
Aww!!! :love:
-I'm glad that she is staying with Vaughn and that he was never with anyone else!!
can't wait for more!! Thanks for the pm!!
If Vaughn had been with anyone else, it would be obvious the woman had never been in his bedroom. She wouldn't have wanted pictures of Sydney staring down at her while in bed. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the PM.

Great start!!

Thanks for the pm!!

Keep me on the list!!!

Love Syd & Vaughn tension fics!!

Meant to be, but still apart!!!
I´ve just read the prologue and the first chapter. It sounds really good. Please add me on your pm list. Thanks.
Sounds good and very interesting
curious to know what happened in those two years
I assume from the prologue that she had her memory erased
and before that told Vaughn not to tell her anything.
Have a feeling it's not good whatever it is

PM please
Next chapter. Hope you like it :D!

Chapter 2


Coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast; just because I had been gone for two years didn’t mean I had lost my desire and passion to cook. Vaughn was still asleep. I, of course was awake, being the early riser that I am.

I cracked the egg on the side of the bowl, and watched as the yellow yolk ran down the side. Not wanting it to spill over the side, I quickly started beating the eggs, but stopped when I heard a soft creak of the floorboard from behind me. I turned around over my shoulder to see a very haggard looking Vaughn. His hair was sticking up at an odd angle and his eyes were barely open. He scratched the top of his head.

“What are you doing up, Woman?”

“Breakfast,” I said, turning around and indicating to the mess surrounding his kitchen.

“Yes, I can see that, but why are you doing it now?”

“Because I was awake, so I thought, why not?”

“You’re crazy?”

“Quite possibly,” I said turning back around and tightening my white robe around my slim figure.

He laughed, looking slightly more awake. “Can I help?”

“Um, you can, umm…” Truth was I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but Vaughn wasn’t exactly an expert in the kitchen.

“You don’t want me to touch anything, do you?” he said in shock.

“Well it’s just that—“

“Sydney Bristow, I am offended.”

“I’m sorry. Here you can beat the eggs,” I told him, handing over the egg beater.

“Yah, sure, give the incompetent one the easy job,” he mumbled, grabbing it from my outstretched hand.

I laughed quietly at how ridiculous he was being, and stepped around him so I could flip the pancakes.

Look at us; the domestic couple. Yah, right! I wish. We were a far cry from the domestic couple, no matter how many normal things we did together. We were spies, and I knew that that wasn’t something any normal couple was. I liked this, though. Being with Vaughn in such a home-like setting. It was comforting being with him, waking up to him, eating with him, watching TV with him, going to bed with him; everything was wonderful. Perfect, you could say, but I had given up on perfect a long time ago. I no longer believed in it. At some point in your life something would go wrong, and you would curse yourself for even thinking it would stay like that. I learned that life lesson the hard way, and I wouldn’t make that mistake again. My hopes were no longer up. I wouldn’t let them be…okay, fine, maybe I would, but just a tiny bit.



Having Sydney back with me was probably one of the greatest feelings in the world. Of course, I didn’t expect it to be this soon. I wasn’t supposed to see her for at least another year or so. Knowing she didn’t know what I knew was painful to keep inside. This was something that I desperately wanted to share with her, but it was impossible. Hopefully everything would make sense to me in time. I couldn’t stand not knowing why she was back so soon, but I was going to have to be a little more patient.

I looked over my shoulder to see Sydney flipping the pancakes; a blank stare in her eyes. She was staring off in space. I smiled.

“Syd?” I whispered, attempting to snap her out of her daze. She jumped and smiled.

“What are you thinking about?”

“You know what I don’t even know, probably about how amazing it is to be here,” she told me, smiling over her shoulder, and then focusing her attention back on the pancakes.

I smiled as well, but then realizing that I had somehow managed to ruin the simple task of egg beating I stopped.

“Um, Syd,” I said.

“What did you do?” she asked coming to stand next to me with her hands on her hip.

“How do you know I did something?”

She rolled her eyes. “How do mess up beating eggs?” she asked eyeing the mess of egg yolk running down the sides of the glass bowl. I stepped out of the way to let her fix my mess.

After everything was cooked we set it all on the table and began to eat.
“You do realize we have enough food to feed an extra eight people if we wanted.”

Sydney looked down at all the food she made. “Yah, I guess you’re right. I think I may have gotten a little carried away.”

“Just a little?”

“Maybe a little more than a little,” she said, picking up her fork and eating her scrambled eggs.

It was quite for a moment, but Sydney broke it.

“Hey, when do we have to go back to the CIA? I’m sure they have a lot of questions for me.”

“Well, actually we were supposed to go right after you stepped off the plane, but Dixon agreed to give you a day. I told him it was necessary. He didn’t protest thankfully.”

“I’ll have to thank him when I see him… tomorrow, right?”

“Tomorrow,” I said, confirming her thought.

She nodded her head, and we continued on with our breakfast. By the time we were done we had barely made a dent in the amount of food there still was. “I guess we’ll just have to warp this all up,” Sydney said, grabbing plates of food.

“No, no, I’ll clean up. You go get dressed,” I said, grabbing the plates from her and directing her to my room.

“What clothes?” she said.

“There’re some in my closet.” I said without even thinking

She gave me a confused look. Why did I say that? She didn’t know that I knew she would be coming back. I was supposed to think she had been dead. I wouldn’t just have her clothes under normal circumstances.

“I picked up some clothes when I heard you were coming back,” I lied quickly. Hopefully she wouldn’t see through the lie. She didn’t seem to.

“Oh, all right,” she said, heading into the bedroom.

I sighed with relief. I was going to have to be more careful if I wanted to get away with this. Sydney couldn’t know, no matter what the circumstances came to, like she had told me before.

I began cleaning up the kitchen rapidly. Fifteen minutes later Sydney emerged from my room.

“Wow, you’re really good at picking out clothes for me, Vaughn. These are things I would actually wear and pick out for myself. Maybe you could be my personal shopper,” she said eyeing the black turtle neck and dark jeans she was wearing. “They fit really well, too.”

Too bad she didn’t know she was the one who actually bought them. “They look real good,” I told her.

She nodded. “Anyway, I think I’m going to go out to the grocery store. You have quite the bare fridge, and I really don’t feel like living on left over pizza.”

I laughed. “You want me to come?”

“No, I’ll be fine. I’ll only be gone for a bit,” she said, grabbing my car keys from my outstretched hand.

“See you soon,” she said, quickly kissing my cheek, and running out the door. I went to my bedroom to get dressed and laughed at the neat little pile Sydney had made of her clothes. All of two seconds later she was back.

“Vaughn, you have mail. I’ll leave it on the counter,” she called.

“Kay,” I called back, changing into my clothes. The house was quiet. I quickly threw on jeans and a sweater, and went to inspect my mail. I flipped through the bills and junk mail, enlisting groans from myself. I stopped when I came to a slightly bulkier letter. There was no return address. I opened it curiously. Inside I found just a DVD with a sticky note attached to it saying, “WATCH ME!” I didn’t know if that was exactly the best idea. Who knew what it could be. I was involved with the CIA, and now in my hand I held a DVD telling me to watch it, but I didn’t even know who had sent it. It sounded slightly suspicious to me. I sat down on a chair and inspected it. It looked like a normal DVD. Curiosity got the better of me, and I ended up popping it into my DVD player.

A blank screen was present for a moment. The DVD skipped, and then a very familiar face appeared on the screen. I was shocked into silence. I slid forward on my seat a bit. Sydney’s face stared back at me. She sat there for a moment. She must have been trying to compose herself. She tucked her hair behind her right ear in exact Sydney fashion and took one long, deep breathe.

“Vaughn. Hi,” she began with a slight smile. “I know you must be wondering what’s going on. I’m assuming by this time I have already resurfaced and that I’m back in LA. If I’m in the room tell me to get out! Don’t even let me in the house if you’re watching this.”

I sighed, thankful that I watched this while Sydney was out. Sydney continued on, and I moved closer to the TV.

“Okay, I know you are as confused as ever and you must be wondering why I’m back so early.” She paused. “They know, Vaughn. Well, they don’t know for sure, but they are very suspicious. I’m not going to mention what they know just in case this gets intercepted, but I know you know what I’m talking about, and that’s all that really matters.

You understand how important it is that we keep this secret. I’m not going to take the risk and let the Covenant poke through my brain and find out what happened. They can’t know! You understand. I don’t know what I would do if they ever did found out, so I’m having my memory erased, which you probably all ready know. The covenant is most likely looking for me. Keep a close eye on me, Vaughn. We can’t let them find us. You know what would happen then. Don’t have your memory erased no matter what, though. One of us has to remember what happened. That’s apparent.

We’ve got to take them down. After that we can be happy, and we can forget about this whole life, but before any of that can happen the Covenant has to be eliminated. I don’t know what else I can tell you without risking divulging important information. I’m sorry about all of this. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to follow the plan.”

At this point Sydney became slightly teary eyed.

“I’m so sorry, Vaughn. If anything happens it’s all my fault and I don’t think I would be able to live with that. Keep our secret safe, Vaughn. I love you.”

She whipped her eyes with her sleeve, and shut the camera off with one last longing look.

“Hey, I’m home.”

Quickly I took out the disk, and threw it behind the TV in a rush.

“In here,” I called to Sydney, loving the fact she said she was home

She walked into the room with two armfuls of groceries. She looked like she was about to tip right over. I rushed over to her aid.

“Did you buy the whole store?” I joked.

“I wish,” she said walking into the kitchen and setting the groceries on the kitchen. She immediately started pulling items out of the brown bags. I copied her.

“So, what did you do while I was gone?” she asked, while putting away a box of cereal.

“Nothing important,” I said, turning around to put orange juice in the fridge.