connections to Sloane. “So Fellon was just a middleman.”

“Yes, his only duty was to keep the list until the Secretary for Foreign Affairs would get it.” Vaughn nodded while listening to Sydney’s explanation. They worked well together, he thought and smiled inwardly until he felt the unbreakable look of Jack.

“Why does Sloane want this list so much? Did you check his connections in Poland?”, Sydney’s father asked him without trying to hide his discontent that Vaughn was in the game now.

“We did, and found something interesting. In the last few months, one of Sloane’s men had a few meetings with Krzystof Kowalski.” The light, distorted picture of a man with hard features appeared on the screen. Hair raven black, his eyes shielded by big sunglasses, a deep scar blemishing his face. The leatherjacket couldn’t conceal his thinness.
“He is a former member of the Polish secret service and was dismissed without notice. He sold information to the Russians. After six years in prison, he escaped. No one knows how and with whose help.”

“Could we identify the Agent that Sloane sent?” Scribbling something down on his notepad, Jack couldn’t notice the slight change in Sydney’s behavior. Nobody saw how her facade crumbled down for only a minute and the pain crossing her features. But she was master in hiding her emotions; like her father she had learned how to mask her thoughts. Possibly this was the only gift she had ever received from her father. Looking down at the remote control in her hands, Sydney pushed a button, but didn’t turn around to watch the picture. She knew how he looked. She had seen him often enough.

“It is SD-6 Agent Noah Hicks.”

The silence in the small room was broken when Devlin asked cautiously: “Wasn’t Hicks your former partner Agent Bristow?”

Sydney felt like everybody in the room was staring at her when she nodded slowly. Now wasn’t the time to show her weaknesses. Her father’s stare grew hard, and realization swept over his features. That the ability of masking emotions wasn’t the only gift he had given his daughter. She had the same tendency to destroy herself, like him.

“That’s correct, and the reason why I want to do this operation.”

“Are you aware of the complications that could appear?”

She ignored her father’s disapproving look.
She ignored Weiss’ alarmed look.
She ignored Vaughn’s concerned look.

Looking Devlin directly in the eyes, she said:
“Yes Sir.”

“Tell me your plan.”


Chapter 23 – Taking a deep breath

“Sydney, you know that you don’t have to do that. There’s always another way”, Vaughn tried for the hundredth time to change her mind. But sometimes she could be so stubborn that she nearly drove him crazy. Watching Sydney striding back and forth between the dresser and her suitcase that lay open on the bed, he sighed deeply. One hour ago, they had gotten the intel that Noah Hicks was currently in Vienna, and the possibility was high that he would meet with Krzystof Kowalski or a member of “Der Widerstand”.

“Vaughn, it’s really sweet that you’re so concerned about me, but I’m a big girl. I can care for myself and besides that...” Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear she grinned brightly at him. “Besides that, it will be pure joy to pay this little son of a b**** back for what he has done to me.”

“I don’t know. I have this bad feeling that something will happen.”

“Vaughn”, sighing his name, she stopped in front of him and laid her hand on his arm. “I really appreciate that you want to look after me, but you will have to live with my decision.”
Their gazes connected, and somehow she felt the need to step closer, to step over the line that divided work from more. Shaking her head to suppress the pictures that invaded her mind, she stepped back. It was hard to be close to him and she didn’t know why. First Sydney thought it was just weird living with a man, something she had never experienced before, not even with her father. And suddenly there were fights about forgotten razors and dirty laundry. So normal that it disturbed her and enflamed a inner turmoil.

“Is everything okay Syd?”

Her eyes snapped open by the sound of her nickname and instantly she scolded herself for being so childish. ‘So what, he calls you Syd. Many people have called you that.’
Noticing that he wanted to come closer, she presented him with a false smile and stepped out of his reach.
“Yeah everything is fine.”

“You seem tired.” And there was the concerned look once again, she thought with a sad smile. Why was the only person who really cared for her a stranger? How weird could her life be?

“I have problems to sleep through”, she admitted while massaging her temple. She didn’t tell him about the headache that had been killing her for a week. Why should she? He wasn’t her doctor, her friend or her boss. He was just a coworker. And if she could persuade herself of this often enough, then maybe one day she would believe it.

“Really? What kind of problems?”

“Oh, just...” Closing her eyes, instantly the pictures of her last dreams invaded her mind.

Hands wandering over her body.
Smooth skin touching hers.
Lips claiming her as his.
Her body and mind willing.
And always her name floating over his lips.

“... nightmares.”
Blushing profusely because of her thoughts, she gazed at him and saw him frowning deeply.
“I sound like a child right?” Slapping him on his shoulder, a completely harmless touch, she joked: “Okay, I’m finished with packing. And you should begin to do something. Your bag won’t pack from itself.”

The corner of his mouth turned up slightly, as he lifted his eyes to meet her gaze and he softly responded. “Yes Ma’am.”

“Well, joke about me. I have the time to enjoy a cup of coffee before we fly. So excuse me.”
Gathering a few things up, Sydney sauntered past him towards the kitchenette, brushing against him by accident as she went.

Surprised, Vaughn watched her for a moment before calling out:
“Syd”, he started, but stopped to clear his throat as he heard his voice squeak. The things this woman could do to him.

“Yes?”, she asked innocently and he wondered if this had been really just an accident and he was only overreacting.

“I just wanted to ask you if I could have a cup too.”


And with that, she was out of sight. Groaning, Vaughn packed his few belongings in the sport bag while thinking back to the conversation he and Weiss had only hours ago.

“Devlin said you two work well together”, Weiss breathed, while he jogged next to Vaughn.

“Yes, I heard that Weiss. I was in there too. You know the one standing at the end of the table who babbled something about the investigation we are currently leading”, he joked while increasing the speed. Maybe if he ran faster, then Weiss would be too busy to ask him more stupid questions.

“I think that you work well together too.”

Frowning deeply, Vaughn slurred a quick,“Thanks”, before he stopped abruptly.
“What’s going on?”, his suspicion only raised when he saw Weiss’ face. He had this certain “Damn”-look, as when he had been caught with the hand in the cookie jar.

“ have this harmony. That’s rare. Like Ying and Yang.”

“We are certainly not like Yin and Yang.” After taking a deep gulp of fresh water, he added: “We fight most of the time.”

“Yeah, but that’s based on harmony.”

“Sometimes I think you’re crazy.”

“And you know what they say: The harder the fight, the better the sex”, Weiss ended with a big grin plastered all over his face.

Shaking his head, not only to show his disapproval, but also to suppress the images Weiss’ comment had brought to the surface, he told his friend in a earnest voice:
“I’ll just ignore your last sentence. There’s nothing between me and Syd.”

“Ah, Syd. The use of nicknames shows intimacy.”

Beginning to run again as fast as he could, Vaughn hoped that Weiss wouldn’t try to follow him. But well, that had been a false assumption.
Weiss breathed deeply as he struggled to keep up with his friend’s quick pace, while dodging a few people who crossed his way with the bike.

“Have you read too many psychological-books in the last few days?”, Vaughn yelled when he heard Weiss shouting to wait for him.

“Me? Never. Everyone knows that. Sydney Bristow looks great, is smart, lives with you and everyone believes that she is dead. Even you have a chance to get her.”

“Sometimes you have the empathy of an ice-block. Sure does she look good, beautiful by the way and she is very smart, but believe me, Sydney isn’t on the search for a new relationship.”

“And you?”

He hesitated a moment before answering. “Me neither. The relationship with Alice was hard enough. And as much as I like Sydney, she has a very haunting past. I’m not sure if I want to be part of her process to work it up. For now it’s better to be just connected in a professional way.”

“That’s why you watched over her during the entire time she was at the hospital? Only Jack banished you.” Taking a deep breath, Weiss ignored the stabbing pain in his right side. “Mike, I know you and something has changed you. For the better, that’s no question, but you should be careful. Sydney may be a wonderful woman, but the next mission could be especially challenging for both of you.”

Slowing down his pace, Vaughn stopped and went to a bank that stood nearby. After stretching a bit, he sat down and sighed deeply. “Nothing will happen Weiss. I’m trained to react rationally.”

“If you say so, buddy.” Raising his hands palm upwards in a gesture of surrender, Weiss plopped down next to him, head hung down between his knees. He stayed in this position until his friend held a water bottle in front of his face. Grabbing it, Weiss drank like he had wandered through the Sahara for the last few hours. After pouring a bit of the cold liquid over his red and heated cheeks, he turned to Vaughn, who had been awfully quiet the whole time.

“I just know that women who are amazing like Sydney are often the downfall of men. And I don’t want to see you getting hurt”, he said softly.

Instead of seeing his buddy furious, or sad, or angry, Michael turned with a smile and tried to calm him. “Stop worrying so much. Like I said, Sydney and I are only colleagues. Not less, not more.”

He had lied. To his best friend. Without even batting an eyelash.
Sometimes he wondered if Sydney had changed him. Not her as a person, but the destiny that was connected with her. The aura that was definitely hers, dark and with a touch of self-destruction, but so loveable at the same time. He felt the need to rescue her and the worst was, she didn’t want to be rescued. She could kill a man just with the touch of her hand. That fascinated, disturbed, attracted, repulsed him. Weiss had been right. She was a woman with a dazzling smile and a beauty that was so natural that it was extraordinary.

Placing the last few items in his bag, he smelled the delicious aroma of fresh coffee. Following the scent into the living-room, he saw Sydney sitting cross-legged on the couch and reading “Pride and Prejudice”.

“Jane Austen? You like it?”, he asked casually, while searching for a mug.

“I’m a girl. Every girl likes Austen and her stories. They are too perfect to be true.” Noticing Vaughn searching, she added: “Your coffee’s here”, gesturing to the small steaming cup on the desk in front of her.

“Half coffee, half milk with two pieces of sugar?”, he asked bewildered, after taking a sip.

“Oh Gosh was that wrong? I remembered that you told me you like your coffee like that.”

“No, I never did, but thanks anyway. It’s my favorite.”

“Not very manly.”

“You know, that it’s not a very male way to drink coffee.”
“Yeah? And how do you drink it?”
“Black, it’s better for the beauty,”, she replied and leaned against the counter, with her own cup in her hand.

Shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath Vaughn dared to ask:
“And you like it black?”

“Yes, black is better for beauty.” Smiling, she took a gulp of the hot liquid and enjoyed the warm feeling that rose inside of her.

“Better for the beauty”, Vaughn mumbled underneath his breath, wondering what had happened. Had he really had a dejá-vú? In the middle of this torn and dirty flat? Frowning deeply, he decided to just ignore it.

“Than you have drunk a lot of black coffee in the past”, he said after a small pause while his eyes swept over her body. Chestnut tresses swept up in a simple ponytail, cheeks flushed, lips full and glossy, the white tank top revealing centimeters of her bare stomach, it was hard for him to drag his gaze away from her.
That caught her by surprise and she let the book accidentally fall down onto the ground. “Damn”, she cursed silently, leaning down and grabbing the leather bound edition with her trembling fingers.
Placing it next to her on the couch, she dared to let her eyes meet his and there was something that she could only describe as a heated stare. Well, well, Michael Vaughn is flirting with me, she thought with a big smile and blushed.

“Thanks”, she mumbled shyly and saw how the smile on his face only grew wider.

Sitting down next to her, hands resting next to his body, Vaughn’s gaze was fixed on the wall in front of him. He could feel that this was the right time. He just needed to spring over his own shadow. It was false to raise the hope that they would begin something now, but was it bad to give them the hope for a future?

“Maybe, when all of this is over....when we’ve won....then...” Bringing one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, he seemed to wait for the right words to come. “...then we could go to dinner.”

His breath hitched when a added a small: “Together.” And she couldn’t stop herself from grinning like a fool. Hesitating a moment, she took a deep breath before she let her fingers interweave with his. Looking down at their joined hands she answered his question.


And this time, she didn’t need to look at him to know that he smiled.


Chapter 24 – Mission: Self-destruction
“Mountaineer in position”, Sydney mumbled into her comms and waited for the elevator to stop. Watching the numbers changing with each storey, she fumbled nervously with a loose twine of her dress. Finally a loud ping could be heard before the doors slid open to reveal the first floor of the finest hotel in Vienna. Her steps long and graceful, it lasted only a minute before she reached the wide doors of the restaurant. The head-waiter greeted her with an honest smile before opening his leather bound reservation book.
The torn but crisp white pages were rustling loudly while he searched for the right entry. Soon his clean shaven face was darkened with a trace of panic. Looking up to see Sydney’s impatient gaze shifting from him to the big book, he shot her a nervous smile.


”The mission should be easy, but we have to stick to the plan”, Vaughn said with a calm voice, but she could see how his forehead wrinkled when he shot a glance at the photo of Noah Hicks. Ignoring his uneasiness, Sydney asked right away:

“What’s my alias?”

Looking down at his notes, which he knew by heart, Vaughn tried to suppress his worry. “You’re going in as Agnieszka Danielczyk, the daughter of a polish actor. Your room is booked and we took care that everyone, from the poorest waiter to the hotel manager, knows how important you are.”

Presenting him with a dazzling smile Sydney joked lightly: “Ah, I am a VIP.”

And he could not resist sharing her lightened mood, before nodding with a laugh. “Completely right.”


“Gibt es ein Problem?” (Is there a problem?), Sydney asked with a thick polish accent, before she continued to play with her sparkling pearl necklace.

“Nein Fräulein Danielczyk. Anscheinend hat einer der Angestellten vergessen Ihre Reservierung einzutragen. Aber das ist überhaupt kein Problem. Sie werden natürlich den besten Tisch des Hauses bekommen. Bitte folgen Sie mir.” (No Miss Danielczyk. It seems that one of the employees has forgotten to write down your reservation. But that’s no problem. Of course you will get the best table in our house. Please follow me.) Gesturing her to follow him, the waiter walked slowly through all the freshly laid tables until they reached one in the right corner with a wonderful sight of the Viennese city.
Sighing contentedly, she smiled when the waiter withdrew the chair so that she could sit down.

“Dankeschön Oskar.” (Thank you Oscar), she breathed while unfolding the burgundy red fabric-napkin and placed it on her lap. With a bored gesture, she opened her small purse to pull out fifty Euro, which she laid on the table.

“Das ist nicht notwendig Fräulein.” (That’s not necessary, Mademoiselle.), he declined politely, his hands crossed behind his back.

Sending him a warning look, Sydney sat up straighter and her eyes burned like fire.
“Ich bestehe darauf.”(I insist upon it.), she emphasized her words and watched with a genuine smile when the waiter folded the money slowly and shoved it in his pocket.

“Und nun gehen Sie zu dem Mann von Tisch 17 und bitten ihn mir Gesellschaft zu leisten.” (And now go to the man at table number 17 and ask him to keep me company.) With a wicked smile, she turned around and showed the surprised waiter which table she meant. She had felt him from the second she had stepped into the room. His presence burned her soul and blinded her eyes, something that wasn’t very advantageous in a situation like hers.

Soon the waiter had spotted her aim and nodded fiercely. “Natürlich gnädiges Fräulein. Wollen Sie bereits etwas zu trinken bestellen?” (Sure Mademoiselle. Do you want to order something to drink?)

“Ein Glas weißer Lambrusco bitte.” (One glass of white Lambrusco please.), she answered the question he surely had asked a million times, and was relieved when he made a small bow and went into Noah’s direction. Turning back to the table so that he wouldn’t get a chance to see her face, she took a deep breath. Her icy hand placed on her burning cheeks, she hoped sincerely that he wouldn’t be suspicious. It’s not everyday that your dead girlfriend comes back.

“Fräulein?” (Mademoiselle?), the thin voice of her waiter interrupted her thoughts and she leaned back slightly so that he could serve her the wine.

“Er wird sofort kommen.” (He will come soon.)
When he got no answer, he bent down lightly and added, a trace of conspiracy darkening his courteous question:
“Wünschen Sie vielleicht, dass wir einen Paravan aufbauen?” (Do you wish that we build up the paravan?)

“Nein, mein Gespräch ist rein geschäftlich.” (No, my conversation is only concerning business) And with her crisp answer and a bit too unfriendly look, Oscar was away and she sipped at the cool wine. It tasted delicious, she must admit, even when she normally preferred red wine. Enjoying the last few seconds before the storm, she glanced up and could see one of the agents pretending to read the menu, while observing her and the surroundings.


“You’ll be connected with us through comms, which will be hided in your jewelry. Thanks to our tech-guys I think you’ll like them.”
Taking a blue velvet box out of his jacket, Vaughn snapped it open and smiled when he saw Sydney’s eyes grow wide. Taking the earrings out of the box, she laid them on her palm and noticed the fragile beauty of the sparkling cream-colored pearls which shimmered in a soft rosé.

“They’re beautiful”, she breathed when she brushed with her thumb over the small diamonds that decorated the drop-like silver-plate at which the pearl hung. Surely they were fake, but the earrings looked so perfect, like they were made for her.
She never observed the pair of men behind her. And she never heard Weiss’ question: “Will you tell her that you made them?”



‘Oh my’, she thought with rolling eyes and pressed her left pearl earring. Instantly, she could hear the heavy breathing of Weiss and a small smile crept on her face.
Taking a sip of the golden wine, she brought the napkin to her mouth and dabbed her lips lightly with the cloth.

“Base, I think you should tell Firearm that he is little bit too conspicuous.”, she whispered.

“Copy that Mountaineer.”, Weiss answered coolly, before she heard him shouting to another Agent:

“Hey, tell Craig that he holds his menu upside down. He is CIA-agent and not a D-actor filming the fourth part of “the Godfather”.”

This voice.
It sent shivers down her spine. Taking a deep breath she turned around and was faced by her former partner and lover.

“Noah”, she greeted him politely, and noticed how sweat trickled down his forehead. He was nervous. Well, he should be, after all the things he had done to her. “Please sit down.” She gestured to the seat across of her and waited until he was seated, before she waved to one of the waiters to bring them fresh water.

After a few minutes of speechless staring Noah’s face broke into a smile.
“You are alive. How? Where were you all the time? I can’t believe it. What did you tell them? Does Sloane know?” He asked her endless questions, and for each of them she had a nice answer prepared.

“Slow down Noah. And stop calling me Sydney. I’m here under an alias.”

This surprised him. Leaning forward on the table, his eyes swept over her taking in the white dress that clung to her curves and the hair that was shielding her face. All of this could be facade, a play to trick him into telling some secrets. Noah Hicks was probably a bit too proud and complacent, but his instinct of self-preservation was, like his work, extraordinary. He understood his life, this life and the dangers that were connected with it far better than Sydney. But seeing her in front of him did something to him that was disturbing for his ego. He was relieved. And with one look into her eyes, he knew that this was no double, that she was the real Sydney Bristow. “You’re back in the business?”

“Not really. I wanted to see you.”

It would have been so easy to be defeated by her charms, by her bright smile. But his instinct told him to ask her more, to know what she had done.
“Tell me....everything. How did you escape? I thought they caught, tortured and killed you.” His face contorted in a mask of horror, as if he really cared about her, but Sydney did everything to resist her urge to kill him right here and now. He had left her there, he hadn’t erased the video, and he hadn’t told her that the guards came. But instead of telling him that she knew about his guilty part in this never ending story, she plastered a sad smile on her face.

“I escaped during the drive to their central office. I don’t know how, but it seems that the van driver lost his way from the street and collided with another car. The others were dead, but I could flee. I went into hiding.”

“Why didn’t you come back to me?”

She could clearly hear Vaughn’s sharp intake of breath.

“Because I realized that this life is nothing for me. Sure I love the danger and excitement, but I don’t want to die because of it.” Crossing her legs, the dress revealing more skin of her slender legs she added: “I decided to stay away from all this spy felgercarb and to begin a new life.”

“A new life? Where?”

“It’s a small island next to Ibiza. It’s beautiful, I’m sure you would like it.” She broke in a grin and started to tell him everything about the little and domestic home she had build there. A few minutes later a stunned but nerved Noah held his hand up to stop her enthusiastic description.

“Sydney, stop it. Why are you here when you want everyone to believe that you are dead?”

“Because I want you to live with me. Noah, during these few months I’ve realized that I want you to live with me. I love you and I want you to come with me” She pleaded him, her eyes searching his.
And now the deep and even breathing of Vaughn had stopped. And she didn’t know if it was because of the operation or because of her words.


“It’s our plan that you’ll make him believe that there’ll be a future for you both. Make him believe you, make him...”, he hesitated a moment before adding: “ you.”
Silence lay heavy on their hearts as they tried to hide their disturbed thoughts from one another.
“That should be no problem.”


“I haven’t expected something like this”, Noah answered nervously, beginning to play with his sleeve.

“I know, I know. But, well, I am like I am. I don’t want you to say goodbye to the spy life, but I think we could work together.”

That stopped him in his movements. “I thought you don’t want to keep fighting.”

“With you, I would fight forever.”

He was clearly in thoughts and Sydney thought this had been too corny, that he would realize that this couldn’t be the real Sydney Bristow. That this was a play with a script and a director and comms. But when he spoke, her eyes went big because of surprise and this time she hadn’t to act. “It would be a lie if I said that I have never thought of being on my own, doing my own business. And with you by my side it’s much more appealing.”

“What hinders you then?”

“Work. Sloane has given me this big operation and I can’t go now.”

And this was her chance. Leaning more forward she insisted on helping him. “Let me help you. The sooner you are finished, the sooner we could fly away. Noah, I want us to be together. These months were the pure torture.”

“They were for me too Sydney. I thought you were dead. I grieved for you, we even held a funeral.”

“What an idiot” She could hear Weiss’ harsh comment, and this time it took all of her strength not to laugh. Because of Weiss’ comment, and because of Noah’s blank lies. But now wasn’t the time for revenge, so she did her best to sound heartbroken and even managed a few tears to roll down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry Noah. I should have come sooner.”

“Maybe you should have. But we can’t turn back time.”

“What is this mission about?”, she asked, trying to get them to the topic.

“You know that I can’t tell you.”

“I could help you Noah.”

“Not with this. It’s dangerous”, he insisted with a sharp voice.

Laughing at him, she answered: “Perfect for me then.”

“Sydney, I’ve lost you once, I won’t repeat my mistake.”


“Our top priority is to get the information about the list and Sloane’s connections. Hopefully, he will tell you everything.” Vaughn sighed and shared a look with Weiss. They knew that Sydney would probably have problems.

“But what if he doesn’t tell me? What if I can’t make him believe me?” She voiced their thoughts from the bathroom and slipped the dress on. It was short, but elegant; revealing, but not slutty; innocent, but perfect for seducing men. Hands on her back she tried to zip it while listening to Weiss.

“Then we need a copy of the hard drive on his notebook. All the information should be stored there”, he said, placing his hands on the table.
Storming out of the bathroom, Sydney didn’t even notice the looks of admiration from the men, not even the short but hungry glance from Vaughn. Instead she shook her head, locks falling freely over shoulder.

“He always has an igniting apparatus with him, which is connected with his notebook. It’s around his wrist. Once he told me that it’s for the worst case scenario. If someone catches him, he won’t hesitate to push the button and all the information would be erased”, she explained.

“That’s a problem. We could capture him and....”

Stopping Weiss mid-sentence, her voice was laced with worry: “He won’t talk. If I know one thing about Noah Hicks it’s that he isn’t afraid about some CIA Agents wanting to kick his ass. He would rather die then tell you his secrets.”

“Then you need to get to his room and plant a copying-device on his notebook without him noticing.”
It took her only a minute to see the sweat trickling down Weiss’ forehead. “How long will this last?”, she asked cautiously.

“That’s our problem. You’ll need 47 minutes.”

Sharing an alarmed look, neither Syd nor Vaughn vocalized their thoughts and fears. Alone with Noah Hicks in one room wasn’t what she needed or he wanted.

“But we will stay in contact with you. Nothing can happen.”

“Sure”, she said, but her body language betrayed her.


“Sydney.” Taking her hands in his, Noah looked her deep into her eyes. “What if we continue our conversation in my room? It will be much more personal and we could talk freely.”

A short nod was her only answer when she felt him pulling at her hands. Standing up, eyes hard and emotionless, she only wondered how this would end. How she would end.


Pacing up and down the room, Vaughn cleverly hid his emotions, his face a mask, but his eyes spoke a different language. After minutes of observing his friends consistent worried sighs, Weiss interrupted him fiercely. “What is it Vaughn?”

“Nothing”, came the sharp answer from the other side of the room.

“Sure, nothing.” Sensing his friend’s uneasiness, he added a reassuring. “We won’t lose her.”
In that moment, they could hear one of the comms being turned on and a deep voice reporting them: “Base, rattlesnake lost visual on mountaineer.”

Storming back to his place next to Weiss, Vaughn’s eyes swept over the many monitors that were showing the hotel’s life and searched for the brunette woman and her tall companion, with no success.

“How could this happen?”, he could hear Weiss’ harsh question.

“I’m sorry Base, but a large group of tourists arrived and cut my way. They were away before I could fight my way through the crowd.”

“Okay, what’s with the other? Has anyone got a visual on mountaineer?” Glancing at Vaughn, he could see his best friend’s eyes glued to the monitors. But it was nearly impossible to find her now.

“Negative Base”, was the answer from all their Agents.

“I have her”, Vaughn exclaimed, anxious. “She and Hicks are in lift number three.”

“Okay. Base to team. Mountaineer and her companion are in elevator number three.”

“Copy that Base. We’ll take the steps.”

Breathing out, Weiss was happy that they knew Sydney’s path. Sitting down next to Vaughn, he observed the scene in the small elevator, but cocked an eyebrow when Noah took something out from his pockets.

“What’s that?” Before Vaughn had a chance to answer his question, the screen went blank and they had lost her again.
Surprised, Weiss hit the monitor a few times, but the picture of elevator number three was lost.
“Damn, that lousy bastard has cut the cables from the camera.” His tight fist hit the metallic table and even this pain couldn’t cover his frustration. He had promised her that nothing would happen; he had promised himself that he would look after her. And now this.

“Slow down Vaughn. You’re overreacting”, Weiss soothed him, and waited a moment before adding:

“We just ask her and that’s it.”
Staring at his friend, Vaughn did his best not to lean forward and kiss him. Why had he forgotten that they were connected through comms? How could he lose his nerves that easily? This wasn’t good. No, it was a disaster. These were mistakes a freshman on the farm could make, but not an experienced Agent.

“You are right. I’m sorry. It’s just....”

Giving his buddy a friendly slap on the shoulder, Weiss understood perfectly what happened. Maybe even better than Vaughn himself.
“I know. It is.”


“Oh I‘ve missed you so much Syd.” Before they could even enter the small but exclusive apartment, Sydney felt his lips on hers and his tongue invading her mouth.
It took all of her willpower not to bite down on it and taste his blood. Instead she took a minute before slowing down their heated duel.
Making a step backwards, her back touching the wall, she tried to keep him under control. “Uh, give me a moment Noah.” But she knew him too well. And Noah was far away from being a gentle lover. If he wanted something, he would get it. And she didn’t like that in this moment, she was the centre of his desire.

“Since when do you need a moment Syd?” Grinning at her like a wild animal before attacking his prey, his hands encircled her waist and slowly wandered higher until he began to open her dress.

Pressing a chaste kiss on his lips, she freed herself from his violent grasp and pushed him away playfully. But her joyful laughter was hollow and an act. “First I would like something to drink”, she demanded, hoping that he would slow down himself. He hadn’t seen her for months and now the first thing he wanted was a heated reunion.

Sending her a disapproving look, he went over to the mini-bar in the adjoining room and asked ambiguously: “Okay, what do you want my love?”
Probably not you, she thought, unnerved, and stormed over to the notebook that laid on the top of a drawer. Inspecting it professionally, she cursed inwardly. There was no way she could take the hard drive with her.
Opening the channel of her comms to Vaughn and Weiss, she heard loud and worried shouting on the other line.

“Vaughn?”, she whispered, surprised, not sure what to think about this situation.

“Syd?” Her name came out as a heavy breath. “Why have you shut off your comms? How can we stay in contact when you decide to cut the transcription?”

“Stop it”, she replied harshly, glancing over her shoulder. “I have turned off the comms, because he could have heard you, while he was busy with my neck. Haven’t you never considered that your loud, and Weiss’ shrill voice out of my ear could make him raise his suspicion?”

“Is a tequila good?”, Noah startled her, while she heard him rummaging through the different bottles filled with alcoholic liquids.

“Oh I need something harder”, she whispered underneath her breath to herself.

“What did you say?”

Searching though her small purse, she took the flat and black device out of it and crouched down in front of the notebook. “Tequila would be perfect.” Shouting to her former lover, she planted the device on the underside of the computer and waited for the blinking red light to change into a constant green.

“I’ve planted the device. Data transmission about to begin...” Red. Red. Red. Green “”, she finished happily, standing up and walking far away from Noah’s notebook, so he won’t get suspicious.

“Okay, now get out”, Vaughn’s stern voice was heard, and she bit her tongue trying not to yell at him.

“I won’t go Vaughn. It’s our plan that I will stay here until the transmission is finished and I can take the device with me. He can’t suspect that something isn’t right and that would happen when he finds the device.”

“Forget the plan and go.”

The next few words were broken and indistinct as she could hear Vaughn and Weiss arguing about how they would continue this mission. She couldn’t let Vaughn destroyed her plans. This here was more important than the whole plan, his wishes and her life. Even more important then them. If this would cost her life, than at least it would cost Sloane and Noah their triumph. Vaughn had no clue about the situation she was in, what her deepest wish of revenge had done to her. Sometimes it bothered her that life seemed to consist of revenge and the need for blood on her hands. Then she asked herself if she could live with blood dropping from her fingers, even if it was only dirty blood.

“Sydney, we’ve decided that you will abort this mission and come back to us.”

“Forget it Vaughn”, she spat out and turned her comms off.

He wouldn’t take this chance away from her.
Even if she had to make sacrifices for it.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to breathe in all the strength she could get. Looking at her watch, the numbers showed her that 40 minutes were left.

“Honey, I’m back.” She hadn’t even heard him approaching. Taking the tequila out of his waiting hands, she gulped it down and waited for the alcohol to lighten her mood. She would need this. She would need it for the minutes before, during and after what she would do. But it never came. She probably deserved to live through it with a clear mind.
She tried to ignore the aching in her chest, together with all the emotions that tortured her mind with doubts. This was her job. And it was her duty to finish it. She served her country. This time it would be another way that would lead to her goal. And she would live on after was over. Sighing deeply, she didn’t listen to Noah’s voice as he told her all the nice and fitting phrases. He wanted her. It was simple and destroying. So she just let herself fall into her own abyss.

Hands in her hair, mouth ravishing hers, she couldn’t breathe anymore. For one second she thought about punching her fist in his smug face and killing him with her bare hands. She could smell the fresh blood, could taste it on her lips and felt it slipping through her fingers. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself trapped under his body, her dress somewhere down on the ground and his hands rummaging over body. Not gentle and loving, but with a strength that frightened her.
And when he touched her most intimate spot, her heart cried because her eyes weren’t allowed to. Her screams weren’t of joy and lust, but of pure terror. He didn’t realize it.
He penetrated her over and over again. Hard and painful, but he could never see the wounds he marked her with. Because she closed her eyes and prohibited him from catching a glance at her soul.
She had sold her soul for information, for getting blood on her hands. Well, she wasn’t that innocent anymore, she would only add more blood. And this would be her downfall. Sinking her fingernails into his back, she waited until she could see a thin path of blood running over his skin and smiled.


“Vaughn, Scott could open a channel for us. The problem is that she probably won’t hear us.”

“That’s okay. Give me the damn headset.” Grabbing it violently from Weiss’ hands he switched the comms on.



Last bit....

Her eyes snapped open when she heard his low voice.
This couldn’t be.
This shouldn’t be.
oh my god i luv this chap
poor syd
n vaughn is gonna be very gelouse
hope he gets a chance to atleast punch noah
thanks for the pm
i really can't wait for more
luv that syd requested vaughn
wiesss' talks are also very amusing n enjoyable
update soon please

luv Chicketepee :seehearspeak:
“Wait”, she pleaded.

“What is it?”

“Please stay.”

After a moment, he brought one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Why should I? Me, the insignificant Agent?” There was vibration of laughter in his voice, but she knew that he was confused right now. Facing his back, her breath touching the skin of his neck, Sydney stood in front of her greatest fear and enemy. The trust.

“You are the only one I trust.” She hesitated a moment before adding, “I remember.”
Sighing, confused, Vaughn turned around, nearly stumbling over Sydney. They were so close, only a breath separated them. And his body betrayed him once again. Made him feel things that were long forgotten. That he shouldn’t feel right now and for this woman. Closing his eyes to regain some clarity, he asked a simple, “What?”

“The hospital.”
Tears in her eyes, understanding written in his face, they stood still and came without any words to a conclusion.

“Will you stay?”

“So she was right”, Sydney breathed, before walking back to the couch. “You are my guardian angel.”
“So she was right”, Sydney breathed, before walking back to the couch. “You are my guardian angel.”
“That’s why you watched over her during the entire time she was at the hospital? Only Jack banished you.” Taking a deep breath, Weiss ignored the stabbing pain in his right side. “Mike, I know you and something has changed you. For the better, that’s no question, but you should be careful. Sydney may be a wonderful woman, but the next mission could be especially challenging for both of you.”
irony bout what happens later
“That’s why you watched over her during the entire time she was at the hospital? Only Jack banished you.” Taking a deep breath, Weiss ignored the stabbing pain in his right side. “Mike, I know you and something has changed you. For the better, that’s no question, but you should be careful. Sydney may be a wonderful woman, but the next mission could be especially challenging for both of you.”
“That’s why you watched over her during the entire time she was at the hospital? Only Jack banished you.” Taking a deep breath, Weiss ignored the stabbing pain in his right side. “Mike, I know you and something has changed you. For the better, that’s no question, but you should be careful. Sydney may be a wonderful woman, but the next mission could be especially challenging for both of you.”
“That’s why you watched over her during the entire time she was at the hospital? Only Jack banished you.” Taking a deep breath, Weiss ignored the stabbing pain in his right side. “Mike, I know you and something has changed you. For the better, that’s no question, but you should be careful. Sydney may be a wonderful woman, but the next mission could be especially challenging for both of you.”
“Because I realized that this life is nothing for me. Sure I love the danger and excitement, but I don’t want to die because of it.” Crossing her legs, the dress revealing more skin of her slender legs she added: “I decided to stay away from all this spy felgercarb and to begin a new life.”

“A new life? Where?”

“It’s a small island next to Ibiza. It’s beautiful, I’m sure you would like it.” She broke in a grin and started to tell him everything about the little and domestic home she had build there. A few minutes later a stunned but nerved Noah held his hand up to stop her enthusiastic description.

“Sydney, stop it. Why are you here when you want everyone to believe that you are dead?”

“Because I want you to live with me. Noah, during these few months I’ve realized that I want you to live with me. I love you and I want you to come with me” She pleaded him, her eyes searching his.
And now the deep and even breathing of Vaughn had stopped. And she didn’t know if it was because of the operation or because of her words.


“It’s our plan that you’ll make him believe that there’ll be a future for you both. Make him believe you, make him...”, he hesitated a moment before adding: “ you.”
Silence lay heavy on their hearts as they tried to hide their disturbed thoughts from one another.
“That should be no problem.”
ok heres one all the stuff i loved and that are important
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D UPDATE!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


god i dnt know where to begin. hmmm Eric is just awesome!!!!!!!! love the way u write him.

awwwwwwwww vaughn's her guardian angel...loved tht and the whole her getting "nightmares" about him -but culd n e one honestly get nightmares about tht even humanly possible :P

im not liking jack even tho hes trying to be a good dad...hes nasty to vaughn :angry: but i like deviln :D

and noah the S@# O% A B*"~? :P < u kno wot i mean>

i love the way u write sydney and her thoughts etc so emotional, desrptive and true i.e.
She could smell the fresh blood, could taste it on her lips and felt it slipping through her fingers. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself trapped under his body, her dress somewhere down on the ground and his hands rummaging over body. Not gentle and loving, but with a strength that frightened her.
And when he touched her most intimate spot, her heart cried because her eyes weren’t allowed to. Her screams weren’t of joy and lust, but of pure terror. He didn’t realize it.
He penetrated her over and over again. Hard and painful, but he could never see the wounds he marked her with. Because she closed her eyes and prohibited him from catching a glance at her soul.
She had sold her soul for information, for getting blood on her hands. Well, she wasn’t that innocent anymore, she would only add more blood. And this would be her downfall. Sinking her fingernails into his back, she waited until she could see a thin path of blood running over his skin and smiled.
its good stuff :P

but i have to say i dont get the end bit :blink: :blink: can u or n e 1 plz explain !!!!!! i.e.

“Vaughn, Scott could open a channel for us. The problem is that she probably won’t hear us.”

“That’s okay. Give me the damn headset.” Grabbing it violently from Weiss’ hands he switched the comms on.



Last bit....

Her eyes snapped open when she heard his low voice.
This couldn’t be.
This shouldn’t be.

other than tht LOVED LOVED LOVED the update


OO NOO!! What is she doing with Noah!!!!
-She should have listened to Vaughn!!!!
Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!!!
-Thanks for the pm!!
That last bit...oh, gosh...what does that mean???? AHH! I definetly can't wait for you to update this again...

I love this story - it's surely one of my favorites.
Wow. what an update! That definetly makes up for the time we spent anxiously awaiting another great chapter! (y)
“Oh, well, we have a little problem with the space here. You can have a drawer in my bedroom.”
Ah, the of my favorite parts (y) (y)
But I can't believe Sydney went that far with Noah. While reading I had to resist the urge to jump into my computer and shoot the bastard myself...if that were possible...*ponders this*
Anywho..despite the lack of Noah dying, great update, can't wait for more! :read:

ok angel ill explain it to you
so syd is gonna compramise herself to get the info
and vaughn obviously doesnt want her to
he asks weiss to open up the channel
and basically he is able to hear everything that happens
and syd hears his voice and is pissed coz she waas gonna block the whole thing out but she cant now coz its real coz vaughns listened
and she kinda thought OF vaughn the whole ordeal

hope that helped
Yeah, dandan explained it completly right. But angel has made a good point - the last bit of the chapter is missing. I really don't know why, because when I posted it, everything was fine. I will update soon so that you have the chance to read the whole chapter.

Love, Danuta
PS: Thanks for the sweet reviews until now :blush:
Omg, that was awesome update!

What I didnt like was what Syd is willing to do for some info... and that Vaughn is on "line".. That was sad :(