Season One


Title – Season One – Episode One
- Author Kimmers
- Email
- Rating PG/NC17
- Spoilers/Timeline Season one of Alias at the start
- Summary – This is my Very Own Rework of Episode One of season one
- Disclaimer I don’t own any of the charters from the show only ones I made up
- 'Ship (if applicable) SV in parts


Danny stood at a pay phone talking on the phone.

“Are we clear?” questioned Jack.

“Yes we are clear,” stated Danny

“Then I’ll say welcome to the family,” Jack said as he hung up the phone.
He looked up as Michael Vaughn walked into his office.

“Who were you saying welcome to the Family too?” questioned Vaughn.

“Sydney’s Boyfriend he seemed to think that he needed to ask my permission to marry her,” explained Jack.

“I guess that was bound to happen sooner rather than later,” stated Vaughn as he held out a folder to Jack.

“Yes I gather it was,” said Jack as he took the folder.

“There is the report on the Paris assignment if you will excuse me I have something to get done,” stated Vaughn as he walked out of the office.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Sydney and Fran sat in the kitchen talking about telling her father about her getting married.

“He already knows Danny sort of called him before he proposed,” smiled Sydney.

“Well that must have been different, that man cares more about importing airplane parts than anything else,” exclaimed Fran.

“Exporting plane parts that’s what he does but I guess that your right,” Sydney said sadly.

“so does Michael know?” questioned Fran.

“No but If my father knows then I am sure my father will let him know, I tried calling him but they said he was out of town on business.”

“I can’t believe you getting married again,” smiled Fran.

“Yeah lets hope this one doesn’t turn out at bad as the last,” stated Sydney sadly.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn and Weiss sit in a bar across town Weiss is trying to get him to talk about it.

“Eric I don’t want to talk about it ok? I really don’t care about the fact that she’s getting married again doesn’t bother me,” Vaughn says as he sets his glass down smashing it to pieces.

“What ever you say look all I am saying is that, you were married for a long time, this has got to hurt someway.” Eric said.

“It does ok, but I still don’t want to talk about it, you know she made one phone call to me that’s all, and when she couldn’t get me she didn’t try again. Then again maybe she was thinking hey Jack will tell me I don’t need to tell him,” Vaughn stated angrily.

“Buddy go see her talk to her,” said Eric as he watched his friend.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

Vaughn knocks on Sydney’s front door his surprised when someone unfamiliar to him opens it, so he guesses it is Danny.

“Is there something that I can help you with?” questions Danny.

“Not sure is Sydney home?” Vaughn asked as he removed his sunglasses.

“Not right at the moment no, but your welcome to come in if you want to wait she shouldn’t be long,” Danny explained as he moved out of the doorway and allowed Vaughn to enter the house.
As they walked into the lounge a dog ran up to them, Vaughn leaned down to pat him.

“That’s strange he normally doesn’t let stranger near him,” said Danny,

“But then I’m not a stranger am I carter?” Vaughn smiled up at Danny as he stood up the dog licked his hand.

“So um do you work with Sydney at the bank then?” Danny asked.

“No I work with her father, I am Michael Vaughn and your Daniel Hect,” stated Vaughn.

“So your Sydney’s ex Husband?” questioned Danny.

“Yeah among other things,” said Vaughn.

“I have heard Francie mention you but always wondered if I was ever going to meet you, nice to meet you,” said Danny.

“Why would you want to meet me?” asked Vaughn.

“Because if it wasn’t for you letting her go, then it wouldn’t be possible for the two of us to be tougher,” explained Danny.
They shook hands as Sydney walked inside she put the bags down on the counter.

“Michael what are you doing here?” asked Sydney.

“Well, when I got from Paris this afternoon, your father told me you were getting married, I thought that I would come over and offer congratulations” exclaimed Michael.

“Cut the bull Michael and tell me why you’re really here, because as far as I am concered, we have nothing and I mean nothing to talk about,” stated Sydney angrily.
Vaughn reached over and grabbed his briefcase and pulled some documents out and handed them to Sydney.

“What are these Paper’s for?” questioned Sydney.

“Being a banker I am sure that you have seen investment papers, the accountant called me this afternoon and told me that you hadn’t singed them yet, and he needs the signature by the end of the day,” Vaughn explained as he leaned against the counter.

“Look you can keep the money I don’t want any of it,” Sydney said as she trusted the papers at him.

“Syd when we got divorced you agreed to keep signing these papers for the next ten years, so that we could both be a little better off. God Sydney! Just sign the stupid papers so I can get out of here ok?” demanded Vaughn

“Fine, I’ll sign the papers so you can go!,” said Sydney.

“I also made arrangements for you life insurance papers to be taken out of the safety deposit box, They’ll arrive here later today, I’m sure you’ll want to take my name off as beneficiary,” questioned Vaughn.

“I’ll deal with them later,” stated Sydney as signed the papers and handed them back to him.

“Sorry but it doesn’t work like that, the papers are already on their way,” Vaughn said as he shoved the papers in his briefcase and looked towards Danny and extended his hand which Danny shook.

“Daniel I must say I must say that your one lucky guy, you managed to snag the one girl I lost.” He said.

“Thanks I think,” Danny said unsure.

“Sydney just take care of the paper work, don’t leave it for later, I will need to file a copy of it,,” Vaughn stated as he walked out of the house and got into the waiting Limo, Sydney watched from the doorway.

“So that’s was the ex that you never talk about, eh?” questioned Danny.

“Yeah he’s my father’s right hand man,” stated Sydney as she still looked out the front door.

“What were the investments about?,” questioned Danny as Sydney walked into the house and closed the door behind her.

“When we were married, Michael and I made some long-term joint investments that seemed to be a good idea at the time. Then we got a divorce. But a clause in the papers stated that for ten years, the joint investments were to stay active. “ explained Sydney as she put the groceries away.

“so in other words for another three years you’re going to have some major ties to this guy then?” asked Danny.

Moving Towards the counter Sydney watched Danny out of the corner of her eye, “Yeah the intrest from the investments alone paid for this place. I’d have never been able to swing the down payment if it hadn’t been the money the investments brought in.”

Frowning Danny looked at Sydney, “I guess that I will just have to learn to handle this then, it will take some time but I will do it.

~ * ~* ~* ~*

Michael Vaughn walked into a bar and noticed his oldest friend sitting at the bar he walked up and sat down next to him, the bartender handed him a beer.

“Hey old buddy. One of these days, she’s actually going to read those papers and find out the judge added a clause saying she could get out of the joint investments if you both sign an agreement, and she can do it without losing a ton of money.” Laughed Eric.

“To tell you the truth Eric, I think that I brought up the insurance policy to see how secure she felt in here relationship,” explained Michael.

“And what conculsion did you come to old Buffy?” inquired Eric.

“None really, We bought it when she was pregnant with Makaylia, I don’t know why I kept it. I use the money from the investments to pay the premium. She even said, right in front of her fiancé, that she didn’t want to deal with it now!,” explained Michael.

“Maybe it brings back memories that she doesn’t want to deal with,” expressed Eric.


Over the next couple of months, Both Michael and Jack keep a watchful eye over Sydney. They are not surprised when Jack gets called into Sloane’s office, and is told that Sydney has revealed to Danny what she actually does for a living.

Sloane turned facing Jack, “I wanted you to be aware of this before I do anything about it.”

“Sydney knew what the number one rule was when she agreed to join SD-6. She knew what would happen if she ever told anyone what she did and we both know what measures have to be taken. I will make Michael aware of this,” explained Jack

“Jack, as long as she comes in and sees McCullor, nothing will happen to her,” expressed Sloane.

“Yes ofcourse, but we both know Sydney,” Jack said as he walked out.


An Hour later

Michael looked up as Jack walked into his office,

“Do you have any idea when Sydney gets back?” Jack questioned.

Mike: No, I’m not tracking her while she’s out of town on her mission. Why?” he inquired.

“She told Hecht about SD-6. Sloane called me into his office an hour ago to tell me this. He’s already sent Security Section after Hecht. They’ll also be waiting for Sydney when her plane lands” explained Jack.

Standing Michael looked at Jack with fear in his eyes, “There’s got to be something we can do about this, Jack. We can’t let them kill her.”

Jack turned to Michael his own fear of losing Sydney mirrored Michael, “I know. The only thing I can think of is we need to send her somewhere else, far away from here.”

Sydney smiled, at Dixon as the cleared Coustoms, “You know what I am going to catch a cab and head home and surprise Danny,”

Hugging his friend Dixon smiled, “Go ahead and have fun you deserve it,”.
Sydney walks away Dixon heads through the airport where she is meet with men.

“Where’s Bristow?” one questioned.

“She’s probably already in a cab. What’s going on?” asked Dixon.

“Nothing that concerns you Agent Dixon. You can go home.” Another said.


Sydney excited the cab, and walked into Danny’s, she called out for him, she looked around and noticed that the place is trashed.
She dropped her bags to the ground, and searched the house, she finds Danny’s lifeless body in the bathtub, The next thing she knows, everything goes black.


Sydney looked up as Dixon walked into her holding cell, she had spent many hours being questioned, He wrapped his arms around her.

Concerned Dixon asked, “Syd are you ok?”

“How could they just kill him in cold blood?! He’s never done anything wrong to anyone his entire life!” cried Sydney.

“Come on lets get you home, where you can get some sleep,” implored Dixon.

Frowning Sydney looked up as him, “No. Francie and Will are probably their watching for me, I can’t deal with them at the moment.

“Okay. Then where do you want me to take you? I’d take you to my place but I think the kids would ask too many questions. What about your Dad’s?” he asked.

With tears in her eyes Sydney looked up at him, the expression on her face broke Dixon’s heart, “I guess you could take me to my dad’s... or on second thought, could you please take me to Michael’s?”

Michael looked out his window he watched as a car pulled up in front of his house, he picked up his gun and peered through the cutains, as he noticed Dixon helping Sydney out of his car.
He put the gun in a draw and walked towards the front door, he didn’t until right at the moment know exalty what they had put her through.
He rushed to help Dixon taking Sydney into his arms.

Concered he asked, “Dixon, what happened to her?”

“After the trip, she came back and found Danny dead in his bathtub. We’ve been dealing with the police for hours. She was also unconscious when the police found her. “ explained Dixon, hating that he had to lie to a many he had become good friends with over the years.

“You should’ve called me, I would’ve come and gotten her.” Said Mike.

“I just thought it would’ve been better to get her out of there as quick as possible.” expressed Dixon, they both lead Sydney towards the bedroom and laid her on the bed.

“Do you need any more help with her?” asked Dixon.

“Nah. I’ll take it from here. I’ll call you in the morning and tell you how she’s doing.” remarked Michael as he walked to the front door with Dixon.

“Tell her I hope she feels better.” Asserted Dixon.
He walked out of the house, Michael shut the door behind him, then walked over and picked up the phone.

Upon answering Jack asked, “Any news yet?”

Specking into the phone he answered, “Yeah Dixon just dropped her off here, according to him she didn’t want to go back to her place, cause he friends would be their. Jack, I didn’t want her to marry the guy, but never in a million years would I have wanted this to happen. They really did a number on her”.

“Neither did I, Michael. I know you’ve been hurting since you found out about her engagement. Are you sure that…?” started Jack.

“Jack, I can handle this. However, you might just have to handle everything at the office.” Stated Mike.

“Michael, please…” started Jack.

“I’m not going to be letting her out of my sight anytime soon.” He said as he hung up the phone.

~ * ~* ~* *~
Michael walked back into the bedroom, he walked towards a chest of drawers grabbed something then headed to the bathroom for a wash cloth. HE cleaned Sydney up, and changed her into clean clothes, while she slept, he pulled the covers up and then walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

~ * ~* ~* ~* ~*

As he walked back into the room he noticed his cell was ringing he picked it up noticing that it was Jack.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“I’ve told Devlin what’s going on. He says to take your time and Weiss is going to cover your work while you’re on ‘vacation.’ I can cover for your situation at SD-6. “

“Jack… thanks.”

“I love her too, Michael” declared Jack as he hung up the phone.


Michael looked up from his laptop as Sydney walked into the room, he closed it as she sat next to him.

“You seem like you’re feeling a little bit better. The cops sure put you through the ringer, didn’t they?” he questioned.

“Yeah, they did… ummm…. I’m sorry I had Dixon bring me here. I just don’t think I could’ve stood the questions Francie and Will would’ve been asking… and I knew you would just let it slide… And I had to think about why this had to happen, Vaughn…”
Michael smiled in all the years they were married she only called him Vaughn when she was scared or when they made love, he got up and wrapped his arms around her.

“Why did this have to happen to him? I loved him so much…” Sydney started.

“Sydney. I wish there was a way I could take away all your pain, but I don’t know how.”

Sydney abruptly changed the subject, “Thanks for letting me stay here”

“Anytime you want to stay here, you know you’re welcome Syd. Is there anything else you want or need?”

“Is there anything to eat around here? I looked in the kitchen but there wasn’t much.”

“Yeah, I’ve been overseas a lot lately. I wasn’t due back until next week, so my housekeeper didn’t have time to stock the house up yet. I can order something if you want.”

“Do you mind going to the grocery store and getting me something? I just feel like doing something now, and cooking seems like the ideal thing to do.”

“Yeah, sure. It’s about time I had a good home cooked meal…”
He leaned over towards the counter and grabbed his wallet keys and cell and then grabbed her hand and pulled her out with him.

That was great can yoy pm when you update. Thanks

and can i ask are Vaughn and Jack double agents and is Sydney? I didn't get that bit

