OMG Poor spy mommy!! Quick Syd! Nadia! Save mom!! Run!
Heheheh go mom, even tied up shes still got attitude.
More soon!!

The low fog slowed Sydney and Nadia’s progress. River fog was bad some times during the year here in Moscow. Of course, it didn’t last for long and didn’t extend too far in the huge city. The fog hampered their vision and so Sydney dropped her speed.

“Wait!” Nadia cried. “Stop!”

Sydney stepped on the brake. “What?”

“I thought I heard something.”


“Muffled shots…three, but I can’t be sure.” Nadia turned her face toward Sydney. “Mother?”

Sydney started up again. “How far to the warehouse in question.”

“Second on the left.” Nadia had her laptop open.

Sydney peered through the fog. “Hell! Damn it!” She stopped.

Nadia gasped. A figure loomed up in the fog. He staggered into the front left fender and fell. Sydney jumped out of the car, as did Nadia. She was about to bend over the man who suddenly got to his feet and scurried away, although limping.

“Hey, come back,” yelled Sydney, but he already disappeared into the dense wet fog.

“He was shot,” said Nadia. “Let’s move.”

The two young women entered the car and drove another two hundred yards. “Here!” Nadia jumped out. She carried a flashlight and her purse. Sydney locked the car and hurried after her. They entered the warehouse. It was pitch-black. Nadia turned on her flashlight. The beam immediately caught the outline of a SUV.

“Cuvee’s?” Sydney looked inside. No one.

Nadia flashed the light beyond the SUV and saw an open door. “Must be the office,” she said. “Hurry!”

They ran.

“Mom,” called Sydney. “Mom, are you in there?”

No answer. The two entered the outer office and stopped as an ugly smell reached them. Nadia threw the flashlight around and then they saw it. It being a partially eaten body. Grimacing Sydney nearly vomited as she identified what little was left of Gerard Cuvee.

“Cuvee!” She said to Nadia.

“There’s another door.” Nadia turned and opened it. “Mother!” She screamed.

Sydney literally jumped past her sister, who stood stunned in the doorway, her eyes processing what she saw…her mother tied down on a dirty bed…blood everywhere including Irina’s body.

“Get Dad,” yelled Sydney who knelt beside Irina. “Mom! Mom! It’s Sydney!”

Nadia ran to the other side and kneeled. Her eyes took in the wrist handcuffed to the bed. It was bloody and macerated where Irina pulled at it, trying to get loose and then yanking it when she lunged for the gun on Cuvee.

“Sydney.” Irina’s eyes opened. “You got away.”

“Yes, yes!” Sydney reached in her pant pocket and pulled out a switch-blade. “I’m going to cut the rope on your ankles. Nadia, get Dad!”

Nadia took out the cell phone and told Jack where they were and that they found their Mother. “Hurry! She’s hurt!” She snapped the phone shut. “Mom, where’s the key.” She touched the left wrist.

Irina wearily shook her head. “Cuvee had it on him.”

“What happened?” Sydney cried as she sawed through the rope. “I mean, he’s dead!”

“I think heart attack,” Irina said. “Sydney, be careful. I—I don’t have much feeling in my feet.”

“I’ve got to find the key,” said Nadia. She watched Sydney as she cut the rope on first the left and then the right foot. “I have to take the flashlight.”

“Are you sure you…”

“Don’t worry. We’ve got to get the handcuff off.”

Sydney was back at her mother’s side as Nadia took the light away. “Mom, I—I ‘m sorry we didn’t find you earlier, but…” She hesitated saying anything more because she wasn’t sure her father wanted even Irina know how they did. “We searched a lot of warehouses after we found that Cuvee owned a few.”

Irina grimaced as unrestricted blood flow moved freely into her ankles and feet. “Sweethearts, I’m thankful you came.” Her voice was gruff, raspy.

“Found it!” Yelled Nadia from the other room and she ran back with flashlight and key in her hand. She handed the flashlight to Sydney and bent over the cuffed wrist. Inserting the key and turning it, the cuff fell off. “Move your fingers,” ordered Nadia.

Irina just managed to do it, but again she bit her lips. “S—sorry, but shoulder is dislocated.”

“How’d you do that,” cried Sydney.

“Lunging for this,” Irina pulled the Glock from under her and handed it up to Sydney.

“So that’s why the hooligan we ran into was shot!”

“That one was about to rape me…he and his two idiot friends! I could use some water.” She looked at them. She held out the right hand for Sydney to help her sit up.

Nadia pulled out a bottle, uncapped it, and handed it to her mother. “I’ve another.”

Irina said nothing as she drank steadily. She took the other and did the same. “I need a doctor,” she rasped clearing her throat.

Just then, Jack and Grigor burst into the room. Jack took one look at Irina and sat beside her. “My God, Sweetheart, you’re safe.”

“Jack,” she rasped, repeating what she told Sydney, “I—I need a doctor.”

Grigor drove the Mercedes through the streets of Moscow, taking shortcuts when he knew there would be heavy traffic. Sydney and Nadia were following in Jack’s rental. He pulled up to a large unadorned building in the middle of the area where Irina’s home was located, although a mile or so away.

“Here is hospital.” He said, opening the back door. “I go tell them she is coming.”

Jack stared at the building. “Doesn’t look like a hospital,” he said carefully.

“Get me inside, darling, please.” Irina stifled a cry of pain as he bent down and lifted her up into his arms.

Seconds later an orderly ran up pushing a gurney. Jack placed her down on it. Helping the other man, Jack pushed it inside and stopped, staring. He looked dumbfounded, as two doctors and two nurses rushed up. They took over the gurney and pushed it into a room. Jack followed with Grigor a step behind. Nadia and Sydney ran up to join them.
“Dad, it’s a hospital!” Sydney was surprised as was Nadia. “But—but there’s no name on the building? What—what goes on here?”

Jack shook his head. “I’m not sure. Your mother is in that room right there with two doctors and two nurses.” He looked at Grigor. “Tell me about this, Grigor!”

“It belongs to her. She uses it for her employees and families.”

Sydney and Nadia stared. The building had three floors to it. As they looked around, the first floor seemed to be admitting or check-in. There were two women working behind a large desk. There were a few comfortable chairs scattered in a small waiting area. Nadia went to the desk to talk to the two women. Jack hovered near the closed door, hesitating only seconds, before pushing open the door. He stepped inside.

“Who are you,” snapped one of the doctors. The two nurses had cut off Irina’s clothes. She was nude. There was a terrible bruise on her chest, just under the right breast area. Her left arm lay almost lifeless next to her.

“Her husband!” Jack walked to the gurney and looked down at her, brushing her cheek with his hand. “I am so thankful you are alive.” Then he bent down and kissed her lightly.

“We have to set the dislocation.” One doctor said. “It’s going to be painful, Irushka. We can give you anesthetic if you wish.”

An x-ray technician hurried up with films and put them on a view box. “Here!”

The other doctor looked them over, nodding. “Spasibo.” He looked at Irina. “Anesthetic or none?”

“Nyet, just do it!”

Before she could say anything more, the doctor snapped the upper arm back into the shoulder joint. She yelled and swore, causing one of the nurses to blush. Irina was an accomplished linguist, especially when it came to some rather colorful words. Jack gripped her right hand.

“We’d like to keep you here a couple of days, Irushka. You need an IV for the dehydration you’ve suffered. Get you cleaned up and take x-rays of both the shoulder and your chest. You said someone kicked you there?”

“Da!” She was trying to stifle tears, still feeling the effects of the shoulder. “I don’t know if he broke anything.”

Further x-rays showed no fracture of the rib cage, but she did have injury to the cartilage between the 7th and 8th ribs on the right. She was moved to a private suite on the second floor. They gave her some soft food when she told them she’d not eating in almost four days.

Jack stayed with her through the night. She sent Nadia and Sydney back to the apartment along with Grigor. Irina agreed to a sedative to ease some of the pain and help her sleep. The last four days stressed her out and she fell into a deep sleep holding onto Jack’s hand. As she drifted away, she felt his lips gently caress hers. Her last thought was about him and their life together such as it was.

“Want it to be bet…” she mumbled, drifting off.

Spasibo – Thank you
Da – Yes
Nyet - No

TBC :stretcher: :love:
WOW first! lol
OMG OMG OMG poor spy mommy! but at least shes safe and getting help.
It should probably shock me that irina has a safe hospital set up for herself and her people.... but it doesnt lol. If the alliance had hospitals it makes sense Irina would too.

And isnt jack being the doting husband, wow *sniffles* see he does care.
And Syd and Nadia to the rescue!! go girls!

Love it Lenafan! keep it coming!

Jack and Grigor brought Irina home two days later. She’d been supplied with some pain pills and sleeping medication. The doctor warned her not to be too active. The shoulder needed time to heal. Jack put her down on the sofa. Grigor bid them goodbye at Irina’s insistence that she had all the help she needed with the family here.

Sydney and Nadia were involved in fixing dinner. Jack brought her a cup of tea she wanted. Jack sat down next to her with a glass of scotch. “How do you feel? If you want a short nap before…”

“Jack!” Irina snorted. “I’m not that sick. I’m fine.” She sipped her tea. “Tell me, how did you manage to find me?”

“The girls did! Grigor and I went to find the men who worked for Cuvee. I made them stay home and wait for a call from Marshall who was assisting us. However, while they were waiting for him to call, they hacked into the public works files at Moscow City Hall and learned Cuvee had warehouse properties under that name, not his real one.”

“Yeah and we started with the one closest to the river,” cried Sydney from the kitchen. She and Nadia came into the room. Both girls had a glass of red wine. “We ran into one of the creeps that…” she left it unsaid, then continued, “anyway he picked himself up and Nadia saw…”

“He was wounded,” Nadia continued. “…gunshots wounds. He was frightened.”

“So we entered the first warehouse and found you…” ended Sydney in a massive understatement. Jack smiled. The girls made it sound so plausible.

“What was Marshall doing,” probed Irina. She was well aware of the genius residing in the short man’s body.

“Checking!” Sydney answered, taking a sip of her wine. Just then, the phone rang. Relieved she jumped up and picked it up. “Mom?”

“Go ahead, sweetheart, you can take a message.” She moved in closer to Jack, who put his arm around her.

Sydney answered. “Da?” Her face brightened a little. “Da, we brought her home. Do you want to speak to her?” She listened. “Come to dinner, Aunt Katya. It would be nice to have all the family present.” She hung up. “Do you mind, Mom? She thinks she had some news that would be interesting to us all—about Cuvee.”

An hour later, the four Bristows and Katya were at the table eating dinner. Irina was tired, but she was also interested in what Katya was going to reveal about Cuvee. She wished her sister would get to the news.

“Dinner was great, Sydney!” Jack complimented his daughters. “Nadia, the lamb was delicious. They fix it this way in Argentina?”

“Yes and gracias!” She smiled, accepting her father’s compliment. Finished, she stood to take the empty plates from Sydney and Irina. When she came back, she had another bottle of wine. She filled the glasses as Sydney removed Jack and Katya’s plates.

Sydney sat down, looking at her aunt, “I believe you said you had some news about our kidnapper.”

“Yes, and thank you for the meal. I’m not the best cook in the family I see.” Katya took a drink of the wine. “Yes…it seems Cuvee was up to his neck in some very dangerous spying.”

“What was pig doing,” asked Irina, whose attention was not wholly on Katya. She was aware of Jack’s leg resting against hers. She was experiencing a warm sensual desire and her thoughts were beginning to stray..

“Spying…selling foreign policy secrets.”

“That doesn’t seem possible,” said Irina, straightening up. “How did you find out?”

“Why did he need money,” asked Sydney? “I thought he kidnapped us for money! If he was selling secrets…?”

Jack said nothing, waiting to hear how this played out before saying anything at all. He was aware of Cuvee’s ‘duplicity’, after all he’d planned it with Chase’s blessing.

“SVR received information from an old contact of his that he was suspicious of Cuvee’s motives in rejoining SVR and learned Cuvee had contacted a certain American Embassy official with information.” Katya turned to Jack. “Tell me, do you know a Robert Kenniston?”

“Yes!” Jack answered. “He’s the cultural attaché for the embassy.”

Katya snorted, “Translate that to CIA agent.”

Jack shrugged. “So…?”

“Then you do know him?” She didn’t wait for his answer. “He was passing foreign policy decisions to the CIA and evidently has been doing so for several years.”

“…years?” Irina was surprised. “How did he manage that?”

“We think he had a lover working for our foreign department and she passed it along to him…probably not thinking.”

“Then he passed it to Kenniston?”

“We think so, but Cuvee is dead and we can’t interrogate him. However,” Katya stared at Jack, “we are cancelling Kenniston’s credentials. He’ll be going home tomorrow.”

“You do what you have to do,” said Jack in a flat, disinterested tone. “As I said, I no longer work for the CIA. Your sister and I…” his left hand reached out and held hers, “…have a few things to discuss.”

Katya rolled her eyes, looking at her nieces. “Do you two work for that devious organization still?”

Sydney laughed, “Yes, but we’re on vacation. I swear to you, Aunt Katya, we came to visit Mom and have some prime time with her. Look what happened?” She sighed. “I have to go home tomorrow. Vaughn is awake. We were on our way to Santa Barbara when the accident happened.”

Jack squeezed Irina’s hand, “Sweetheart, your Mother and I wish you the best. Will you allow me to give the bride away?”

“Of course, Dad!” She grinned and then looked at Nadia. “I want you as my Maid of Honor.”

Both Irina and Katya looked distressed. It wouldn’t be possible for either to attend the wedding in the States. Once imprisoned in federal prisons, both were persona non grata. They could never return.

Irina raised her glass. “To you and Mr. Vaughn, Sydney. I told you once that you’d not see me there, but I would see you. I hope you will end your association with the CIA, settle down, and have a family. That was my wish when you were born.”

“—and I join your mother in that wish, Sydney,” said Jack. “I see no reason for you to continue with the Company.”

Irina turned to him with a smile so warm it might have melted him if he were made of ice. “At last, Jack, thank you.” She took his hand in her right and brought it up to her lips, kissing it. “Spasibo. Ti tak velikolEpna!”

“Ti, angel moy, takAya valunUyushaya,” he smiled. “You are so exciting.”

Sydney and Nadia looked at each other. Sydney rolled her eyes, thinking that the parents were one step away from having sex. Nadia laughed. Katya was puzzled, wondering what was going on.

“Ummm, Katya,” Jack started, “do you suppose I could get an extra week on my visa? Irina is going to need some help the next few days.”

She sighed. “Yes, of course. Give me your passport. I’ll arrange it and bring it back to you tomorrow.”

“No hurry.” Jack said, squeezing Irina’s hand. He looked at Sydney who looked a bit discomforted. “When do you think you’ll get married?”

“I’m not sure until I see him and…” She grinned. “Since you’re going to be with Mom for a few days, suppose I call you. Let you both know at once.”

Katya stood up. “Well, I think I go. I’m glad Cuvee is dead. It would be an embarrassment to everyone if the Sentinel was denounced and it was learned he was a former KGB supervisor and worked for SVR the last two years.”

“Sentinel?” Sydney asked. “Was that his name…I mean, call sign?”

“Yes,” answered Katya. “The Sentinel is no longer standing guard at the gates.” She snorted. “Funny, I would never have believed Cuvee had the balls or the intelligence to pull something like this off for so long.”

“Well one never knows,” said Irina. She locked hands with Jack. She started to stand, but Katya stopped her.

“No Rishka, keep your seat. Get some rest. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Sydney and Nadia went over and gave her a hug. Katya put on her long coat and went out the door. They returned and finished clearing off the table. It was obvious they would do the dishes before leaving.

“So Cuvee was a spy,” murmured Irina. “I’m glad he’s dead.”

“Means the end to a spy no one ever suspected.” Jack said. “I wonder if his spying caused any problems for your government. I certainly don’t know what he ‘reported’, but being on the West Coast, I would not be in the loop.”

Irina nodded, “and neither would I. My business dealings are rather important and definitely do not hinge on foreign policy.”

“Speaking of your business…” Jack began. He glanced up and saw Sydney watching them. “What?”

“Nothing! Sorry, well, it’s just that you both look tired. Nadia and I will leave as soon as we finish here. I have to pack and wash out a few things.”

“Surely you are staying, Nadia?” Irina was hoping to spend time with her youngest.

“Of course, I’ll stay until the end of my visa…at least two full days!”

“By the way, Irina, who was the man or woman you had Sydney call?”

“A friend in the Proletariat…!” Irina looked at her eldest, who stared back, smiling.

Sydney turned to Jack, “he told me he would help me find Irina if my own contacts didn’t provide the information. I said I’d get back to him. As it was, we didn’t need help.”

“Thank God,” Jack said. “You both were great.” He stood and helped Irina up, “I think it’s time for bed.”

“Lock the door on your way out,” said Irina.

“Yes, Mom,” said Sydney smiling. “Have fun!”



Spasibo. Ti tak velikolEpna – Thank you. You are wonderful!
Ti, angel moy, takAya valunUyushaya – You, my angel, are so exciting!
Rishka – Irina’s nickname
Awesome work Lenafan, love little family get togethers and you write them wonderfully. And having Katya come to dinner was funny. Hehehehe Loved that Nadias a good cook.

Cant wait for the last chapters and Epilogue, im a little sad all this J/I banter and fun has to end but good things come to an end i suppose. :(

Loved it!!

And all the Russian in it makes it that more interesting.
Cant wait to see what you come up with next. Let me know if you plan on posting a new story, I'll be there in a heart beat!
I love that you use Russian in this story...
I am so glad that Irina is alright and Jack
is staying with her for a while...
I'm assuming Cuvee wasn't the real Sentinel...
Are we gonna find out who is?
Thanks for the pm.
AN: This chapter is definitely R :naughty:

The Understanding

“I have some things to discuss with you,” said Jack, shutting the door behind them.

“Tonight?” She turned around looking into his face. “I am tired and…” she paused her eyes twinkling, “I want a shower. The doctor said I could as long as I had someone…to watch to see I didn’t fall.” She smiled an even broader smile, “I don’t suppose you’d volunteer for that, would you, sweetheart?”

“You’d have to be without the sling,” he said. He leaned slightly forward, taking her chin in his left hand, and kissed her. “I love you, my darling, in spite of your predilection for danger.” He kissed her hard. “I’ll help you.” He swept her off her feet and carried her to the bathroom. “I’ll undress you. You have to take care of that shoulder.”

He put her down and turned on the water in the shower. Her eyes watched him as he removed her blouse. She wore no bra. He folded them on the dressing table stool. She stood still as he carefully peeled off the tight sling, holding her shoulder and arm to her chest. She wasn’t wearing shoes or boots, but had opted for slippers, which she now kicked off and he unzipped her pants, pulling them off. She was wearing a pair of bikini panties. He pulled those down and she stepped out of them.

“God, I love you.” He stood up and pulled her to him. “I never stopped loving you even when I hated you.”

“I know. I never forgot you,” she whispered. She leaned up, putting her right hand on the back of his head, and kissed him. “Take off your clothes, Jack. The shower has always been large enough for the two of us.” She turned, entering the shower.

The water was warming. She usually started with cold as she’d done all her life! She suddenly laughed, remembering that first shower they took together over thirty-three years ago.

They had had sex for the first time since they started dating and for the most part, it had been very satisfactory. Laura told him she was going to take a shower. She ran the cold water first. It was what she did while growing up. Then when he joined her, he left faster than he entered.

“Jesus Christ, Laura, why not warn me?”

She looked at him in surprise. “Jack, I always start with cold. I’ve done it all my life. Besides, I don’t remember asking you to join me.”

“Can I,” he asked, having caught his breath. “Let me wash you.”

She smiled, and changed the cold water to something more comfortable. “Come in, darling.”

That had started their ritual of showering together before or after sex. Sometimes they had sex in the shower, sometimes on the floor before ever reaching the shower, and sometimes afterward. When they were younger, their sex life was exciting and fulfilling. Of course, Irina was using sex to make it easy to spy on her husband. He usually fell asleep afterward and it gave her time to go through his briefcase.

Now, however, it was different…so different. Irina closed her eyes feeling the warm water slosh over her. The years were kind to both of them. Those years after she was extracted were hard, but after the breakup of the USSR, things changed for her. She formed a core of contacts, friends, and ex-KGB agents and the object was to make money. She was wealthy beyond anything she’d dreamed of while living with Jack. Still there was always something missing. Sex to satisfy her needs was just that…there was no one she’d rather be married too than Jack Bristow. She didn’t divorce him. She did not learn until they met at the CIA that they were still legally married. He hadn’t divorced her either.

She remembered thinking about him often during the dark days…the ten years before she left the KGB. She wondered what was happening back ‘home’…the home she lived in for those ten years. Sydney was sixteen. Boje, how often had she thought about Sydney? Irina knew she would one day be extracted and yet, even though she was still a good agent for her country, she wondered what she would feel when they called her home. Then it happened and she felt a sadness deep in her heart that she’d be leaving her little girl. It had been unexpected…the ache.

Sydney was smart, precocious even, and could wrap her father around her little finger. Irina had to be the bad guy, because Jack was too emotionally bonded to her and Sydney grasped that early on during her first year. One thing was good, however, and Irina smiled, he never interfered with discipline.

The door opened and Jack stepped inside. He turned her to him, leaned down, and kissed her on both cheeks. “How about some suds?”

She grinned. “Da!”

He took the bar of soap and washcloth and rubbed them together under the water, soaping it. He began with her back and thighs, gently rubbing the calves down to the ankles, which were still red from rope burns she’d sustained while pulling at them. He moved to her buttocks and lower back. She leaned in against him softly humming as his hands gently moved the washcloth.

Jack turned her around. Water cascaded down her head and face, but her eyes remained closed. Soaping the washcloth, he moved it around her breasts, abdomen and legs. He finished by running it between her legs. Her shoulder and rib cage were washed gently. He would put her back into the sling when he finished. He moved her around so the water cleansed her of the suds that remained. Jack turned off the water and opened the door. She was half-asleep, leaning against him.

“Come Irina. Let me dry you off.”

“Ya tebya lyublyu,” she mumbled, “moya milochka.”

“And I love you too, sweetheart.” He kissed her breasts, one at a time. “You will let me dry you?”

“Da,” she stood still.

He wrapped her in a white fluffy towel, one that quickly absorbed the water left on her body. He moved it softly over her shoulder. He took another smaller towel and dried her hair. Placing the towel on the stool in front of her dressing table, he sat her down. He put the sling on her left arm, holding the shoulder in place. Jack carefully bandaged the left wrist. When he was finished, he carried her to the bed and pulled the coverings over her. He leaned down and kissed her again. She didn’t stir. She was already in a deep sleep.

Jack slipped in beside her; then he pulled her into his arms, holding her and making sure her shoulder was not hurt. He loved the touch of her skin against his. “Ya tebya lyublyu, moya milochka.” His voice was soft almost a murmur. He reached over and turned the lamp off, plunging the room into darkness. He slept.

He woke up with an erection. Irina’s mouth was working on him. She slipped down in the bed until she was next to his penis. She must have worked on him for several minutes, because she now had him deep into her mouth, sucking and sliding her mouth up and down.

He groaned. “My God!” He could not see her in the dark, at least not fully, but he sensed she was looking at him.

“Are you ready, moya milochka, for some serious fuking?” He knew she was smiling.

“Irina, you’ve been hurt?” Nevertheless, his voice was weak, hoping she would not stop.

She threw her left leg over him and took him deep inside. She gasped. It was only a few days ago that they made love, but it seemed like an eternity, at least that’s what she felt…an eternity. So much had happened. His shaft filled her and she felt her heartbeat thumping loud against her chest. Jack reached up, putting his hands on her waist. She knew the drill. She would be the one who controlled the passion and their orgasm.

It was over 35 years since they first fukked and there hadn’t been too many occasions that were unsuccessful. She placed her knees on either side of him and began to ride him, moving up and down on his brick-hard shaft. His hands helped her lifting her one moment…pushing her down hard the next. She gasped and groaned with each successive lift. She braced herself on her right hand, just to feel connected to him.

As she leaned down over him, he reached up with his mouth and took her right breast in it. His mouth moved with sensuous rhythm, sucking the breast and then the nipple. She groaned heavily as he reached under her sling and played with her left breast. She felt the orgasm building deep in her belly. She moved faster. He pulled her down hard, taking her mouth with his, withdrawing his hands from her body, and holding her on each side of her face. His mouth devoured all of it, sucking her tongue, tasting her. His own orgasm was about ready to let go.

“Jesus, Irina,” he mumbled, gasping and pulling away. “I’m…” He felt his penis let go drenching her inside with his jizzum as she leaned back, gasping, and screaming. She held him there as wave after wave of orgasms hit her.

“Jack…?” She kept riding him back, up, down and circling around his shaft.

He groaned as another smaller, but hard orgasm hit. He knew that was all he could expect, but it was more than he thought he would have. Irina did not let him go. Her body, covered with a fine sheen of sweat, bucked as once more she experienced another shockingly strong orgasm.

“Fuk, fuk, fuk,” she cried ending it with a rasping groan. She was about to fall forward, but at the last minute, rolled onto her right side. She closed her eyes shuddering over and over. She held her legs together feeling tightening tingles surge against her clitoris. “Moya boje!” She groaned as her body unleashed sensation after sensation.

Jack rolled over on top of her, taking her mouth in his again. The kiss was long and deep. “You are my fukking super star,” his whisper barely heard.

She opened her eyes as he lifted his mouth from hers. “What did you want to discuss?”


“I just remembered when we came into the bedroom you said you wanted to discuss something with me. It just popped into my head, sweetheart.” She reached up and pulled him to her. She kissed him hard. She loved the taste of him. She held fast, not wanting to let go.

“You’re insatiable,” he said smiling. Straddling her, he reached down to caress her cheek. “It could wait a bit longer.”

She stared up at him, eyes searching his face. There was the tiniest bit of awe in her look that made him wonder.

“What?” He asked.

“Why have you put up with me? Why didn’t you ever divorce me?” She closed her eyes briefly to rid them of tears she was feeling she had. “The things I’ve done…”

“Irina,” he said softly, “there will never be another woman like you. Somehow, to me, divorcing you would be like ending my world. You were my world,” he continued, “you and Sydney. You meant everything to me and to lose you again would have been devastating. So as long as we were married, you were still alive and my wife.”

She searched his face for truth. He took her right hand in his, gently kissing the inside of her palm to her wrist, sucking a little on the mound of Venus. In her current state, her reaction was predictable…she gave a soft moan. He looked at her.

“There are times like this when I don’t understand you.” Her dark eyes searched his face. “I’ve done some terrible things…I…” She looked away. At the beginning it was a job, one she trained for and was more than excellent at according to her teachers, trainers, and supervisors.

“I know,” he sighed, closing his eyes. “I could kill you, but it wouldn’t bring them back. I also know what they did to you, your country, in spite of…your success. If you had been an American, you would have been as good if not better than Sydney is now.”

“Then we’d have never met, my darling…and there would not be…a Sydney…or Nadia.”

“I know.” He rolled over onto his back. He looked at the clock. It was only two in the morning. “We should get some more sleep. Sydney will be leaving soon and I’m sure you want to say goodbye.”

“Yes, of course!” She pulled up the blanket and comforter. “You and Nadia will stay for another week?”

“Yes, I said I would.” He traced her jaw line with his finger. “I kept my promise to the director.”

She sat up, “Director? I thought you said you didn’t work for the CIA?” She sounded distraught.

“She asked to me use my contacts to learn about the Sentinel. They never knew until her predecessor died. I did it as a favor to her.”

“Devlin died?” She was shocked.

“Yes, of a heart attack about three weeks before. I was at his funeral and I was asked to see if I could find out who Sentinel was.”

“Then visiting me wasn’t your priority?” She sounded wary.

“My God, Irina, no. I wanted to see you again. It was important to me and the girls.” He didn’t tell her that bringing the girls was a smokescreen to his attempt to find out who Sentinel was and he never would. “You are the most important person in my life now.”

Her eyes were glistening. She leaned up and kissed him. “Spasibo, Jack!”

“I want us to have a future, Irina.”

She was silent for a minute. “A future as…”

“As a family…as husband and wife…if you will have me.”

“Moya boje, are you sure?”

He leaned back to turn on the lamp on the bed table. Turning back to her, he took her hand in his left. “What about it?”

She searched his face. “We could…it would mean changes.”

“I know, but we don’t have to decide them tonight. As a courtesy, I would return to Langley to tell Chase about Sentinel. I’d have to…” Suddenly, he gripped her hand hard. “Damn it, Irina, how’d you know that Devlin was Sentinel’s contact at Langley?”

“You said so earlier.”

“No, I didn’t!” He stared at her, eyes narrowing. “Son of a bitch…you…you’re Sentinel.” His grip on her right hand and wrist were tightened.

“Nyet! Jack, you’re hurting me.” She tried to pry his fingers loose.

“Why would you…and where did you get that kind of information…” His pressure didn’t lessen as he stared at her, eyes narrowing as he sorted through the scenarios running helter skelter through his mind.

“Jack, let go!” She cried, pulling hard.

“You made a deal, didn’t you?” Jack was guessing, but it was a good one, because Irina glanced away for a second, then back, shaking her head. “Why would Devlin make a deal with you—except your life for it—information that was so intoxicating that he couldn’t resist?” He let go of her wrist and fell back onto his pillow, chuckling.


“Oh don’t deny it. It fits now that I know it was you, not Cuvee!”

“The Sentinel is dead now,” she said.

“Who was your source?”

Irina was silent. No need to tell anyone now…ever, not even Jack. She was safe. Her informant was also safe. The only one who might guess would be Sydney, but as long as Jack didn’t tell his eldest about Sentinel, that information would not be forthcoming.

“I was thinking about us,” she deviated from the subject. Turning on her right side, facing him, she continued, a half-smile on her face. “We could buy a boat…a big one.”


Boje - God
Ya tebya lyublyu - I love you
moya milochka - My darling
moya boje – My God
spasibo - Thanks
I know ive said it before but i have to say it again...... YOU ARE A CREATIVE GENIUS!!!
I love it!! this is fabulous, I dont have a big enough vocabulary to describe how awesome this story is.
I cant wait for the epilgue, and like before if you write another story I would love to get a PM about it! Please!!

Thank you for the hours of entertainment provided by reading this wonderful story.
Loved the update...
Are you gonna tell us who the contact is?
It's somebody Syd knows which means Jakc probably does to.
Thanks for the pm.
Are you gonna tell us who the contact is?
No, however, if you've read ALL my stories, the contact's name is mentioned as a former one time lover, but now a good friend. He was formerly KGB and now is high up in the Russian government.

It's somebody Syd knows which means Jakc probably does to.

Sydney really isn't sure because she's never met the man, so therefore Jack doesn't know either. Sorry fans, but neither really does know.

Which is what makes this all so exciting and interesting and fun to read! Heheheh the suspense!! The fun! the spy family!!
Can i just add that I love that you made Nadia Jack's daughter, seriously, that works so much better for me then her being sloanes *shudders*. Jack Nadia and Irina in the apartment for a week, should be interesting hehehe.

Let me know when your next story is going up! You know I'm a huge fan :D
wow. hahaha, niice.

omg... i know where your icon came from!!!!
that makes me feel special. it's like being in on a secret. hahaha

hopefully you have another fic after this is over?