Your first....

What was your first:
Computer? An IBM desktop with Windows 3.1 running at 733
Console? Atari 2600
Mud? Diskworld
RPG? Final Fantasy II, got it for free from Nintendo Power back in the day.
FPS? Doom
RTS? The original C&C
Trading Card Game? I missed out on these for a few years and then in college back in 99 I played MtG and the Marvel VS DC at the same time.
Console? Nintendo
RPG? Dragon Warrior I
FPS? Doom
RTS? Warcraft I
Yeah old school :cool:

Edit: Actually I now seem to remember Wolfenstein as my first FPS.
Computer: I don't know, I was too young to remember.
Console: NES... Ok, well, it was my uncle's, but he was living here and I played it like every day. As for one that was mine, uh... Me and my brother got a Sega Genisis for Christmas one year, so I guess that's it.
Mu*: TFOS Mux. Sort of interesting, but the community's too small. I got into it because I somehow ended up getting a copy of the Teenagers From Outer Space rulebook, which I've since lost.
RPG: Dragon Warrior
FPS: I honestly don't remember the name. I think it was for the Sega Genisis, though. Never been a big fan of the genre...
RTS: I don't remember what it was called, but it had to do with ancient Greece.
Trading Card Game: Magic The Gathering, of course!
Computer? Custom.
Console? (EX: Playstation) NES
Mud? Forgotten the name.
RPG? Mario RPG for NES
FPS? Half-Life
RTS? Age of Empires
Trading Card Game? Magic was the first one I learned, but LOTR was the first I really enjoyed.
What was your first:
Computer? Commodore 64, go go BASIC!!!
Console? Technically the first I played on was an Atari 2600, but the first I owned (like, was mine and stuff) was a Nintendo
Mud? Gemstone III, before DR was on AOL (at least, before I could FIND it there)
RPG? Dungeons and Dragons, Basic Boxed set - red books, blue dice, wax crayon
FPS? Doom
RTS? Warcraft (I'd say SimCity, but you could pause AND do stuff, so no go)
Trading Card Game? Magic The Gathering when Weatherlight was the hot new thing.
Computer - IBM ps2
Consule - Nintendo
Mud - Still haven't played one
RPG - D&D ya way back before this whole AD&D came out
FPS - Wolfenstein
RTS - Age of Empires
Trading card game - Magic
Computer? Tandy Radio Shack Color Computer (TRS-80) BASIC FTW!
Console? Coleco Telstar (PONG, See Pong-Story : Main page for a pic of the Telstar)
Mud? Dunno, but it ran DikuMUD and later, CircleMUD
FPS? Doom
RTS? Stratego Board Game
Trading Card Game? Garbage Pail Kids
Computer = Commodore 64
Console = NES
Mud = I can't remember the name of it, I played for like 2 days and then discovered DragonRealms. Cut to 10 years later and still playing :smiley:
RPG = Dragonrealms, although for pen-and-paper RPGs that would be D&D Basic (thank goodness the days are gone when you bought packages that covered only 3 or 5 levels of game-play.. ugh)
FPS - Wolfenstein. Also the last. I get bad motion-sickness playing anything in 1st person for very long. Even games that only allow you to do a sort of 360 degree pan from one spot make me a bit queasy.
RTS - Warcraft II
Trading Card Game - I own a magic deck, but have never used it. An old room-mate left it behind when he moved. Does Pokemon on the GBA count?

My own category: TBS (Turn-based strategy) - Master of Magic. this is one of my all time favorite games. I still play it to this day. Sure its the buggiest game ever made, but for its time it was WAY ahead of anything else out there, and the bugs are completely avoidable if you pay attention.
Computer - Commodore 64
Console? - Intellivision
Mud? - I can't remember... isn't that terrible?!? It was around 1993.
RPG? - Bard's Tale
FPS? - Doom
RTS? - Command and Conquer
Trading Card Game? - MTG
Computer - C64
Console - Atari 2600
MUD - Gemstone (I think it was Ver 2?)
RPG - D&D Basic
FPS - Hockey game for Atari 2600 (The way my best friend and I played it, it was an FPS, trust had the ability to swing your stick at the other player and knock them down and set them spinning on the ice, stunned. Goal scoring was an afterthought)
RTS - Civilization (if that counts), if not, then C&C

Trading Card game - a silly thing called Nuke, back from my college days in the late 70's.
Computer? Apple ll with 16k the first version
Console? (EX: Playstation)Atari
FPS?Castle Wolfenstein!
Trading Card Game? Nope